Global Dominance
@frostion All valid points. I know that the symbols I used are more generic than being specifically for a light tank. But it's what I came up with immediately. They are really just place holders til I can find suitable physical objects for them to keep them similar to all the other unit identifiers.
@frostion Here is my more formalized version.
@hepps What are the images? A Shark and a ?
I see it as a wing or a feather, and an eagles head. I can see the idea about “as light as a feather”, but I can’t figure out what the eagles head is about, and I really can’t see a shark. If @prastle and I cant intuitively read the symbols, maybe they need rework
Maybe a new version of a feather?
What about something like armor plates? Like one two and three and maybe a picture of a projectile penetrating armor plating for anti tank?
@frostion i thought also feather. I am also confused how a feather or bird relates to a tank? Do they fly now ?
@frostion Prastle can't see his screen. :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes: So I am not too worried about it.
I am probably going to stick with these for now as I don't really want to be putting icons on every unit, otherwise what is the point of even drawing the units in the first place. this was really just done to distinguish the Light Tanks from the Medium Tanks... and the Tank destroyers from the Self Propelled Artillery.
I am not really concerned whether or not they translate into any established iconography. I just want something distinctive. Once you start playing the game their meaning will be as obvious as the ones you have used from WOT in your game. I am trying not to get bogged down in this so that I can finish all the remaining units.
@hepps developes para tanks from GI JOE or was that A-Team that can land in a lake!
@ Hepps all good they will figure out your symbols
And the full Italian unit roster. (Excluding; hit,damaged, Veteran and disabled unit images)
@hepps Wow... Impressive. What is the last plane unit after the glider?
Caproni Campini Jet fighter.
@redrum Although that was the early draft... forgot to insert the re-envisioned version into the chart since I had worked on all the jets at once and had them saved in a different folder.
Here are as they will look...
And yes the Italians will have rockets and Rocket units if they choose to pursue that portion of the Tech Tree completely. (Whether they will have the ability or resources to follow such a course of action... well as Hammy the Hamster would say... "That is another story")
Sorry forgot the American P80 Shooting Star...
Russian and Japanese units are currently undergoing R&D. But both nations are confident of a break-through any day now.
@hepps I would call that El Alamein as Mersa Matruh, being the westermost British territory and all west of Qattara (when the Axis gets there, you can assume it is at the gates of El Alamein).
The Caproni jet was purely experimental and worthless for service, so maybe better going for the Reggiane Re.2007, if you can find a decent reference, that would have been the first actual fighter jet, tho it never existed; like in WAW the HeavyTank is the P43bis, that never existed (since no actual Italian tank is really heavy).
Showing the original ownerships is a good idea, that I used too, that same way. I always considered TripleA should have a dedicated way of showing original ownerships on the map, like in this case being able to define a number of pixels from the border that gets the original owner's colour.
@hepps Very productive today...
For Russia, I'd have to guess the MiG-9 which eventually led to the MiG-15 unless you go with something more experimental.
For Japan, I'd have to guess the Nakajima J9Y unless you go the direction of dedicated kamikaze...
Russian jet will be the Yakovlev Yak-15 which if I am not mistaken was the first purely jet aircraft the Russians developed.
Japanese jet will be the Nakajima Kikka which I believe is the exact same aircraft.
@Cernel Yah the Italian jet fighter could be either. Since creating an operational unit for the Italians is really an exercise in "alternate time-line" creative license. But since the Caproni Campini was actually built.... I went with that since it is conceivable that if time and energy were put into that project it may have been developed further and been turned into an operational fighter aircraft. Additionally, since there is/was uncertainty as to whether there were ever even real designs for the Reggiane Re.2007... I chose to go with the aircraft that truly existed.
I also used El Alamein as it is very iconic as a WWII historical reference.
@redrum said in Global Dominance:
@hepps Very productive today...
Not so much about productivity. Really just about sharing some more comprehensive snap shots with you. I use the same image of the map and layer all the national units over each other so that I know when all of the units for a particular nation are done. Can be really difficult trying to look at the list in the folders to ensure I am not missing things.
I had to do the same thing with all the: Veteran, Hit, Light Damaged , Moderate Damaged, Heavy Damaged, Disabled and Occupied units.
But since you inspired me with your enthusiasm... here are the last 2.
@hepps Yeah, Yak-15 is a good choice as well as it was built first though it and the MiG-9 were first test flown the same day (MiG-9 technically went first). And yeah Kikka is just another name for the J9Y.
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