Crazy Europe: House of Habsburg
No problem. I just added a players line so that each player will receive the 12 tokens during the France turn. Just thought I would let you know. (I use the same method in I:USA as to setting the purchase price of tokens very high so they can not be purchased. Then granting enough tokens with LL to insure a win)Cheers...
That is what I meant to do before, its fixed now.
I added to the game notes, fixed those connections, and removed the extra XML.
BTW, did you play until round 3 (when you noticed the tech wasn't working for all nations?). If so, let me see the savegame if you don't mind. I'm working on balance and starting unit positions.
Nice. No did not get to round 3 was playing France in second round when I noticed that I could move 3 spaces with the units on France 08. Thought that might be bugged and started digging around to find out why.Going to try a game soon.
P.S. I was thinking about moving the Tech Activation step to after the Combat step, that way the bonus Movements will start when granted, but the Attack bonus will still be delayed until the next round. Your thoughts? (Also relabeled 0.7 to "with Technologies" so that I can compare 0.5 (baseline) with the new tech.) -
I uploaded a (hopefully) fixed version. The old version isn't there anymore (I want everyone playing with technology)
I think that currently march is probably the best tech. I don't really want it available to use turn 1 because it makes a lot of players able to rush certain positions before the other guy can react (for example Russia's turn 1 is really different if he already has march). I think it coming online on turn 2 is fine.Unless you feel its underwhelming? I think the extra movement on infantry or cannons is really valuable for almost everyone except maybe Italian States. I don't think it needs to activate a turn earlier.
The way that it is coded, the player does not need to take march on the first turn. All tech are available, which I think is good, a player can decide which best suits their style of play. I'm just giving you some 'food for thought'. Giving the bonus movement on the turn that it is granted does give some advantage to that player, which may force other player into rethinking which tech to take. If Habsburg Monarchy took Heavy Cannons on turn 1, would get them on turn 2, would the Russian still want march on turn 1?Just thinking out loud.
Maybe you are right. I just think the 5 big land powers will always want march. On turn 3 you can take whatever techs. Sort of how in TWW, certain nations have to pick special warfare. You just need that mobility, your other techs have lots of flexibility. I think Sweden and Denmark have a lot of options too. -
Just ran a quick AI with me playing France and Habsburg Monarchy. None of the AI players chose any of the march options. France took march and Habsburg Monarchy took Iron Horseshoes. On turn 2 all player were 'Marching' and could move their knights 3 spaces. I checked the game history. So there is something wrong with the turn on/off switches for the bonus movements.Will check more and let you know.
I'm looking at the triggers and I cannot figure out why this would be the case. This is really beginning to get annoying -
Your deactivate triggers are set to 'after:xxx_Battle' and they have a condition on them: try this:<attachment name="triggerAttachmentDeactivateMoveBonus" attachTo="France" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachmentAlways"/> <option name="players" value="France:Habsburg_Monarchy:Ottoman_Empire:Poland-Lithuania:Russia:Denmark:Sweden"/> <option name="unitType" value="Pikemen:Musketmen:Cannon:Knights:Navy"/> <option name="unitProperty" value="givesMovement" count="-reset-"/> <option name="when" value="before:FranceCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="before:Habsburg_MonarchyCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="before:Ottoman_EmpireCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="before:Italian_StatesCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="before:Poland-LithuaniaCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="before:RussiaCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="before:DenmarkCombatMove"/> <option name="when" value="before:SwedenCombatMove"/> </attachment>
This replaces all the deactivation triggers, will always happen, resets for all units and players.
The activation triggers happen before non-combatmove, after battle the reset has to come prior to combatmove. So the steps are reset all, it may have be set by a prior player, battle then set if player has the tech. Leave alone until next player to reset all.Hope this helps.
You are a beautiful man -
40 years of marriage, my wife thinks so too!!!I use the same process in I:USA, so I knew what to look for. And moving the TechActivation did not help because of the step processes. So it can be left for last.
P.S. I did take the time to change some of the givesMovement to just movement and it seemed to work just fine, was wondering what was the problem you were having using a movement change with land units? The process is the same: Change all prior to combatMovement, change only the ones with tech prior to non-combatMovement. But you don't need all of the <step>s.
Try this.
A pikemen attacks a territory, there is combat, he wins.If you change his movement to 2, he can move again (at least he could in my tests).
If you use bonusMovement, he cannot.
So................ in the current version Russia does not have a turn. This update has not been a good one. In the future, I will avoid pushing updates at 5 AM.
Wow, didn't do that for me. The pikemen that attacks a territory, wins or withdraws, can't move, unless I use ' <stepProperty name="resetUnitStateAtStart" value="true"/>' in the non-combat phase, but then all unit would be able to move after battle.Still, using bonusMovement and all units can be reset with one trigger. Using movement and every unit with a different value has to have a trigger.
Doesn't matter, hopefully your map is working the way you want.
@crazyg said in Crazy Europe: House of Habsburg:
So................ in the current version Russia does not have a turn. This update has not been a good one. In the future, I will avoid pushing updates at 5 AM.
LMAO!!! When I said being crazy helps... perhaps I was wrong.
Russia no turn... you are really rooting for the Habsburg alliance. Not sure its the best way to balance a map.
I know you have other things on your mind... but I did this back when I was going full boar on the reliefs.
Take it or leave it... no sweat off my brow. It's just collecting digital dust bunnies at the back of my HOH closet.
Its much better than the beaker, I'll take it -
Just downloaded the latest here are some thoughts:- Remove all the <stepProperty>'s from the combatMovement and noncombatMovement, leaving only the giveBonusMovement=true in noncombatMovement
- Change the conditionAttachmentAlways to switch=true
- Change the turns conditions into one condition with a rounds=1:3:5:etc
- Add a condition for 'Tech Development' and add this condition into the turns condition
<!-- Check to see if techTokens are given --> <attachment name="conditionAttachmentTechDevelopment" attachTo="France" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="gameProperty" value="Tech Development"/> </attachment> <!--Conditions for Turn Number--> <attachment name="conditionAttachmentAlways" attachTo="France" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="switch" value="true"/> </attachment> <!-- Change to one condition with round values and a Tech Development condition --> <attachment name="conditionAttachmentGiveTechTokens" attachTo="France" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachmentTechDevelopment"/> <option name="rounds" value="1:3:5:7:9:11:13:15:17"/> </attachment>
- Now the techTokens triggers can be reduced to 1 trigger:
<!-- Changed to be one trigger for all player every other turn begining turn 1 --> <attachment name="triggerAttachmentGiveTechTokens" attachTo="France" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachmentGiveTechTokens"/> <option name="when" value="before:FranceTech"/> <option name="players" value="France:Habsburg_Monarchy:Ottoman_Empire:Poland-Lithuania:Russia:Denmark:Sweden"/> <option name="resource" value="techTokens"/> <option name="resourceCount" value="12"/> </attachment>
- Remove the resource of 12 techTokens given during initialization.
Making this change will allow the player to turn off Tech by deselecting 'Tech Development' and not receive any techTokens. - Change the Activate Bonus Movement triggers to 'when=before:xxxNonCombatMove' (I tend to 'when' my triggers to the step they effect.)
- Already talked about the restore movement trigger.
- I would also change the remove RecruitPikemen to a single trigger.
<!--Triggers: Remove Recruits changed to one trigger--> <attachment name="triggerAttachmentFranceRemoveRecruits" attachTo="France" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachmentAlways"/> <option name="removeUnits" value="all:RecruitPikemen"/> <option name="players" value="France:Habsburg_Monarchy:Ottoman_Empire:Poland-Lithuania:Russia:Denmark:Sweden"/> <option name="when" value="after:FranceEndTurn"/> <option name="when" value="after:Habsburg_MonarchyEndTurn"/> <option name="when" value="after:Ottoman_EmpireEndTurn"/> <option name="when" value="after:Italian_StatesEndTurn"/> <option name="when" value="after:Poland-LithuaniaEndTurn"/> <option name="when" value="after:RussiaEndTurn"/> <option name="when" value="after:DenmarkEndTurn"/> <option name="when" value="after:SwedenEndTurn"/> </attachment>
- In the <property>'s I would only show Low Luck, Tech Development, and Unplaced units live when not placed. (And maybe think about adding a bid section)
Game play seems to be moving along real good. The bonus movement problem is solved and the other Techs seem to work as they should. The tool tips even update to reflect the added bonuses. Maybe @Hepps could design a simple overlay to display the bonuses when they are in effect.
These are just some food for thought. The only big fix would need to be the 'Bonus Movement Triggers', then the map seems very playable with your new Techs
@CrazyG Here you go.
Thanks for this. Somehow I forgot that you can set multiple players for a single triggers, this makes it much easier.I also realized I was playing on a rather old pre-release, which could explain why I was getting weird behavior. I've updated the engine and will begin work now.