Iron War 0.2.7 Black_Elk (Axis) vs redrum (Allies)
@Black_Elk I loaded it up for a few minutes earlier and don't really have any clue either
I figure the first game will be a noob fest and we'll either figure it out or Frostion will guide us towards the light. Feel free to post the first turn otherwise I can do it tomorrow as about to call it a night.
Ohhh, I will have to follow this game closely also
Im glad you chose Dragon War as I personally feel that map has a lot of flavour, and is probably my favourite map. The universe is conjured up out of my imagination and it is heavily inspired by good old standardized fantasy
Remember to read the short notes.
I must admit that the notes are lacking and it is also a map I made much earlier than Iron War, so if/when you feel that something is missing in the notes or you feel that something is confusing, please take a note of it. I will happily improve the map notes.
Haha right on! I got all keyed and fell asleep watching the talking lamp, so maybe tomorrow is best. That way we can give Frostion a proper run here. I'll cue up the Conan soundtrack, Battle of the Mounds style and try not to die too quickly