combined condition attachment for triggers
Hi all,
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentXYZ" attachTo="Germans:Italians:Japanese" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
does not work
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentXYZ" attachTo="Germans"
plus one for Italians plus one for Japanese might work but looks ugly and doesn't seem sophisticatedand <attachment name="conditionAttachmentXYZ" attachTo="Axis" may not fit to type="player", as the Axis are an Alliance not a single player.
What is the correct solution to this problem?
second question:
is it possible to make a count condition?
Let's say a national objective, where e.g. US gets as many IPC as the Chinese have countries with each country is worth 1 IPC.
Is this possible?
Hi all,
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentXYZ" attachTo="Germans:Italians:Japanese" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
does not work
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentXYZ" attachTo="Germans"
plus one for Italians plus one for Japanese might work but looks ugly and doesn't seem sophisticatedand <attachment name="conditionAttachmentXYZ" attachTo="Axis" may not fit to type="player", as the Axis are an Alliance not a single player.
What is the correct solution to this problem?
Add in:
<option name="players" value="Germans:Italians:Japanese"/>
This option makes the condition effect all the players in an OR relationship.
second question:
is it possible to make a count condition?
Let's say a national objective, where e.g. US gets as many IPC as the Chinese have countries with each country is worth 1 IPC.
Is this possible?
Im not sure on how/if you could do this elegantly in a single objectiveAttachment.
If you want some future help, I found that browsing the XML browser can be really useful.
@zaroph said in combined condition attachment for triggers:
<option name="players" value="Germans:Italians:Japanese"/>
Thanks, tested - it works, had to remove the ..attach to.. of course
I check the
out frequently, however sometimes the examples are not clear enough or too unspecific. despite that a very fine site. -
strange, it worked but now there is an error.
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentVichyFrancecaptured" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="players" value="Germans:Italians:Japanese"/>
<option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Vishy France"/>
</attachment>is it correct that way?
Is it correct to remove the
attachTo="..." -
@numetalfan said in combined condition attachment for triggers:
<option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Vishy France"/>
Your problem may stem from how you spelt "Vichy" at the end of that trigger
good point,
but it is
<territory name="Vishy France"/>that fits to
<option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Vishy France"/>so this is not the reason
You still need 'attachTo'.
When you use 'players', 'attachTo' will be added:
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentVichyFrancecaptured" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="players" value="Germans:Italians:Japanese"/> <option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Vishy France"/> </attachment>
will work the same as:
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentVichyFrancecaptured" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="players" value="Italians:Japanese"/> <option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Vishy France"/> </attachment>
here we go again
general question to trigger conditions
is it possible to combine several "when" conditions?
something like...
<option name="when" value="after:britishCombatMove:after:americanCombatMove"/>
Yes, just not the way you show it:
<option name="when" value="after:britishCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="after:americanCombatMove"/>
Will allow the same trigger to fire after both British and American combat moves.
perfect! that's what I am looking for
Next one:
*conditionType Attachment option
userActionAttachment Options for actions
politicalActionAttachment Options for politics
conditionAttachment Options for conditions
objectiveAttachment Options for objectives
triggerAttachment Options for triggers
value: AND, OR, XOR, y, y-z. Defaults to AND if missing.Defines the relationship the conditions must have if there are more than one condition or rules attachment in the trigger.
AND means all conditions must be true.
OR means just one condition must be true.
XOR means that only one condition must be true while all others must be false.
'y' is an exact number of conditions
'y-z' is a range of numbers.
This option will overwrite prior occurences of itself.*- Is it possible to combine OR and AND
somenthing like ("A" or "B") AND "C"
in one single statement ?- If not possible in 1),
is it possible to have several
<option name='conditions'
in one statement ?something like
<attachment name='userActionAttachment_Americans_Aid_UK' attachTo='Americans' javaClass='UserActionAttachment' type='player'>
<option name='conditions' value='conditionA'/>
<option name='conditions' value='conditionB'/>
<option name='activateTrigger' value='triggerAttachment_Americans_Aid_UK:1:false:false:false:false'/>
<option name='text' value='AMERICANS_AID_UK'/>
...this would mean one of them can be OR/XOR while the other one is "normal"
Simple answer is no you can not have multiple 'conditionType' in a condition statement, as you stated. The best way to handle something like ("A" or "B") and "C" would be to put "A" and "B" in its own condition statement, then add that statement as a condition when checking "C".
understood, thx
next one:
<relationship type="Neutrality" player1="Germans" player2="Russians" roundValue="1"/>
<relationship type="Neutrality" player1="Italians" player2="Russians" roundValue="1"/>
..<attachment name="conditionAttachment_Germans_Not_At_War_With_Russians" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="relationship" value="Germans:Russians:anyWar"/>
<option name="invert" value="true"/></attachment>
<attachment name="politicalActionAttachment_Germans_To_War_With_Russians" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PoliticalActionAttachment" type="player">
<option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Not_At_War_With_Russians"/>
<option name="relationshipChange" value="Germans:Russians:War"/>
<option name="relationshipChange" value="Italians:Russians:War"/>
<option name="text" value="Germany and Italy at war with Russia"/>
</attachment>should change War to both, Germany and Italy at the same time
possible ? -
Should, but what is the relationship between Germany and Italy? If the relationship is "Allied" and 'alliancesCanChainTogether' is true then it would be unnecessary to set both players if it is Germany or Italy declaring war. Of course if "War" has 'isDefaultWarPosition' set 'True' and Russia declares war on either Germany or Italy then they will be at war with both players.
But yes you should be able to change any number of relationships with a single trigger.
<attachment name="XYZ" attachTo="British" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player">
<option name="when" value="after:britishCombatMove"/>
<option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachmentABC"/>
<option name="removeUnits" value="8 Sea Zone:bigdestroyer" count="1"/>
<option name="placement" value="8 Sea Zone:destroyer" count="1"/>
</attachment>so this trigger works, yet it removes excatly 1 unit and replaces it by excatly 1 unit of the other type
I want this one to work any time, so 5 bigdestroyers will be replaced by 5 destroyer,
3 by 3 and so oncount="1-+"
does not work
Any help?
@numetalfan to remove them you can use "all".
<option name="removeUnits" value="all:Rail" count="2"/>
Unfortunately that doesn't really help, as it doesn't know how many to place. The only way I know of, is to make a different condition/trigger for the number of units.
You don't wanna go too huge or it'll slow the game down. At least it seemed like it to me. But you could try 3 or 5 and then use edit for anything more.
thx. So did I, but now the programm is doing stupid things:
If Germany buy one submarine and places that in SZ5,
there is a condition
<attachment name="conditionAttachmentSubGSZ5" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="directPresenceTerritories" value="5 Sea Zone"/>
<option name="players" value="Germans:Italians:Japanese"/>
<option name="unitPresence" value="submarine" count= "1"/>
</attachment>and a trigger
<attachment name="G2subSZ5ET" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player">
<option name="when" value="after:germanEndTurn"/>
<option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachment2SubGSZ5:conditionAttachmentAxisholdGermany"/>
<option name="removeUnits" value="5 Sea Zone:submarine" count="2"/>
<option name="placement" value="5 Sea Zone:submarine_in_sub_bunker" count="2"/>
</attachment>this one works well, the exchange works