Global Dominance
Sorry, this is the last Infantry unit.
The fight is not confined to regular army units.
@Hepps Conscripted elderly,women and children ?
@prastle I thought releasing the news of a Partisan unit was particularly fitting since yesterday was the anniversary of German troops occupying Paris. (Meant to actually do it yesterday and then forgot)
And depending on how I implement fuel...
@Hepps makes ports and fuel (or oil) important and very pretty unit!
up to you of course like the sub pens... bomb the refineries
or hmm .... bomb the steel mills as well each act as fact with own aa depending on the opponents worry they choose which to hit? sorry thinking outside box ill shush
looks exciting
@prastle This is an ugly, sad face of war. I suggest it be simulated without a unit or pic. It could be simulated thru a technology that cheapens infantry or by spending political points to earn more manpower points. Honestly, I believe this scenario is automatically covered by the default hi PU value of a capitol territory. Even after the 'empire or nation' is night defeated... it keeps on producing the same PUs by drawing on last resort, internal resources such as conscripting women and children.
@prastle No need to shush...
Ports are already critically important based on how they are designed.
@Zim-Xero I understand where you are coming from Xim. I guess i am just saying that if there is steel it should be attackable. Etc for oil/fuel is all.
@prastle I'm thinking Zim was referring to your comment about conscripting elderly, women and children.
@Hepps Indeed i was.
@Zim-Xero ah ... well truthfully thats what the conscripts were
edited in to clarify - Partisan units were women and children and elderly as well as non fighting males( for whatever reason) that rose up to defend themselves and attack the invaders
I am sure Hepps will define it better than I. -
@prastle In WW2, the Germans had a list of conscriptions to activate if it turned desperate. They did not activate them until the war was basically lost. Isralael and any other countries that enlist women in active front lines would receive a special bonus... but none of that really applies to WW1 an WW2. The closes thing, really, would be the defensive capabilties of all nations because when defeat was certain... the citizens of all ages and sexes you dared oppose played a role.
@Zim-Xero I guess i really refer to the scorched earth policy of Russia and her partisans. Realistically tho France was same with the resistance. Jmho. Thus Hepps idea of the dying troop
or partisan perhaps? -
@Cernel This didn't make the cut for my game... but I thought I'd post here just for you...
The dreaded Panzer Radfahrer
That's kinda cute, but it keeps remembering me that I would wish the version without the flag always be provided in the folders (or here, in this case); having the flag in the image makes it a bit annoying to re-use, by surging it out.
I'm not actually sure if I would have a bicycle_infantry in WWII. And I would be doubtful about the stats.
There is also the volkssturm with that bicycle with the couple panzerfausts:
It would be really good if someone would make a full set of bicycle_infantry and horse_cavalry for the common main players of WWII, as TripleA is sorely lacking in good images variety there.
So here is another little peek at the map setup.
If you look very closely you will see the Nordic Air Wing of the Küstenfliegergruppe 206 using its He 115 naval bombers to mine the Arctic passage.
Looks better and better all the time. Just a couple questions: What is the light blue german sea mine unit seen inland in Finland? And what does the A and E mean when it is beside the anchor?PS: I noticed your new map logo on the original post. It looks nice, but have you tried to make a version where the white text is dark brown or some dark brown texture? Maybe it would make it even better looking, maybe not
@Frostion Thanks. Progress is plodding along nicely.
To your questions...
A) Because sea mines represent a powerful tool to slow the movement of navies... I have designed them (the actual Sea Mines) as a unit that consumes a prerequisite unit called "munition" (the blue circle you see on the map). So it means that (in this case) the Naval bomber has to carry the "munition" to its intended drop point and then the player would have to purchase the actual mine for the SZ during his purchase and placement phase. All of the Mine capable units; Naval Bomber, the Frigate and the Submarine can lay mines.... but they to need to have a munition. I designed it this way because I didn't want the sea units to be able to just lay sea mines every turn willy-nilly all over the map. By adding the munition achieved 3 things...
It means the subs and Frigates have to position themselves in a SZ adjacent to a Naval base before a Munition will automatically generate. For the Naval Bomber it has to be in a terr. with an Airfield.
Because the munition is a non combat move only unit. It means that if you are using either of the naval units for mining purposes (or the Naval Bomber) you cannot use them in attacks for that turn because they have to use their movement to get into position to lay the mine.
It means that once at sea they cannot just continue to spam mines... they would need to return to a naval base before they can lay another mine.
This allows me to retain some control over the process. Otherwise it would just become an epidemic of mine spamming based on how I have designed the sea mine unit. This control mechanism is of huge importance to the game design because the Shipping Lanes are of huge significance to game-play.... so I don't want... say Germany... to be able to park a sub in the middle of the Atlantic and just pump out mines continuously without having to return to the main land.
Because Ports govern the ability for certain units to load/unload as well as other things... I needed a way to define what SZ the port on land is connected to. So each port is designed to be specific. That way I can control what SZ is capable of allowing the functions for each port.
Just drew the logo yesterday... first draft. After looking a the IW threads I needed to come up with something to compete.
Clever system for mine laying. I would probably just have made very weak mines that a minelayer unit just auto-generated each turn ... hehe. Not very sophisticated I guess.If it is any help, I have used two websites when making text graphics for my maps. Both small mini text pictures for land territory names like in Dragon War, and also the map logos. After making transparent huge pictures on the website I have fooled around with visual effects of my own and some minor color adjustments, maybe some shadow. I think it is important to have the text somehow match the looks of the rest of the map and the units. Good luck
Iron War text is from this website: War text is from here: