Roger's Scenario Thread
Name World War II V5 Low Luck
Description World War II V5 with low luck turned on
Good Points
- Fast-playing
- Straightforward rules
Bad Points
- Favors the Axis
Name Six Army 2 Alliance
Description 2 Alliances battle on a world map
Good Points
- Not another WW2 scenario
- Straightforward rules set
Bad Points
- No historical or fictional feel
Name Big World: April 1940
Description World War 2 in April 1940 on the Big World Map
Good Points
- Straightfoward Rules Set
Bad Poinit
- None other than the inherent problems of A&A
Name Global 40 House Rules with Canada
Description Add Canada and a lot of house rules to the Global game
Good Points
- Reasonably balanced
- Lots of options
Bad Points
- Canada can't do much
- The options are confusing and have not been chosen to create a coherent mod
yea, the options are for people to create their own mod with whatever ones they want.
If I remember right, Canada can do a little in the battle of the Atlantic, Help defend London and reinforce Western Europe Landings.
That's about it
@beelee I think a mod should be cohesive whole. The designers should default or suggest what options work the best.
Name Settlers: Age of Tribes
Description Randomized fantasy warfare using the Age of Tribes map
Good Points
- Varied unit art
- Randomized start can create interesting situations
- Upkeep costs prevent mega-stacks
Bad Points
- Randomized start can be unbalanced
- The AI sometimes has problems playing properly
The name is self explanatory.
House Rules
Pick and choose what you want to create your own mod.
The Game Notes explain this.
A specific point concerning Settlers: Age of Tribes about Dragonkin. The AI does not use them effectively. In the hands of a human player, the dragons with multiple hit points, the ability transport light foot and the ability to land in a newly captured area are devastating.
Name 1941-Cristaldi
Description World War 2 starting in 1941 on map 270 areas
Good Points
- Straight-foward rules set
- Better geographical accuracy than most maps
Bad Points
- Strongly favors Axis
Name Classic: Sword
Description Classic game with minor variations
Good Points
- Plays fast
- Reasonably balanced (if territories restricted option is set)
Bad Points
- Not very historical
- AI has some trouble playing the British