Dice server, Play by Forum, Play by Email clarification
Ok, this is not specifically about my past mistakes in the game here, but this is an example of where I, the uneducated, fumbling noob, have found yet another way of screwing things up.
Too set the stage, understand that I've not been feeling particularly well for the past several days, but today my body is telling me, in no uncertain terms, "Old Man, you need to spend a day in bed, wrapped up in a nice, warm, fuzzy blanket, and stop ignoring me when I'm telling you to stop pushing it. When you tried to stay up all day (I work 2nd shift) and rustle up players for A&A, and binge watch episodes of "Burn Notice", I tried to remind you that you are no longer young & healthy by making you doze off in your chair, over and over and over again, all week long, but did you listen to me, NO of course not! You just HAD to play all those games and watch all those videos. Even when I made you unable to think clearly, and misplay you precious games, did you listen? NO! You therefore leave me no choice but to enforce a period of rest and recuperation by making you too stupid to even make/post your game correctly! Give me what I want, or face the consequences!!!" - YOUR BODY
Anyway, when I'm not feeling my best, or really, even that well, I get 'fuzzy brain', and cannot think clearly. And so, I need to shamefacedly admit/ask, is this why things were not working:
I changed the highlighted information, but wanted to know if this is indeed why;
A) The server was sending a previous games opponents/teammates the emails from my recently concluded (and crushingly defeated) attempt to play a game of classic, because I had not cleared out those fields? I was playing AE - PBEM, and never changed those fields info, thinking that, well, I'm not playing by email this time round, so just leave that stuff alone, as this is PBF.
what do I need to do to avoid this in the future? How, exactly, am I supposed to be setting things up, so this doesn't happen again?
As further proof (as if that were needed) of just how 'fuzzy brained' I get when feeling tired/ill, here is the screenshot I should have posted above
This image shows the highlighted part that I meant to show, as it currently still holds my first games opponents/teammates email addy's.So, I goofed yet again, and need to know/ask, what should this screen look like in the future?
@CrazyIvan said in Help with AE game playing as USA, China an AI?!?!:
...I get 'fuzzy brain', and cannot think clearly...
heh heh : ) i call it wet brain, do to the decades of daily alcohol consumption lol
Anyway not very good at it but maybe just backspace out the old info and type in the new ? Idk worth a shot. Glad you got a game in
@beelee Thanks! I've created several PBF games, but the PBEM version is one (the first and only) PBEM game I briefly played, and my teammate and I played the PBF games between us.
ahh I didn't pick up on the pbem. I think the only difference between that and pbf is it's private. Only your opponent will know your secret game winning strategyI think most use pbfm as opposed to pbem, but I'm not very knowledgeable about either process.
I would recommend going big and jumping into some live play on the lobby. Makes you feel a little pressure that way instead of war college peace time action.
Glad you're enjoying triplea.
@CrazyIvan I am not sure if I have understood your problem correctly.
Concerning the Dice Server Section:
Your e-mail address goes to the "To:" box.
Your opponent's email-address goes to the "CC:" box.
The game ID should be the Topic ID of your respective game, so you can identify which dice server mail belongs to which game(thread) when playing by forum.As opponents usually differ from game to game you need to be sure to have always the correct opponent's mail address in that "CC" box. Setting up this correctly is important here, as this information is saved with the savegame. So if you set it up incorrectly, the information will be imported incorrectly when you load the savegame file. You need to correct it manually at least then.
In case you Play by Forum you fill in the section as you did in your screenshot.
In case you Play by Email you leave the Play By Forum settings blank and fill in the Play By Email settings instead.
@Panther said in Help with AE game playing as USA, China an AI?!?!:
@CrazyIvan I am not sure if I have understood your problem correctly.
I think I had several problems as it turns out. My first game was a PBEM game, and that is how the top {PBEM} section got filled out. My next two games were both PBF games, with one of the players from the PBEM game. I think everything was good at this point, but then I got another game going, with another player, and playing Classic rather than AE. I didn't change any of the information in the PBEM section, ever, thinking that 'as I wasn't playing by email, I didn't need to enter/change anything there' at all.
What then happened, as best as I can tell, is that the dice servers were still using the information from the PBEM section, as well as the PBF sections, so that emails from my classic game were going to my opponent from the AE games, and that they were incorrectly labeled as AE version games instead of classic games. Also, my actual opponent in the Classic PBF game may or may not have gotten the dice server emails (we were both looking for classic version emails for this game), and I realized, belatedly, that I was getting the classic games emails. but was putting them in a AE versions email folder by mistake, as they were titled AE version game emails.
Additionally, I created the game in the wrong place (which you corrected, and thanks again, by the way), and that led to the game not appearing in my "Watched Games" list. Once you moved the thread to the correct place, I was then able to see it in the WG list, and all was good on that score.
I'm taking the liberty to clean this up a bit, so that i can make better sense of the information, too make sure I understand it correctly, so please bear with me as I attempt to muddle through the quagmire of confusion I'm inflicting upon myself, lol.
@Panther > Concerning the Dice Server Section:
Your e-mail address goes in the "To:" box.
Your opponent's email-address goes in the "CC:" box.
As opponents usually differ from game to game you need to be sure to have always the correct opponent's mail address in that "CC" box. Setting up this correctly is important here, as this information is saved with the savegame. So if you set it up incorrectly, the information will be imported incorrectly when you load the savegame file. You need to correct it manually at least then. In case you Play by Email you leave the Play By Forum settings blank and fill in the Play By Email settings instead.This part refers to PBEM, and I think I am clear on this...
In case you Play by Forum you fill in the section as you did in your screenshot.
The game ID should be the Topic ID of your respective game, so you can identify which dice server mail belongs to which game(thread) when playing by forum.And this part refers to the PBF game settings.
So, my remaining questions are, when PBF;
- What (if anything) should be in the PBEM section of the GUI?
- If nothing need be entered in the PBEM section, can we get separation within the GUI of the two different methods of play, to avoid this situation in the future?
I'm new to all this, which makes it a pain for folks to have to deal with my screw ups, but I wonder how many others have these problems/questions?
Thanks for the help, and I hope that your assistance to me here and now, can help others with similar problems in the future.
I explain it in different words:
The "Dice Server Section" is needed to get dice results from the server by email. It is totally unrelated to the question whether you Play by Forum or Play by Email. With these settings you can be sure that whatever dice results are sent by email to you and your opponent.
With those emails you can compare the dice results with what TripleA reports in the game (history) and thus you can be sure that your opponent did not cheat.With Play By Forum you play using a forum as communication platform. You post your moves and your savegames in public, visible to all who access the forum.
With Play By Email you play hidden from the public, as you exchange game details only with your opponent. In the respective settings you will enter the details of your email account depending on your email provider.
Again this is totally unrelated to the dice server.
So in future games you fill in
- dice server settings and Play By Forum settings
- dice server settings and Play By Email settings.
Of course when you Play by Forum you don't need any Play By Email settings and vice versa.
But you always need the Dice Server settings plus either of them.In case you are running different games at the same time you should verify that the settings represent the game you have just loaded. Usually the player setting up the game is in charge of correctly including the details. If everything has been set up correctly, you will get the correct details when loading the savegames. But better doublecheck to be sure!
Does that help?
@CrazyIvan I have forked this clarification to a new topic, as all of this is unrelated to your original question about China, the AI and Anniversary Edition.
@Panther Thanks!
@Panther Yes, the information is now clarified, and I thank you for your patience and dedication. I'm now wondering if the issue would be better addressed by a programming change, so that in the GUI, instead of loading up the whole PBEM settings section, and having to manually enter/change/delete things, every single game, when not even intending to PBEM, but rather PBF, could we request that the game creation types are separated from one another? The following image shows what I am aiming for:
The proposed change would make this issue go away, but does require a bit of code to be changed.Is this possible to get changed?
@CrazyIvan Actually this has already been done in a similar approach during development of the next version. The current pre-releases already reflect a separation like this, after hitting the "Start PBEM..." button :
On top you will find the dice server settings ... and then you choose either Play By Forum or Play By Email.
@Panther Great! I feel a little less dumb now, as this issue is a know one, and that means I'm NOT the only one making these simple mistakes as I learn the game and the TripleA software.
@CrazyIvan It will likely still take some time until a new stable release will be issued, however.
You can download and install the pre-releases next to your current TripleA-installation if you want.
Note that games using a Pre-relase version (1.10.XXXXX) are not compatible with those of the current stable ( -
@Panther I'll pass on trying something new right now, lol. I thank you for the offer, but I'm finding plenty of ways to make mistakes as it is, and switching over to a new version that isn't already fully stable isn't likely to decrease my confusion and mistake making.
@CrazyIvan I fully understand that.
However it is not "unstable" in a sense that it crashes your system. In fact it is a constant further development of the current stable.
But yes, stick to the current stable for now. There is enough to learn