Trying to make War of the Roses Revamp
@ted-self Although the game Kingmaker is a free for all, historically there were two sides, with some defections, most notably that of Warwick.
@rogercooper Yes, I was just a kid when a friend brought the Kingmaker board game over. Still I had to go back and refresh my memory about Neville and Warwick being the same person. I don't know if you have downloaded my version (I will upload it again soon I think because I keep finding little things that need to be corrected) but here is how I have it set up. Courtney is in Cornwall and starts with Beaufort. Of course mad King Henry is in London and Margaret is in Coventry with Talbot. These are all in the south and make up the red rose faction. Fitzalan is in Wales with Edward, and Neville is in York with Richard, these are the white rose faction. So for balance let us assume that Henry is having a bout of madness and is independent and Percy up north is also independent. Never mind the two Scottish nobles I threw into the game. Anyhow there are 9 royals total and I solved the problem by making them cost 3000 PUs so they can never be bought. One of each of them is all you get at the beginning of the game. I still need to make them able to be disbanded (executed) but I am told it is probably impossible to do that. Perhaps if the AI wanted to execute a royal the game could briefly enter edit mode but such is way beyond my capabilities. Of course all of the elements of the original are not going to be there, it is a whole new ballgame but with some of the main players. I still have major renovations in mind.
@ted-self There is also the problem of making the AI understand the importance of the royals. I tried making them be victory cities but the game would not launch like that.
For the Royal units give them an increased value for the AI via
<option name="tuv" value="50"/>or similar values, you could give the majors 50, 60, 70 etc and the minors less tuv.
@thedog But their tuv value is already 3000!
Maybe that is too much, try 100 and see if that changes the AI play.
@thedog Well I need to have it high enough to where no one can buy one. The most expensive unit next to royal is a general who cost 23. But yes I will try a smaller amount. I wish I knew more about the AI and I know there is more on the forum but where is a good starting point? Meanwhile I am pretty busy here lately, I wish I had more time.
@thedog That tuv option is a useful feature. Never noticed it before.
@rogercooper I think this game is ready to release. I have play tested a bunch and it is unlike any other triplea game as far as I know. Taxes must be paid to feed the troops, and royals, warlords and generals can be captured in battle whether on offense or defense. Capitals must be defended at all cost. Another version might come out in the future but this is it for now.
@ted-self I will take a look and post it this weekend.
Consider the following;- Rename Skirmishers to Billmen or Men-at-Arms
- Put an underscore in front of all the named units, eg _BeaufortR, so they are all grouped together in the units help list
- Remove Slingers from all faction or at best the English factions. If you keep them they should be 4-5pu, the AI will never buy them at 6
- Remove Chariots from all factions
- Cavalry should cost at least 6pu, or maybe 7 as they were not that common
- add to City & Fort "givesMovement" to all move move 1 units as they would be well supplied and speeds up game play around these units.
- There is a problem with your game notes there is an extra " in the middle of the text
You are learning the nuances of the xml
keep going!
The connection Alnwich to Lancaster is missing -
@thedog I will hold off on posting until your next fix.
@thedog Slingers do cost 5. Obviously history has been thrown out the window but I can see making cavalry cost 6. If I remove chariots I need some unit to take their place at 4-4-2? The gives movement option sounds very interesting. I was figuring on making a 1.1 version (I don't know when lol) that included plague and other major changes. Still I think the game is fun to play the way it is. Balance has been the big problem from the start. (I don't want to do anything to screw up the balance.) If a faction is not careful they can be eliminated by turn 5. I finally got some balance around the Chirk-Coventry area by giving the capitals cathedrals and archers, but the balance thing in the north with McLeod and Cockburn has been more troublesome. But anyhow being fun to play and bringing back some of the magic of the original are big plusses for me. As usual thanks for the input and I will for sure implement some of your changes for the next release.
@ted-self The more I think about it the more I realize- chariots have to go and a couple of other things as well. It might take a while because I am being pulled in several different directions right now. Cheerio.
@ted-self Uploaded to Github,