TWW 3.0.9? ubernaut (ax) v NTSH (al)
@nothingtoseehere yeah got it thanks just wanted to make sure abt that so weird how spotty that shit is recently sometimes i get the emails days later lol
@nothingtoseehere kinda funny earlier i got both the china and spain rolls almost right away but still nothing from britain anyway just got lucky on a depth charge curious if u got that (i did not yet). figured i had my move down but that frees me up a bit might need a little extra time for my non-combat
@ubernaut I got mails for tech-, depth charge-, bombard- and defense rolls in Malta.
@nothingtoseehere crazy thanks i guess i need to test different email or something
TripleA Turn Summary: Italy round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 4 Research Technology - Italy Italy spend 0 on tech rolls Italy roll 3,12,12,5,12,4,9,9,9,10,8,10,9,8,6 and gets 3 hits Italy removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Italy discover ImprovedFighters Politics - Italy Combat Move - Italy Trigger italianTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to italianTank Trigger italianHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to italianHeavyTank Trigger italianAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry Trigger italianMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry Trigger italianTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to italianTank Trigger italianHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to italianHeavyTank 1 italianStrategicBomber moved from Greece to 49 Sea Zone 1 italianTransport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 52 Sea Zone 1 italianAlpineInfantry and 1 italianInfantry moved from Greece to 52 Sea Zone 1 italianAlpineInfantry, 1 italianInfantry and 1 italianTransport moved from 52 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 1 italianAlpineInfantry and 1 italianInfantry moved from 54 Sea Zone to Cyprus 1 italianTransport moved from 51 Sea Zone to 50 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys moved from Greece to 50 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys and 1 italianTransport moved from 50 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys moved from 51 Sea Zone to Crete 1 italianTransport moved from 48 Sea Zone to 46 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys moved from Rome to 46 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys and 1 italianTransport moved from 46 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys moved from 48 Sea Zone to Malta 2 italianFighters, 1 italianNavalFighter and 1 italianTacticalBomber moved from Cyrenaica to Malta Combat - Italy Battle in Crete Battle in Cyprus Battle in 49 Sea Zone Italy attack with 1 italianStrategicBomber Britain defend with 1 britishSubmarine Italy roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 49 Sea Zone : 1/1 hits, 0.08 expected hits 1 britishSubmarine owned by the Britain lost in 49 Sea Zone Italy win, taking Crete from Britain, taking Cyprus from Britain with 1 italianStrategicBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Britain: 1 britishSubmarine Battle in Malta Italy attack with 2 italianFighters, 2 italianInfantrys, 1 italianNavalFighter and 1 italianTacticalBomber Britain defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 britishAirfield and 1 britishFortification Italy roll dice for 2 italianBattleships in Malta, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits Britain roll dice for 1 britishFortification in Malta, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.00 expected hits 1 italianInfantry owned by the Italy lost in Malta 1 britishFortification owned by the Britain lost in Malta Some non-combat units are destroyed: Italy win, taking Malta from Britain with 2 italianFighters, 1 italianInfantry, 1 italianNavalFighter and 1 italianTacticalBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9 Casualties for Italy: 1 italianInfantry Casualties for Britain: 1 britishFortification Trigger italianMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry Trigger IncomeRegulationEA2: Setting switch to false for conditionAttachmentYesEA attached to ExiledAllies Trigger italianAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Italy for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry 1 italianStrategicBomber moved from 49 Sea Zone to Greece 2 italianFighters, 1 italianNavalFighter and 1 italianTacticalBomber moved from Malta to Cyrenaica 1 italianAirTransport moved from Greece to Northern Italy 1 italianTransport moved from 51 Sea Zone to 50 Sea Zone 2 italianArtillerys moved from Greece to 50 Sea Zone 2 italianArtillerys and 1 italianTransport moved from 50 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 2 italianArtillerys moved from 51 Sea Zone to Tobruk 2 italianSubmarines moved from 48 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 3 italianSubmarines moved from 51 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 1 Train moved from Southern Yugoslavia to Northern Italy 1 Truck and 1 italianCombatEngineer moved from Northern Italy to Southern Italy 1 italianTank moved from Northern Italy to Southern Italy 1 italianInfantry moved from Rome to Southern Italy 1 italianArtillery moved from Cyrenaica to Tobruk Purchase Units - Italy Italy buy 4 italianInfantrys and 2 italianTransports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; Place Units - Italy 2 italianTransports placed in 49 Sea Zone 4 italianInfantrys placed in Rome Activate Technology - Italy Italy activating ImprovedFighters Trigger italianImpFig1: Setting attack to 6 for unitAttachment attached to italianFighter Trigger italianImpFig1: Setting airAttack to 6 for unitAttachment attached to italianFighter Trigger italianImpFig1: Setting defense to 7 for unitAttachment attached to italianFighter Trigger italianImpFig1: Setting airDefense to 7 for unitAttachment attached to italianFighter Trigger italianImpFig2: Setting attack to 5 for unitAttachment attached to italianNavalFighter Trigger italianImpFig2: Setting airAttack to 5 for unitAttachment attached to italianNavalFighter Trigger italianImpFig2: Setting defense to 6 for unitAttachment attached to italianNavalFighter Trigger italianImpFig2: Setting airDefense to 6 for unitAttachment attached to italianNavalFighter Italy giving technology to Germany: ImprovedFighters Turn Complete - Italy Italy collect 28 PUs; end with 28 PUs Units generate 9 techTokens; Italy end with 9 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italy regular : 1.33 Italy DepthChargeAttack : 0.92 Britain regular : 0.00
@nothingtoseehere go for
Testing Forum poster
Test summary from TripleA, engine version: 2.6.14713, time: 16:38:10
Savegame -
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Usa round 4
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 4 Research Technology - Usa Trigger americanaTAGL: Usa gains access to AdvancedGunLaying Trigger americanaTITB: Usa gains access to ImprovedTacticalBombers Trigger americanaTIFR: Usa gains access to IncreasedFighterRange Usa roll 7,1,12,10,6,6 and gets 1 hit Usa removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Usa discover ImprovedDestroyers Combat Move - Usa Trigger americanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanHeavyTank Trigger americanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanL4: Setting movement to 6 for unitAttachment attached to Train Trigger americanL2: Setting movement to 3 for unitAttachment attached to Truck Trigger americanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanTank Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger EasternSzechwanLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan Trigger EasternIranLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran Trigger ArchangelLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Archangel 1 americanCombatEngineer and 1 americanInfantry moved from Hawaiian Islands to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanCombatEngineer, 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanTransport moved from 115 Sea Zone to 124 Sea Zone 1 americanCombatEngineer and 1 americanInfantry moved from 124 Sea Zone to Wake Island 1 americanStrategicBomber moved from Dutch New Guinea to 129 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from Azores to 39 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanTransport moved from 39 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 americanBattleship moved from 40 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from 41 Sea Zone to Southern Spain
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
@ubernaut Only a very minor decision if I hit bombards. I don't think life is necessary. If I hit I would make Germany lose an Inf or 2.
@nothingtoseehere im here fi u want to play
@ubernaut Like I said, there is only the decision which two of Germany's units die to bombard in Southern Spain. I'd assume Infantry.
@nothingtoseehere let’s battle!
@nothingtoseehere been waiting in lobby
@ubernaut fine I'm coming
TripleA Turn Summary: Usa round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 4 Research Technology - Usa Trigger americanaTAGL: Usa gains access to AdvancedGunLaying Trigger americanaTITB: Usa gains access to ImprovedTacticalBombers Trigger americanaTIFR: Usa gains access to IncreasedFighterRange Usa roll 7,1,12,10,6,6 and gets 1 hit Usa removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Usa discover ImprovedDestroyers Combat Move - Usa Trigger americanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanHeavyTank Trigger americanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanL4: Setting movement to 6 for unitAttachment attached to Train Trigger americanL2: Setting movement to 3 for unitAttachment attached to Truck Trigger americanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanTank Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger EasternSzechwanLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan Trigger EasternIranLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran Trigger ArchangelLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Archangel Trigger americanMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanHeavyTank Trigger americanTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanTank 1 americanCombatEngineer and 1 americanInfantry moved from Hawaiian Islands to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanCombatEngineer, 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanTransport moved from 115 Sea Zone to 124 Sea Zone 1 americanCombatEngineer and 1 americanInfantry moved from 124 Sea Zone to Wake Island 1 americanStrategicBomber moved from Dutch New Guinea to 129 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from Azores to 39 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanTransport moved from 39 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 americanBattleship moved from 40 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from 41 Sea Zone to Southern Spain Combat - Usa Battle in Wake Island Battle in 129 Sea Zone Usa attack with 1 americanStrategicBomber Japan defend with 2 japaneseSubmarines Usa roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 129 Sea Zone : 0/1 hits, 0,08 expected hits 2 japaneseSubmarines owned by the Japan submerged Battle in Southern Spain Usa attack with 1 americanInfantry Germany defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 6 germanArtillerys, 7 germanInfantrys and 2 germanMarines Usa roll dice for 1 americanBattleship in Southern Spain, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1,00 expected hits Usa roll dice for 1 americanInfantry in Southern Spain, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,17 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 6 germanArtillerys, 7 germanInfantrys and 2 germanMarines in Southern Spain, round 2 : 8/16 hits, 5,83 expected hits 1 americanInfantry owned by the Usa lost in Southern Spain 1 germanInfantry owned by the Germany lost in Southern Spain Germany winUsa winUsa win, taking Wake Island from Japan with 1 americanStrategicBomber remaining with 1 americanStrategicBomber remaining with 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 6 germanArtillerys, 6 germanInfantrys and 2 germanMarines remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Usa: 1 americanInfantry Casualties for Germany: 1 germanInfantry Non Combat Move - Usa Trigger americanMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanL5: Setting movement to 5 for unitAttachment attached to Train Trigger americanMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanL3: Setting movement to 2 for unitAttachment attached to Truck Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Usa for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger EasternIranLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran Trigger ArchangelLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Archangel Trigger americanProd1: Usa has 1 Material placed in Washington 2 americanDestroyers, 2 americanInfantrys, 2 americanMarines and 2 americanTransports moved from 59 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 americanArtillery and 1 americanCombatEngineer moved from Azores to 39 Sea Zone 1 americanAirTransport and 1 americanParatrooper moved from Azores to Gibraltar 1 americanArtillery, 1 americanCombatEngineer and 1 americanTransport moved from 39 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 americanArtillery, 1 americanCombatEngineer, 2 americanInfantrys and 2 americanMarines moved from 41 Sea Zone to Gibraltar 1 americanNavalFighter moved from 40 Sea Zone to Southern Britain 1 americanTransport and 2 britishAntiAirGuns moved from 21 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 americanMarine moved from Queensland to 152 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from Queensland to Southern Australia 1 americanMarine and 1 americanTransport moved from 152 Sea Zone to 132 Sea Zone 1 americanMarine moved from 132 Sea Zone to Gilbert Islands 2 americanInfantrys moved from Washington to 30 Sea Zone 1 americanNavalFighter moved from British Columbia to Labrador 3 americanNavalFighters moved from Chicago to 31 Sea Zone 1 americanCarrier moved from 30 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone 1 americanCarrier moved from 40 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone 2 americanInfantrys moved from Hawaiian Islands to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanDestroyer, 2 americanInfantrys and 1 americanTransport moved from 115 Sea Zone to 132 Sea Zone 2 americanInfantrys moved from 132 Sea Zone to Gilbert Islands 1 americanDestroyer moved from 106 Sea Zone to 104 Sea Zone 1 americanStrategicBomber moved from 129 Sea Zone to Sumatra 1 americanDestroyer moved from 146 Sea Zone to 132 Sea Zone 1 americanFighter moved from Dutch New Guinea to Sumatra 1 americanNavalFighter moved from 145 Sea Zone to Queensland 1 americanNavalFighter moved from 145 Sea Zone to Sumatra 1 americanCarrier and 1 americanCruiser moved from 145 Sea Zone to 132 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from Alaska to British Columbia 1 Truck moved from Detroit to Northwestern US 2 Materials and 1 Train moved from Washington to Los Angeles 1 Train moved from New York to Washington 1 americanAntiAirGun moved from New York to 30 Sea Zone 1 americanMech.Infantry moved from Washington to 30 Sea Zone 1 americanAntiAirGun, 2 americanInfantrys, 1 americanMech.Infantry and 2 americanTransports moved from 30 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone 1 americanAntiAirGun, 2 americanInfantrys and 1 americanMech.Infantry moved from 39 Sea Zone to Azores 1 Train moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco Purchase Units - Usa Usa buy 2 americanAlpineInfantrys, 1 americanHull, 3 americanNavalFighters and 2 americanTransports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; Trigger EasternSzechwanLLUsa2: China takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan Place Units - Usa 2 americanNavalFighters placed in Hawaiian Islands 2 americanAlpineInfantrys placed in San Francisco 1 americanHull and 1 americanTransport placed in 156 Sea Zone 1 americanNavalFighter placed in Chicago 1 americanTransport placed in 30 Sea Zone Activate Technology - Usa Usa activating ImprovedDestroyers Trigger americanImpFig2: Setting attack to 5 for unitAttachment attached to americanNavalFighter Trigger americanImpFig2: Setting airAttack to 5 for unitAttachment attached to americanNavalFighter Trigger americanImpFig2: Setting defense to 6 for unitAttachment attached to americanNavalFighter Trigger americanImpFig2: Setting airDefense to 6 for unitAttachment attached to americanNavalFighter Trigger americanImpFig1: Setting attack to 6 for unitAttachment attached to americanFighter Trigger americanImpFig1: Setting airAttack to 6 for unitAttachment attached to americanFighter Trigger americanImpFig1: Setting defense to 7 for unitAttachment attached to americanFighter Trigger americanImpFig1: Setting airDefense to 7 for unitAttachment attached to americanFighter Trigger americanImpD: Setting offensiveAttackAA to 3 for unitAttachment attached to americanDestroyer Turn Complete - Usa Trigger LLabNFL1: has removed 1 Pg owned by Britain in Labrador Trigger LLquNFL2: has removed 1 americanNavalFighter owned by Usa in Queensland Trigger LLquNFL1: has removed 1 Pg owned by Britain in Queensland Trigger LLabNFL2: has removed 1 americanNavalFighter owned by Usa in Labrador Trigger LLabNFL1: Britain has 1 britishNavalFighter placed in Labrador Trigger LLquNFL1: Britain has 1 britishNavalFighter placed in Queensland Usa collect 69 PUs; end with 69 PUs Units generate 6 techTokens; Usa end with 6 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Usa DepthChargeAttack : -0,08 Germany regular : 2,17 Usa regular : -0,17
@ubernaut Here you go.
is up.
TripleA Move Summary: Germany round 5
TripleA Move Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 5 Research Technology - Germany Trigger germanaTIFR: Germany gains access to IncreasedFighterRange Trigger germanaTITB: Germany gains access to ImprovedTacticalBombers Germany spend 0 on tech rolls Combat Move - Germany Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank Trigger germanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanTank Trigger germanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry 1 germanAirTransport and 1 germanParatrooper moved from Eastern Finland to Lithuania 2 germanFighters moved from Belorussia to 29 Sea Zone 2 germanFighters moved from Eastern Poland to 29 Sea Zone 2 germanTacticalBombers moved from Poland to 29 Sea Zone 2 germanStrategicBombers moved from Eastern Germany to Lithuania 2 germanNavalFighters moved from Vichy France to Low Countries 2 germanNavalFighters moved from Northern Germany to Low Countries 2 germanTacticalBombers moved from Austria to Low Countries 1 germanFighter moved from Vichy France to Northern France 1 germanTransport moved from 25 Sea Zone to 12 Sea Zone 2 germanInfantrys moved from Norway to 12 Sea Zone 1 germanTransport moved from 25 Sea Zone to 12 Sea Zone 2 germanInfantrys moved from Central Norway to 12 Sea Zone 4 germanInfantrys and 2 germanTransports moved from 12 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone 4 germanInfantrys moved from 25 Sea Zone to Low Countries 2 germanInfantrys moved from Western France to Northern France 2 germanSubmarines moved from 34 Sea Zone to 22 Sea Zone 2 germanSubmarines moved from 27 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from Poland to Lithuania
@nothingtoseehere got a few battles if u r around
@ubernaut I'm here.