EV + Started Lobby columns
@hepps we don't have host numbers Hepps
If I launch four rooms they all stay the same other than comments
@prastle Again.., your personal host gets locked... close your Java... I'm not a god damned custodian. I do not want to be sweeping up your trash for the rest of time.
@prastle "all stay the same other than comments"
This was my point, having ran into this issue and needing to coordinate restarts on a new port, I used the comments to indicate which was the latest game, not the start. Mods should be able to do the same, players and mods have both the same problem here of identifying which of two games is the frozen one.
@hepps HEHE and I agree completely. Just make sure you write the tutorial to teach them how to close highest java for windows/mac/etc. in a forum thread
I think the lock up issue is perhaps only hard to fix because you can't get the process back to the foreground to ctrl+alt+delete it, you have to kill it from task manager IIRC.
@lafayette correct
and most users get lost there. -
Ya, started column exists and is not helping them, it's not the solution : )
Having ran into this exact problem, both as a player and mod, started column is not useful (from my experience) : )As-is, my plan is to make the 'started' column a moderator only column. Least then that utility will not be removed, and players will benefit from less clutter on the UI.
@lafayette Oki Doki. Any thoughts on a tool box error message instead of just locking?
@prastle That's a bug, it's reported now: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issues/3729, we should have reported that some time ago
(but at least we have done so now). Hard to say much more at this time.
@lafayette As a side note Maybe change the status column to Started/Waiting. Just a thought
@lafayette said in EV + Started Lobby columns:
@prastle That's a bug, it's reported now: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issues/3729, we should have reported that some time ago
(but at least we have done so now). Hard to say much more at this time.
Well I guess that is my fault. Since I have know about it for years. Sorry.
@lafayette (A disheveled news anchor stands in front of the Lobby)"The news out of GITHub at this hour is sketchy at best.... and there are no clear indications that a resolution to the conflict is anywhere in sight at this point. The media has been directed to stay clear of the conflict zone as the danger of civilian casualties is too great. We will continue to bring you breaking news as the situation develops further. This has been Prastle coming to you live from the Lobby...back to you LaFayette. "
@hepps LOL as another thought if "hover" could be added to the lobby... Every column could be basically thinned to one strip except the needed ones.
@prastle So like if you hover it shows the full value from the table cell? Would be a decent feature IMO, same for columns titles.
@lafayette YUP!
Password becomes a P column with a Y or N
In Progress becomes IP column with a Y or N
etc. -
@prastle I like the thinking, I'm not sure i"d go as far as abbreviations for each column, but I think that is what I"m used to speaking as opposed to what is better. IMO this is a great feature request thread to spin up, how to rename/update columns. I was thinking "waiting for players" could be shortened. On the other hand, I'm not too bothered by it, "waiting" might seem confusing if you are brand new to the game, and the players that have seen it then know that the truncated "waiting for.." is "waiting for player". On the other hand, maybe "waiting" will be just as obvious to new players. I think the topic gets a bit surprisingly involved, but we really only need to toss out suggestions and then decide which ones are the top considerations and then pick between them (Ron is deciding vote if deadlocked).
For this topic, a code change went through that will hide the started column for non-moderator players. It's kind of an interesting compromise for now. I learned/read from DOET (design of everyday things, great book!), that you really want every UI component to be used in every interaction. If it is only mods that use started column, then only they need to see it (ideally we'd make that configurable, but it's a bit more effort than we have to spare at the moment to go that step).
I think this topic might be settled for the moment otherwise. EV column was removed and 'bot' column was removed as well. (note; bot's are still forced to have 'automated host' in comments - I found that interesting running across that in the code, so we can still be sure a bot is not masquarading as non-bot).
I think most, or at least some, would have preferred the EV column being fixed as to display what engine version that host is using, rather than removing it.
I think the status column should aim at telling anyone that they are welcomed to join your host to play in it, without you having to chat in lobby to tell people so or put a redundant comment in notes inviting people to join your host, that the status column should already do.
I think the current "Waiting For Players" is good enough.
I think "Waiting" only is not a good pick, since that doesn't communicate that you want other users to join your host to play the game you are proposing; it's too generic and it may mean you are waiting for technical reasons, like loading times.
"Awaiting Players" shortens it a bit, keeping the same info as "Waiting For Players" (number 1), but is sounds a touch formal, so it makes me think that you are specifically waiting for someone, you had an appointment with, rather than just being open to anyone willingly to join, that should be the actual message.
"Open" may be good, as it should be much better than "Waiting" (number 2) in communicating that the game can be joined and it sounds rather immediate to me, as you can think to a Host as being a Room, basically, but it has the drawback of being scarcely consistent with the status itself, as games in progress are not closed, but still open for observers to join them.
"Open For Players" is a little shorter than "Waiting For Players" (number 1) and solves the drawbacks of just "Open" (number 4), also maybe being the most effective in giving the message we want, but it sounds a touch awkward.
"Need Players" may be the best if we want to focus on noob friendliness, but it has the drawback of being scarcely consistent with the status itself, as the status would be just that of a host whose game is not yet started, that doesn't necessarily mean you actually need players, except for bots, since they automatically start when all players are taken. The issue could be solved by having different status for not started games depending if all in-game players (the countries) have been taken (so, you can have three statuses: "Need Players", "Ready", "In Progress").