Following a Traveller ;)
Well ""News" won't let me do it, so will do it here.
Dan is on his way !
He's the little orange dot. Riding his bicycle.
Lets all pray for his safety with those nasty text and drivers out there, even if he may be agnostic or heaven forbid, pagan
Safe travels Lafayette
@beelee on his way wer?
@beelee 1400 miles on bicycle?
@beelee gottdam that's like 5 days drive haulin ass lol
Dan been pedaling away. Must be ready to make camp.
coming up on Leavenwerth. Watch out for Whiskey Dick mountain
Looks like he's camping at the hotel tonight. Get a shower, hit the bar and load up on carbs for tomorrow
Oh no. No movement today. Here's hoping no injury.
He's back in action
Headed for the Coulee Damm looks like
He's made it to Colville. Aka middle of nowhere lol.
Going for a soft pillow tonight
Looks as if he's setting up the tent tonight
Is he headed to Canada ? Hope he has a passport if so
I like Dan's trip. I did a similiar one 40 years ago.
Used my thumb instead of bike
Did plenty of walking lol
Went through Republic. That place was kinda whacked lol
Holy Bong Water Batman ! Dan is in canada
Guess he's gonna bypass idaho lol