TWW 3.0 Looking for opponent(s)
Hello, is anyone interested in playing a game(s) of TWW? Preferably asynchronously such as play by email or forum.
I'm new to the forum and TripleA multiplayer. I have also spent a lot of time familiarizing myself with TWW's unique game concepts and should be able to present anyone already familiar with the map a good challenge
I have a lot of free time on my hands so I should be able to take my turns quickly. (Could potentially even play as a lobby game though I am a slow thinker, especially when devising strategies for a complex map I haven't played before...)
Some settings suggestions I have:
LL: false*
Technology: true
Politics: true
War vs Neutral only: true
Share Technology: false**Fine with these set as true if you have a preference.
Hi @lich welcome to the site
@spartan was looking for a game a couple months ago.
idk if he's still around or not, but if he is, this will notify him : )
@generalguderian hey i am playing a game with @lich but he hasn't responded in awhile i think he might have gotten busy if i don't hear back from him in another week or so i'd be down to fire up a new game
@ubernaut cool
@generalguderian I'd be up for a game of TWW.
@nothingtoseehere great. We can PM the details