Can we fix TWW?
ahhh ... yea Idk if you can add something after game sart, so it shows the list agin or not. A "are you sure? type thing but not exactly.
Well tough duty there
@beelee yeah idk im not very skilled at manipulating xml files
I figured out how to fix chinese anti-tank display, but doing so requires changing other files than the xml, I don't know to what extent that complicates the updating process, or what would be considered the most effective way to post such an update. I'll wait for laf to chime in on what's best for that.
this is the fix to the chinese antitank icon issue; it replaces the prior file inside the 'map' folder inside tww
I don't know how to do PRs for the repo or how to adjust things in the depo, I just know how to adjust the files inside the tww map itself. (the other change involves changing the file in tww(whateveritspropernameis)/map/games/ the 3.0 xml for the most recent fixed one I had up in this thread.