where is the latest prerelease feedback thread at ?
Says posts about new versions so figured I'd ask here. Quick search didn't really show much. AI and a UI thingy.
I guess I could post on the UI one but it seemed kinda specific and not an overall type deal.
I'm not sure if we want a general one, threads are difficult for task tracking. Perhaps, but it's concerning it would get flooded and then it's hard to say if comment #4 on page #5 was addressed or not when mixed in with all other problems. Maybe though...
Prerelease feedback is preferably through task tracking: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issues
There could be a feature thread as well depending on the topic. What's the topic? -
OK I can see that. I have a UI comment with the dudes saying place, a saved game one being different and a Battle calc different behavior.
I'll do a search at Git for those issues.