Units Specific Placed Sounds
Currently, when you place a unit, the engine calls the sound, meaning the so named sounds subfolder, for either:
And, as a general rule, if a player is called "Player01", this will be used with precedence, if present:
etc.Feature Request:
Allow for units specific placed sounds.
Suggested Behaviour:
If a unit is called "knights", then this sounds subfolder will be searched for and played with preference:
and, if the knights unit belongs to "Player01", then this is searched for first:
if no "placed_knights" named folder is present in the sounds folders (as per current reference (firstly the one in the map's folder, then the one referred for the "Sound.Default.Folder")) and no reference for it is found in the sounds.properties, then it calls the default either:
as per current.
If "Khaganate" has a not-infrastructure land unit called "knights", the engine first calls:
if no entry, then calls:
if no entry, then calls:
if no entry, then calls:
I have been hoping for this since I made my very first map, Star Wars. Also in my very last map, Iron War, it seems strange that a jet fighter gives the same sound as a normal fighter when placed
Also some of my other maps could use this. I often think "this is a strange sound for this unit type."
I know that this feature would be used very limited at start, by few maps, but it would open up possibilities for future maps. The engine should evolve with the future in mind, not just the current circumstances and maps. Evolve or die out!
If this gets made, I'll see if I can get and remake (free) sounds for "armour" and "halftrack" (same for both) and "artillery" and "aaGun" (same for both) and "submarine" (so total 3 new sounds), in the basic "TripleA/assets/sounds/ww2", so to give a good immediate justification to this feature, that would apply to the default assets part of the main installation (thus to over 90% played maps).
This is dependent from me finding good free sounds to start with, but I guess it shouldn't be hard.