Not sure if a rules glitch or is meant to be this way
Re: Rules issues with the TripleA engine
I am playing BigWorld 1942 v3 and had rockets for UK and was pushed off the mainland by axis so had been moving my AA gun from Bombay toward Japan to be in range and to not give it up to the axis forces - in the end I ended up with it in Kwantung which was owned by USA and was happily firing it at Southern Japan when it was Brits go each round - the territory also had a US AA gun in it. However when USA liberated China both guns became Chinese instantly - is that right even when a gun is in an allies territory but not the allies that owns that tettority?
I get the guns reverting to original owner or even all guns that are switching from current owner to new owner but of a third party ally?
As in a Brit gun was in a US territory that becomes a Chinese territory would still a Brit gun - just in another allies territory - no?
I guess I'm annoyed as only UK has rockets and with the German bombers my navy has been sunk in Pacific so cant get another gun in range even if I buy one.
@bluelionman probably how the xml is written. I'd just use edit and change them back
If I understand the scenario correctly 'Western Sinkiang' is the capital of China in this game and has just been liberated?
In this case the US AA Guns in Kwangtung should NOT change ownership, as by the core V3 rules, page 20:
"Antiaircraft guns outside the newly liberated capital territory remain under their pre-liberation ownership."