Command line AI vs AI play feature
The actual request is below.
Hello and thanks for the software.
Over a period of time, I've looked for strategy game which is interesting, has good software behind it, and seems to offer a lot of potential as to worth and an investment of time.
At this point I don't actually play A&A. To get a grip on the game, I want to program a sophisticated UI in Python, to show me game state and do a whole lot more, because A&A game state in conjunction with its rules is complicated. Doing typical beginner play against the AI would be frustrating.
Rather than play, for easy enjoyment I've modded a few maps and I play
Hard (AI)
againstHard (AI)
, making tweaks to try and get balanced play (at least as far as AI vs. AI).I got my ideas from creating chess variants, and then playing Stockfish against Stockfish on these variants, to see how balanced my variants were.
The Actual Feature Request
I'm playing
Hard (AI)
againstHard (AI)
, which works out, but not being automated, it's time consuming. Once a mod seems to be balanced for a 50% win rate for either side, it takes playing it a lot, over multiple days, to see if it's true. For one thing, between laptop power offs, it seems that things change. (My current guess is that it has something to do with a pseudo random number generator, and how it's initialized.)So it would be nice to have command line options to play a number of games of AI vs AI, and after each game, have options to save the game file, and save the detailed log of the game.
Docs on Command Line Options
I didn't find any documentation about command line options, such as
. I tried starting TripleA different ways, but it only seemed to want a file or map.Further Application of the Game Files
To just study AI play in a basic way, I don't need any of the above. But one thing I'm doing is trying to come up to speed on data science with Python. Analyzing collections of A&A games would be my big application for that.
And in some 5-year plan, I would do machine learning (reinforcement learning) on large numbers of games, one possible application being to get my Python code to run like
Hard (AI)
, without me having slogged through the Java code, which I'm sure I'll never do, knowing very little of how to program in Java.Additionally, I have an idea about importing a game in my Python UI, and then have some system of logic rules in Python, which justify each step of game play. That's my idea for slowing learning the A&A rules, as enforced by TripleA (I'm mainly interested in A&A 1942 2nd Edition rules). Testing my logic rules on lots of saved games would be important.
There's also graph theory applications in all this, but learning curves are large.
Thanks Again
Thanks again for the software.
@igbi I like the idea of being able run a scenario multiple times for balancing, but that would require some changes in the program (and definitely a turn limit).
I suggest playing the Tutorial to learn the game and then try some of the smaller mods which were based upon the boardgame versions.There are limits on what you can learn by watching the computer play itself. The AI has problems dealing with certain situations, especially managing major campaigns across oceans.
TripleA is a good engine for area movement wargames. The AI can handle a wide variety of situations.
If you like creating chess variants, I suggest checking out a program called Zillions of Games which has a good engine for chess variants.
@rogercooper said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
@igbi I like the idea of being able run a scenario multiple times for balancing...,
Roger, thanks for the reply. Yes, it seems something like this would be of great use to heavy-hitter-modder-players, who endlessly creating new maps and mods.
I have 4 mods of
, and 1 mod of270bc
, which I want to lock in on, and mod no more. For myself, running and saving games manually isn't all that bad.but that would require some changes in the program (and definitely a turn limit).
So maybe the application,
, is heavily hard-coded into displaying the graphics of a game, but it seems only one or two hooks would have to be put into the code.A menu button at the
Start Local Game
level would be better for most people anyway. What would be bad is that displaying the graphics is a waste, if all you want is the game files and game logs.- There would be a button,
Play Multiple Games
. You click it and it has how many games you want to play, whether to save the game file, and whether to save the detailed game log. It might also allow you to set AI delay to 0. - In the game-play code, when the game meets the victory conditions, it saves the game and log files, and then returns to the function that called it through the GUI menu button. The function automatically runs another game until the count is met.
- Also, highly desired, in the game filename and detailed log filename, show who won, and show the number of rounds.
Now, to That Which Concerns My Life in Regards to Playing Games
I suggest playing the Tutorial to learn the game and then try some of the smaller mods which were based upon the boardgame versions.There are limits on what you can learn by watching the computer play itself. The AI has problems dealing with certain situations, especially managing major campaigns across oceans.
For myself, one thing leads to another. I start out with the idea of playing a game, to give myself a break from mind-work, and it turns into something else.
I ripped lots of tutorial videos off of YouTube for WW2 Classic, Revised, 1942 2nd Edition, and 1941, and then I decided I needed something to show me the current game state of the map, for each step of the game, in a friendly manner, according to my friendly-manner-specs. That has evolved into a huge programming and math project.
Also, my current thoughts about playing serious games come from thinking about how the chess world works, given the current state of powerful chess engines, Stockfish in particular. And also, not that I gamble, thinking about Texas Holdem Poker, played with GTO (game theory optimization).
The short story is, nobody local does anything but watch TV. As to online play, you can't depend on online play with large groups of people, and if you can, such as with chess, it's a corrupt environment where people cheat, where stars accuse non-cheaters of cheating when they get beat in a humiliating way, and where star-worship rules.
Consider this post on titled
Does anyone here actually PLAY?
From surfing the main sites, I can see that some people play, but there's no standard game that's played, like with chess. What seems to be desired by the serious players is to play the more complex mods.
I seek 1 game that's standardized, or at least I seek the rules of that game. In particular, I've chosen
Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition
. One game and one game only, or, well, modified games, but primarily the rules that cater to the AI calledAI (Hard)
.Ultimately, all you can depend on is your computer.
TripleA is a good engine for area movement wargames. The AI can handle a wide variety of situations.
The idea I had with Stockfish was to play Stockfish (at its strongest) against itself or other weaker engines. Then I would study those games to learn from the best of the players, the best player in the world being Stockfish.
So I transfer that idea over to TripleA AI vs. AI.
A person thinking they could actually learn to play like Stockfish is actually ridiculous.
That the TripleA AI engine is not impossibly strong is not completely a bad thing. I gather that at this point in time, it's not a futile thought to think that a person can beat the TripleA AI engine.
If you like creating chess variants, I suggest checking out a program called Zillions of Games which has a good engine for chess variants.
There are lots of games, but not so many that have a long history and also have a huge following around the world.
A&A play among strong players seems to work like how it works with the strongest of chess players.
The masters get tired of a simpler game, such as a standard chess, and want to play a more complex game.
In chess nobody has been able to overthrow the standard game, even though openings are boring and result in mindless play. This works out bad for the masters, but good for everybody else.
With A&A, the game world is all fragmented. Not a good thing from a particular point of view. There are things you can do to make the same game more challenging. For example, in chess they do blitz play.
NOTE: For this post, much of what's said after Now, to That Which Concerns My Life in Regards to Playing Games is clutter, in regards to the topic of AI.
- There would be a button,
I have spent a lot of time trying to get the best out of the TripleA AI and prefer the less considered approach of Fast AI, it 'looks' like it takes risks and plays aggressively, unlike the Hard AI, which is more considered and calculates/ranks its moves/attacks accordingly.The map makers of the A&A boardgames did not attempt to get the best out of the AI because their focus was on PvP.
These might of interest?
1941 Global Command Decision is probably the first game intended to played against the AI using Fast or Hard. It uses a TripleA function of isAI that tests if a player is being played by Fast or Hard AI.
I use isAI to make up for some of the short comings of the AI, like buying units on its behalf and placing them on the map and free units like Industry's/Factories that it should buy but doesn't and the AI places them from its stock.
It also has 50+ extra Capitals in the xml code, these are to guide the AI into what's important to the player and influences the AI play style.
It appears to be incredibly popular as it racks up over a 1000 views per day.
@igbi You should be aware that the original version of Axis & Allies: 1942 2nd Edition has serious balance issues. I would suggest focusing on the Anniversary Edition (V3 in Triple A parlance). It is better balanced and a more interesting game. An alternative is the Revised Edition (V2) is well-balanced and the AI plays it well.
Approaching TripleA like Chess would be an exercise in frustration. The AI in TripleA is adequate as an opponent but a human with a few games played should be able to beat it.
TripleA is a game engine designed to simulate actual and hypothetical wars. The many mods aren't fragmentation, they should instead be seen as different approaches to simulating history (or even different wars). Axis & Allies is part of a broad group of wargames.
@thedog said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
HiAt this point, I don't know who the major developers are, and the user names on don't match up with the user names here, but, hey, thanks for the software. It seems to be a good compromise between that which is practical and that which is artistic, with Java portability.
I have spent a lot of time trying to get the best out of the TripleA AI [...]
I got no complaints. I assume developers here could up the sophistication, but it all takes time. On the other hand, AI engines are a specialty, and the best of engines are usually tied into some heavy computer science and mathematics theory. A game usually needs a huge following before the specialists jump on the bandwagon.
[...] and prefer the less considered approach of Fast AI, it 'looks' like it takes risks and plays aggressively, unlike the Hard AI, which is more considered and calculates/ranks its moves/attacks accordingly.
So yesterday, what I did is run a mod named
20 times withHard (AI)
. The split was 12 to 8, from 25 to 56 rounds, 40 rounds being typical.Today after reading your post, I ran
Fast (AI)
on a mod, and it seemed to do okay, but then that wasn't the mod I did yesterday.On the first run for
,Fast (AI)
didn't work at all. At the bottom of this post, I show a screenshot. The Japanese are clearly ahead180
in production, butFast (AI)
gets stuck in a bad loop. I've seen that occasionally with a mod namedgezz_270bc-ww2v3
, maybe 1 time every 50 games, butHard (AI)
generally makes progress against itself.What does this bad loop mean to me? It means doing computations is important, because making progress against the other side is not simple.
Occasionally, I observe the game play to check for activity in parts of the map that I want active.
Roger, above, largely confirms what I've seen. It does land battles good on contiguous groups of territories, but doesn't work near as well for islands in sea zones.
But my mod of
breaks with typical ww2v5 play, and I assume the AI is optimized for typical play.Explaining the mod a little, the starting point is two victory territories, each with only a factory. All other territories are either neutral or impassible. And there's the change
property name="Neutrals Are Impassable" value="false"
.As a beginner, I start the game, I look at the map. At least at the start, it's something that seems to make sense.
The map makers of the A&A boardgames did not attempt to get the best out of the AI because their focus was on PvP.
And that seems to reflect what I've seen when looking at forums on, trying to figure out how it is that a person actually plays other people online.
There are high-level players, and they dominate, and though the AI may be useful to them, it seems it's not of great importance to them, because they're playing the bigger and more complicated mods and maps.
These might of interest?
Before making this first post, I looked on GitHub and found the AI overview:
Several places now, I've something like this:
It performs pretty well on maps based on revised/V3/V1 rules in that order
.From those, I pick ww2v5 because I assume it closely matches the box set Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition. There's 1941 and then Global, but ww2v5 seems to be the best compromise for what's being currently sold.
1941 Global Command Decision is probably the first game intended to played against the AI using Fast or Hard. It uses a TripleA function of isAI that tests if a player is being played by Fast or Hard AI.
I think it was in 2023 that I made my first attempt to do TripleA. I experimented a lot and then deleted everything.
In that time, I meticulously went through the maps on
Today, I looked there, but 1941 Global Command Decision is not there. However, it's on GitHub, and now I see that there are 329 repositories on
But I did see Total World War, which is a beautiful, big map. Ultimately, I decided to go the simpler, more standard route, which is the decision I make today, having thought it through in the past.
PROBLEM: To learn how to play 1941 Global Command Decision, I have to become a good player with the standard games, because most of the video tutorials and better rule books are primarily for those games.
And suppose I'm a good player at the standard games, that only makes me a competent beginner for the big maps.
It says 2.7.14848 is required which was released 2024-July-30, so optimizing the AI for solo play seems to be a current phenomena.
If you change ww2v5 in the wrong way, it ceases to be close to the game described in the rule book. But it seems stacking limitations don't fundamentally change the rules.
Looking at
, I see the<!-- Go Stack -->
section.Maybe I'll experiment and add some of that to my ww2v5 mods. Or maybe I won't, because I don't see any numbers to change to limit the stacking.
At this point, it's all good. There are no problems, there are only workarounds.
@rogercooper said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
@igbi You should be aware that the original version of Axis & Allies: 1942 2nd Edition has serious balance issues. I would suggest focusing on the Anniversary Edition (V3 in Triple A parlance). It is better balanced and a more interesting game. An alternative is the Revised Edition (V2) is well-balanced and the AI plays it well.
In my first research into TripleA, I had to work a little to match up the TripleA maps with the box sets. Eventually, I created PC folder titles for docs and links which are the following:
- ww2v0 - 2nd Edition (1986)
- ww2v2 - Revised (2004)
- ww2v3
- ww2v4 - Spring 1942
- ww2v5 - 1942 2nd Edition (2012)
- ww2v6 - 1941 (2012)
confused me for a while, because I guess it doesn't match up with a boxed game.Based on your recommendation, I installed the map again and looked at it, and I suppose I was tempted to maybe try it, but my general rule is to try and stick with standards.
The artwork looks nicer, in my opinion, but ultimately, my decision comes down to what map is currently being sold, which means it has a good rule book, and what map has sufficient tutorials on YouTube, which indicates its popularity.
The balance thing is unfortunate, but seems like it's the easiest thing to fix.
Approaching TripleA like Chess would be an exercise in frustration.
Maybe we're thinking about it differently. I don't play chess, but chess tactics revolve around doing calculations, where a calculations is "if I do this, suppose he or she does that", and the good players will do this multiple calculations deep for multiple paths of calculations. (Something which lots of people know.)
I'm thinking good A&A players do this some, as in, from experience, they've seen that if the opponent makes a certain move, they can respond with moves which results in the opponent making another weak move. But that's just a guess. Maybe thinking 3 to 5 moves ahead doesn't apply in A&A.
There's also my very brief research into how chess engines work. Chess is complicated, so there's also a simpler game, Connect 4, where people write on how the AI works.
I try to build off of what others have done. Preferably, someone would write long, tutorials on how that super strong A&A AI engine works, but if the best AI engine action is in the chess world, that's where I have to go to learn, or see that I should just forget about it all.
The buzz words for algorithms I see in searches are
andalpha-beta pruning
. Finding tutorial pages is the easy part.- Solving Connect 4: how to build a perfect AI,
- Building My Own Chess Engine,
@igbi ww2v3 is the Anniversary edition. It is widely available as a boxed game.
There is no ww2v0. The 1986 edition is called World War II Classic. (The original 1981 game has been partially implemented
The MinMax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning are not workable approaches in a wargame. There are too many possible moves to try to brute force a solution. Writing an AI for Chess gives no help in writing an AI for A&A. You need to use completely different techniques.
The fundamental difference between chess-like games and wargames is that in wargames you can move multiple pieces in your turn.
@rogercooper said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
@igbi ww2v3 is the Anniversary edition. It is widely available as a boxed game.
Thanks for the info.
So finally, I got that one straightened out. Straightened out means I finally matched up three things: the TripleA GitHub map filename, the manufacturer product name, and the PDF rule book.
The problem was that "Anniversary" is used multiple times in the name of different products. There's this page withe PDFs:
The release dates are what I finally started using to lock in on specific product names, but they call it
Axis & Allies 50th Anniversary Edition
and don't provide a release date. This,, calls the revised versionRevised (20th Anniversary)
.There is no ww2v0. The 1986 edition is called World War II Classic. (The original 1981 game has been partially implemented
The ww2v0 is my naming to make it line up with ww2v2 to ww2v6.
The MinMax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning are not workable approaches in a wargame. There are too many possible moves to try to brute force a solution.
First, any AI study on my part will be the tail-end part my pursuit here. It's doubtful I'll get that far.
As to brute force, using the Skid vs. PC chess GUI, I would watch the analysis window for Stockfish. I would set it up to analyze 20 paths, and each path would be about 20 or more moves deep. It was not deterministic at all, meaning it wouldn't always do the same thing.
To brute force is to potentially try all possible solutions. I know nothing much, but the number of possible 20 move sequences for a given chess board can be very large. Too bad my combinatorics skills are so weak.
I'm pretty sure that in chess engines, they use random number generators to pick one of many possible moves, as part of their complex algorithm.
Writing an AI for Chess gives no help in writing an AI for A&A. You need to use completely different techniques.
I wouldn't study chess engines to write a chess engine. I would study chess engines to see if there's anything there I can apply to a TripleA AI engine.
It's definitely not efficient, but that's the nature of trying to do things in a niche field where the world hasn't piled in.
The fundamental difference between chess-like games and wargames is that in wargames you can move multiple pieces in your turn.
So I did a quick search on war game ai ( It didn't offer me any hope of finding a tutorial on wargame AIs.
(UPDATE: After posting, I noticed that Roger said "wargame", but I had searched on "war game". However, searching on "wargame ai" returns links to government military style wargaming, like from that research group RAND.)
In the past, I think I searched on a generic phrase like "game AI". The problem is that first-shooter type games dominate. And I found gaming textbooks, but but their AI chapter is geared to things like humans moving around and shooting each other.
What you say is a little at odds with my overall view from reading stuff. There's checkers which has been solved, but chess hasn't been solved.
It's obvious that chess is much more simple that A&A, but it's not so simple that it's a solved game.
Graph Theory, First Things First
First I need to describe all the interdependencies for a fixed state of an A&A game. Graph theory. I'm pretty sure graph theory is the key to doing much of that.
Thanks for the feedback.
Here is a list of Devs on this forum, some names dont match their GitHub names. Only wc_sumpton is active.
redrum (AI wiz)
Frigoref, LaFayette, Myrd, Trevan,
wc_sumpton (wrote isAI, but cannot change any code without one of the above Ok-ing it).
Just in case you dont know about AI logs
Debug> Hard AI> Show Logs
Very useful for balancing maps, as you can see what weight the AI puts on purchasing certain units. Sadly not all obvious values are weighted, like negative Atk/Def values..
Beta Features, sometimes the Devs 'hide' new stuff from most players, so others can test it.
Game> Engine Settings> Testing (tab)> Show Beta Features> True> Save(buton).
This link might be of interest, Trevan was working on FlowField (AI) as seen in the pull down menu, when Show Beta Features> True>
Dont get excited it is not complete.This map page is years out of date, as you know.
This map is a bit like Chess, hexes, 4-6 units aside
It has to be played on Fast AI as Hard AI does not take risks and the human player will always win. that the AIs, although written for A&A can be bent to play lots of similar style war games.
@igbi said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
The ww2v0 is my naming to make it line up with ww2v2 to ww2v6.
When 1, 2 and 3 actually mean first, second and third, there is no zero (traditionally). What comes immediately before 1 is -1.
Anyway, Classic Second Edition is V1. Mind you, "V1" stands for "Classic", not for the edition here: the Classic Third Editions, basic or Iron Blitz, are also V1.
@cernel The differences between Classic Second Edition, Classic Third Edition and Iron Blitz are minor.
@thedog said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
Here is a list of Devs...Nice to know if I can make future connections.
Just in case you dont know about AI logs
Debug> Hard AI> Show Logs
Very useful for balancing maps, as you can see what weight the AI puts on purchasing certain units. Sadly not all obvious values are weighted, like negative Atk/Def values.I looked at the dubug window once, but thanks for the note.
After all these years Java still doesn't have the magic to make things readable as a default. The font is really small (but usable), but the number of rounds field is not large enough to show the number.
On first thought today I said, "Don't really need that." On second thought I said, "Hmmm, undoubtedly, I should eventually parse that into a nice form so I can study it in-depth." One more thing to add to the pipedream.
Beta Features, sometimes the Devs 'hide' new stuff from most players, so others can test it.
Game> Engine Settings> Testing (tab)> Show Beta Features> True> Save(buton)Great. So
FlowField (AI)
shows up as an option, but inDebug
dropdown, there's no logfile option. But there are heatmaps to look at. Shows that somebody is thinking about trying to better enable multi-territory battle tactics (I guess). Long ago I figured out that if I have some formative idea, most likely some expert has already completely formalized it.All good, except that the list of heatmaps extends off the screen, and I have a 2560x1440 monitor. Not a problem for me actually, because I generally let others work out the problems for beta or alpha stuff.
Parsing and studying
Hard (AI)
logs would probably teach me more anyway, with probability 0.14 that I'll ever get that far.This link might be of interest, Trevan was working on FlowField (AI) as seen in the pull down menu, when Show Beta Features> True> get excited it is not complete.
With information overload, everything becomes a blur. In writing my last stuff, I was thinking I had read something about what you say. Most likely it was your sentence just now.
This map page is years out of date, as you know. case of a person investing their life in the old rather than the latest and greatest. A person missing out on opportunities, abandoning what otherwise might have been pursued with great success. We've all seen when that person shows up and makes a post. Do we laugh? Do we pity them? A combination of both maybe, or we quickly scroll past to something more interesting.
In my case it turned out for the best. The market value is in the manufacturer box set names.
But 270BC, I'm glad it was there. It has a historical reference, is great art, has name value in "Romans" and "Greeks", and most people will have no expectations for how it's used, so it can be modded without people thinking, "What's up that? Skilled modders take into account history and geography. You're such an amateur."
It gave me the ideas I use for modding ww2v5, even though it's all wrong. All that's important to me is that when I play my mods, I'm learning the rules of Axis & Allies 1942, 2nd Edition.
On Amazon, ww2v3 costs $100, where ww2v5 costs $45. And there's a big series of videos on Youtube for ww2v5, I assume because they paid or sponsored the person, they being But I wouldn't know. Not a bad thing, but even a good thing in this case.
P.S. The next post will most likely be the end of my long-winded posts here.
@cernel said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
@igbi said in Command line AI vs AI play feature:
The ww2v0 is my naming to make it line up with ww2v2 to ww2v6.
When 1, 2 and 3 actually mean first, second and third, there is no zero (traditionally). What comes immediately before 1 is -1.
Anyway, Classic Second Edition is V1. Mind you, "V1" stands for "Classic", not for the edition here: the Classic Third Editions, basic or Iron Blitz, are also V1.
No need to reply here. But when writing a response to the last post, I thought there was a going to be context in another post to engage in long-windedness, but actually there's not.
And then I thought, I'll go ahead and summarize some thoughts anyway about "Some Hypothetical Great A&A Analysis Tool vs What is an AI", but in the light of that every good thing comes to an end, every marginally good thing needs to be brought to an end.
As to confusion amongst naming, there's the manufacturer, a large corporation, and then there's the user. The user is looking for free software written by benevolent developers, and confusion on the user's part results in the wasted effort of answering the same questions over and over.
As to the large corporations, confusion many times makes them money. Bought that $100 version instead of the $45 version, because you were confused?
The Original Topic Title
I put out a request. Maybe in a year or two the developers decide it's something they want.
I only created an account to make the request. The software is good as it is.