Made a promotional video to grow community
@Götterdämmerung Great video and cool youtube channel. If you have any feedback on TripleA just let us know!
If you are interested in maps that are a bit more complex and realistic to the historical situations, you may want to take a look at these:
- Total World War:
- Global Dominance (in-development):
- Power of Politics 1914 (in-development):
I strongly suggest to increase your "Font Size" (I've it set at 24). In my opinion, TripleA comes default with a too small size, but, anyways, it is not very easy to read the stack numbers on your playthrough, even at 1080p quality.
Some points, specifically for the "World War II Revised" game (also excluding the LHTR mod of the same map):
- Transports can also transport 1 infantry and 1 aaGun.
- It is not completely correct to say that "whatever gets hit by a "first strike", from a submarine, is not able to defend itself", as an undamaged battleship can.
- It is your aaGun units, not your factory units, that make the Rocket strikes on enemy factories. Also, it is not automatic nor completely free a move, as for that you lose the ability to move the aaGun, on the same turn.
- Referring to naval bombardment targets, you said "any of those units", but, by correct intended rules, you cannot hit air units with naval bombardment (so, for example, you can naval bombard nothing if the territory is defended only by air units, possibly with aaGuns). However, you were right as far as TripleA goes, as this game behaves wrongly on this matter, allowing you to hit air units with naval bombardment, while it shouldn't (in this game).
- Heavy Bombers roll 2 dice only when attacking or bombing, not just in general (not when defending).
- When you mentioned the best of 2 dice, referring to other games, that is how it is supposed to work for the two "World War II v3" games (1941 and 1942), except that it doesn't work that way for bombing raiding, in TripleA: those games behave wrongly on this matter, adding 1 to the damage determined by the highest of the two dice rolled (this is how heavy bombers correctly behave in "World War II Revised LHTR").
- When you mentioned the best of 2 dice, you generally made the example that you take the highest one, without specifying that is the case for bombing raiding only, as, when attacking, instead, you take the lowest one.
Maybe @Panther wants to check I didn't say anything wrong.
Side note, at 26:59 you sent a bomber alone to attack a stack of 5 transports (if I'm reading the stack numbers correctly). I assume you got confused with later WWII games, featuring defenceless transports, also since you risked a flyover for that too.
Feel free to copy or reformulate these points wherever you want, with no need of attribution.
@Cernel Haha you saw that bomber at the end, I was aware just sacrificing. Good points, I think I will target WW2 V3 1941 next and correct all of this. Kicking myself especially for not mentioning the LHTR mod.
@Götterdämmerung Sexcellent Job!
welcome aboard!
Also the fact that you had to tell all the units in "Unit Help" are the same, just repeated over and over again, felt honestly dumb on the side of TripleA.
A new user is presented with a serie of tables, and he has to find out by himself that they are all exactly the same, which is a little hard if you consider that there may be maps with similar, yet not identical, frontiers.
If several (or even all, as it is the case for almost all basic games) players share the same production frontier, the "Unit Help" table should rather give all of them in a single table, with the various unit images one beside another in the same row, before the "Name" column. That would make the most sense, and would also present the Unit Help table much better, also dimensionally for the screen.
Meaning in Unit Help having not 1 table per player but 1 table per production frontier, with as many "Unit" columns as the number of players sharing that frontier.
@Götterdämmerung I saw you made a series of other videos, which is great. I may review them, mostly to point out anything that I believe is not correct, in case that may be of help to you, or anyone watching your videos (feel free to copy any part of what at this post wherever you want, with no need of any attribution).
Here it is my review for:
A short tutorial and play through of Axis & Allies World at War featuring 14 playable nations!
(a lot of this is arguably nit picking: just trying to be comprehensive)
(also, I'm not English, so, if I cannot understand anything, this doesn't mean that you are being not clear, just that I don't)
(not sure if I'm being outright incorrect, but I often use the singular for plural names (for example, I say "Finns has"), because I rather see them as single players or powers, no matter if named after a group of people, rather than as anything plural)
(just to be sure to avoid misunderstandings, nothing of this is meant as a critic on the video as a whole (and I don't personally believe such an initiative needs to be flawless to be positive))
2:18 "the Italians are this obnoxious little kinda grey colour here"
LOL The Italians colour was actually changed by me, from the pure white colour they had beforehand. I would call it a "bright grey-green" colour.
2.52: "except that, in this game, when you buy artillery or armoured cars, you're actually getting two units for the price you're paying"
The "Unit Help" table, you are showing, just gives price 4 for such units (which is anyway wrong, or at least approssimative, as their price is 3.5 PUs each), so I assume anyone not knowing anything specific and watching the video would understand you get two of them at the price of 4 (while the price is 7, instead).
This is actually a fault of the unit table, that should be clarifying that you pay 7 PUs and get 2 of them.
3.46: "the transport boat"
I'd rather call the "T.Boat" as "torpedo boat". However, I suppose anyone can name any such units as wanted, as I don't think the original mapmaker left an official naming list anywhere (so I'm not saying there is anything official for what "T" stands for).
3.55 "they only transport one infantry"
They can transport only one Infantry or only one of any land units of the same size (transporting cost) as an Infantry (namely, Infantry, Elite, Marine and ArmoredCar).
4.05 "transports same as always"
Beside, of course, the cost, the transports are the same as Classic and Revised, but not later (current) games.
4.06 "submarines same as always"
Beside, of course, the cost, the submarines are the same as Classic and Revised, but not later (current) games.
4.08 "advanced submarines. If you have seen another Axis & Allies games, when you get the technological advancement for better subs, that's what you are looking at right there"
Beside, of course, the cost, and the fact that, in those games, you don't get another unit, but also all of your existent submarines are upgraded, I believe there are no such games where the "submarine" with the "Super subs" tech has both attack and defence equal to 3 (closest would be Classic and Revised, where they are 3/2). On top of this, those submarines are not able to move 3 spaces, nor to transport land units.
4.18 "destroyer is the same"
Beside, of course, the cost, assuming that with that you mean "the same as Revised", this is not true, as, in that game, the destroyer has both attack and defence equal to 3.
4.19 "cruiser is the same"
Assuming that with that you mean "the same as v3", where cruisers were firstly found, this is not true, as you might have overlooked the fact that, in World At War, cruisers can transport only one Infantry, or same size, each. Beside this, the analogy would be true, except that the bombardment works by Revised rules (where there are no cruisers at all, however).
4.33 "can buy one a turn, I believe, or one per every... factory of"
Quoting the game's notes: "For each territory owned at the start of the turn, a maximum of 1 new Bunker can be purchased/placed per turn" (I've seen you clarified it, later in the video).
4.51 "all the factions have their own kind of "unique" units".
If, by "kind of unique" units, you mean units that are not purchasable by at least one player, beside the Neutral player, there are a two players that have access merely to units everyone else has, namely "French" and "Dutch" (I know you later pointed that out for the Dutch).
5.12 "every nation kinda gets one thing"
Every player (power) has immediately or eventually access to one or more (usually more) units not everyone else, beside the Neutral player, has, with the exception of "French" and "Dutch".
5.21 "French don't get anything too special"
French doesn't get anything special (at all).
5.25 "their marines are coloured differently, for some reason"
French has no Marines, ever, in the game. That Marine unit, you see there, is not part of the game at all. The reason of the different colourization is that the image is taken from the "French" subfolder to the TripleA asset folder, where units share a similar colour scheme (basically, that unit has nothing to do with this game: it just gets taken because the name of the player happens to be the same).
5.32 "they get late fighters".
I'd rather call the "L.Fighter" as "long range fighter". However, I suppose anyone can name any such units as wanted, as I don't think the original mapmaker left an official naming list anywhere (so I'm not saying there is anything official for what "L" stands for).
6.13 "they do get heavy tanks"
No, it doesn't. That HeavyTank unit, you see there, is not part of the game at all (Anzac never actually has, nor can have, it).
6.14 "and [incomprehensible to me] the carrier as well"
Anzac never actually has, nor can have, B.Carrier. That B.Carrier unit, you see there, is not part of the game at all.
6.24 "the Finns get heavy tanks"
No, it doesn't. That HeavyTank unit, you see there, is not part of the game at all (Finns never actually has, nor can have, it).
6.25 "the Romanians get pretty much everything [incomprehensible to me] the heavy tanks, same for all the other Axis"
No, it doesn't. That HeavyTank unit, you see there, is not part of the game at all (Romanians never actually has, nor can have, it).
6.33 "the Thais do not get pretty much anything"
The Thai, as displayed by the table you are showing, has L.Fighter and S.Submarine.
6.36 "the Americans probably get everything... yeah"
No it doesn't. There is not a player (power) that gets everything (you might be surprised if I make you notice that, for example, the Americans cannot buy Mot.Inf (motorized infantry)).
6.41 "heavy tanks. So they get everything"
No, but you would be correct saying that they and the two Japanese factions (that is, the three main "Pacific" players) are the ones getting the most (they also get the B.Transport).
Regarding HeavyTank, Americans never actually has, nor can have, it. That HeavyTank unit, you see there, is not part of the game at all.My review ends at 9.25 into the video: I've not reviewed anything following.
@Cernel I been giving you Dislikes for your intentional bad grammar but amazing I think your above post was sincere
@Captain-Crunch @cernel is not a native English speaker... That being said he does very well and I appreciate every post he makes generally
@Cernel Please confine your responses to something that is not derogatory ty!
@prastle oh I thought you would notice his blatant over-use of commas and now he wants to over-use ( ) brackets ... sorry that I notice obvious things that some have no clue about hmmm I wonder why
(queue the multi-account angry admin abuse - why do I keep getting logged out??)