
  • TripleA is a free gaming site and survives by the help of our members donations!

Recent Posts

  • 2.7 is on track to be the next general release version of TripleA after 2.5

    The target release date for 2.7 is late October. In the meantime we are in an extended testing phase, open to everyone!

    If testing 2.7, just be aware that 2.5 is unable to read savegames from 2.7. So, once a game goes to 2.7, it needs to finish with 2.7

    To beta test 2.7:

    download & install 2.7: click "assets" and select the version matching your OS (most likely something like ' TripleA_2.7+14828_windows-64bit.exe ') after download, launch the installer, select to install into a new folder and name that new folder something like "Triplea-2.7-14828" launch 2.7 & try all the things! Let us know how it goes!

    There is a 2.7 lobby running with 6 bot instances. Joining the lobby from 2.7 will automatically connect to the correct lobby.

    To report any problems, either:
    (1) [preferred] Create a bug ticket for the team
    (2) or simply post in this thread

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  • Thanks @beelee and all for feedback & votes

    I think I'll tend to agree with the majority here. Bad things happen when rushed. Perhaps the next couple months will serve as an extended testing period - a very good thing.

    I reduced the number of 2.7 bot servers to two. That's a cost of $10/month and gives us 6 game instances in the meantime.

    I'll spin up a 2.7 'megathread' thread & link it in the lobby. Make the testing a bit more official.

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  • @thedog said in Release 2.7? (vote):

    If 1941 GCD is played in the lobby Im sure it will cause problems as it requires a lot of RAM to play.

    That sounds like a challenge! 😏
    Lil more serious - I wonder what would happen. Arguably that is a good test case. The bots do get up to almost 200MB of dedicated RAM, per instance. They might have a hope to host the game.

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  • B

    Nice work Dan.

    I say wait till October. Something goes amiss first week of August, one is looking at close to two months of downtime.

    That would be pretty brutal.

    I'm just getting ready to start a forum game with 2.7. Our games last 1-2 months typically.

    Should know if there are any issues by then. Or at least any common ones.

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