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  • B

    Hi @jonpfl

    Welcome back 🙂

    A few games are played here, but I would ask at the A&A site
    as well

    If you'd like to try a modified Global 40 game checkout here

    @VictoryFirst has some games finnishing up, so might be ready to take on another one soon. We'll ping him for you, in case he's interested 🙂

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  • J


    I have played TripleA before in the past but it was 5+ years ago, I would like to start playing again but was hoping some kind soul could assist me in getting started again.

    I was thinking 1940 as that is the one I am most familiar with.

    Feel free to email at


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  • B
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  • M

    I've tumbled around quite a bit with the possibility of trying out a version of Global 1940 2nd Edition with Fog of War and simultaneous turns. This requires one player being the Gamemaster - in this case that would be me. I'm looking for players who thinks this sound like an interesting and fun idea.

    I've added some rules to the game to deal with Fog of War, Naval battle in regards to simultaneous turns, combat in general when dealing with simultaneous turns, spionage, communication and a few other things to make the Fog of War and Simultaneous turns really have a great and immersive impact on the game experience.

    If you're interested in hearing more - and possibly play this way - feel free to get in touch. The game is supposed be played by 6 players + 1 Gamemaster (me), and the players will be able to choose to take control of either

    Germany Russia Japan USA & China England & France or ANZAC

    Quick note - I know ANZAC seem a little boring for a lot of people in RAW version, but in this version, with the new rules added, I'm convinced that ANZAC will be much more fun to control. Fog of War alone will give many more opportunities. Development/Research has been overhauled as well and could easily give ANZAC more influence.

    Anyway - looking forward to hearing from anyone who might be interested.

    Best regards

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