Request: Income Summary better display
This comes from Future Wars: Fallen Empire.
It has upkeep costs and Factories generated PUs.As can be seen the maths does not compute
The display of the data is poor.Would something like this be better?
Income from Territories 147 Lost due to Blockades -1 (from enemy ships off your coastline) Generated from units -48 (usually from upkeep and Factory PU output) Red ends with 103 PU
Also some data is missing, but what is it?
@thedog looks map specific
they had 4 PUs left-over from previous turn. -
Thanks! I have just checked your formula.So perhaps the Income Summary should be?
Unspent PU 4 Income from Territories 148 Lost due to Blockades -1 (from enemy ships off your coastline) Generated from units -48 (usually from upkeep and Factory PU output) Red ends with 103 PU
The related code is in games.strategy.triplea.delegate and
There are multiple cases to consider but the relevant code to modify looks like this.
final String transcriptText; transcriptText = player.getName() + " collect " + toAdd + MyFormatter.pluralize(" PU", toAdd) + "; end with " + total + MyFormatter.pluralize(" PU", total); bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText); endTurnReport.append(transcriptText).append("<br />");
I think adding a variable final String transcriptTextMod; with a modified formatting would be possible.