2.0 is now available
You can now download 2.0 from the triplea-game.org website
Changes are listed on the release notes
Just have had a WW2v6 multiplayer game going on 2.0 (20123) in the lobby as it has been released (all it's working fine).
Just had a couple late breaking fixes, v2.0.20183 is now available
20183 has a few late-breaking and important bug fixes.
- Fixed: Map listing may not render if default game is blank
- Fixed: Can encounter error if deprecated costPU is still present
on a map, possible if maps are not updated
- Fixed: Can encounter NPE in game selector initialization
if default game is missing or errors out (due to costPU for example) -
I just want to note that the AI both Fast and Hard do not buy factories when they should. Its the same maps but in 1.9 they actually do.
@Cernel said in 2.0 is now available:
Just have had a WW2v6 multiplayer game going on 2.0 (20123) in the lobby as it has been released (all it's working fine).
V6 is the best version to test the pre-releases.
@Lord-Bevan please file a bug report, which map and conditions you expect a factory and save game would all be helpful.
Hello - is there a bug that will not allow one to use numbers (0-9) as part of their user name in the new lobby? I had 90thLight - and it works on the old lobby - but I get an error saying that I must use alphanumeric characters....but a number won't take?
Some users are complaining in the lobby. I'm not really understanding the problems or what I can do about it. Hopefully they will bug report. This is the chatlog:
Vlada has joined
Granitsockel has joined
(18:17:06) Vlada: wHAT IS THIS?
(18:17:15) Cernel: ?
(18:17:22) Cernel: hi vlada
(18:17:34) Vlada: I WASNT HERE 7 DAYS
(18:17:36) red_ibis: bot 406 just crashed rnd 1
(18:17:37) Vlada: HI
(18:18:01) Vlada: I MUST INSTAL GAME
(18:18:02) Cernel: hey red ibis make a bug report uploading the savegame
(18:18:14) Cernel: no, if you are here it means you already have it
(18:18:15) trade: this version seems unstable
(18:18:29) Cernel: if you find anything that seem unstable, please make a bug report
(18:18:45) Vlada: no i tried 100 times and must instal than
(18:18:52) Cernel: uh?
(18:18:57) Cernel: you tried what?
(18:19:11) trade: why did this update happen?
(18:19:15) Vlada: 1.9.00
(18:19:25) Cernel: to improve triplea, obviously, at trade
willy1 has joined
(18:19:49) Vlada: and i hear some sound whan u write
(18:20:03) trade: did not look like much improvement, but okey
(18:20:05) Cernel: uh? no idea, sounds should be the same
(18:20:26) sailingcondor: the screen is really big
MasterT has joined
(18:20:41) Cernel: the screen is big? what do you mean?
(18:20:43) Vlada: is thos only one lobby now?
(18:20:48) Vlada: this
(18:20:49) Cernel: it's literally the same
willy1 has left
(18:21:07) Cernel: the 1.9 is still up but it will be taken out in a few weeks
(18:21:10) sailingcondor: though waiting in bot and looking at the lobby is a little sketchy
(18:21:21) Cernel: sketchy?
(18:21:25) Cernel: no idea what you mean
(18:21:30) Vlada: i cant connect to 1.9
(18:21:34) Cernel: please take a screenshot and make a bug report in case
(18:21:40) Cernel: you have any visual issue
MasterT has left
(18:21:55) sailingcondor: have to adjust the dimensions
willy1 has joined
harbinger has left
(18:22:21) Cernel: I've really no idea what you need to adjust and how you are adjusting it
(18:22:23) Longstreet: Global 40 bot 304
(18:23:07) sailingcondor: the entering of a bot has a huge space
(18:23:16) sailingcondor: blocks out the message area
(18:23:25) Vlada: i have restarted my comp 10 tmes and trying more than 20 per restart and still c
ant play old
(18:23:34) Cernel: sorry I really don't understand
(18:23:44) Cernel: I entered bots seems all normal to me, but I rarely used bots
(18:23:51) Cernel: so might miss differences easily
(18:23:52) Vlada: 200 times i tried to start
(18:24:06) Cernel: Vlada I'm really not understanding what's your problem
(18:24:21) Cernel: you are here in this lobby it means you are running 2.0
(18:24:29) Cernel: so what is the issue?
(18:25:28) Vlada: its so small number of players and avaible bots to play
(18:26:18) Vlada: maby u can see how many players are ind ond version
(18:26:26) Vlada: in old
(18:26:49) Vlada: and this sound is going on my nerves
(18:27:03) Cernel: what sound? anyway you can deselect sounds as normal
(18:27:16) Cernel: Settings/Sound Options
(18:27:23) Cernel: if you mean you want to go back to 1.9
(18:27:28) Vlada: its all on
(18:27:31) Cernel: it's not a good idea to start new games in there
(18:27:37) Cernel: but you can
(18:27:53) Cernel: the 1.9 is still available in a minor link where you downloaded 2.0
(18:28:02) Vlada: slap me
(18:28:23) Cernel: click on "Previous TripleA Releases", you will be directed to 1.9 and even 1.8.0
(18:28:27) Vlada: You were slapped by Vlada
Cernel slapped Vlada
(18:28:33) Vlada: uhh
(18:28:38) Cernel: ?
(18:29:49) trade: crashed again
(18:29:58) trade: different bot
(18:30:04) Vlada: You were slapped by Vlada
(18:30:05) red_ibis: Bot302_California: Jun 23, 2020 4:29:38 PM games.strategy.engine.framework.star
tup.launcher.ServerLauncher launchInternal Bot302_California: SEVERE: Unrecogni
zed error occurred. If this is a re...
(18:30:20) red_ibis: that's 2 for 2. maybe its the nwo
(18:30:30) trade: maybe
(18:30:31) Vlada: You were slapped by Vlada
(18:30:41) Cernel: I'm really not sure what you mean by crashed? can't you just make a bug report?
(18:30:43) trade: lets wait some weeks, maybe it will be playable
(18:30:48) Cernel: I'm not a developer btw
(18:30:51) red_ibis: where?
(18:30:56) Vlada: i set only slap to hear and i dont hear it
(18:31:10) RainMan: easy there Vlada....remember...
(18:31:15) RainMan: this is FREE
(18:31:21) RainMan: have some patience
(18:31:27) Cernel: ok everyone please open tickets about the issues you are having, because so far
I'm having none
(18:31:32) Cernel: I give the link
(18:31:37) Vlada: somebody slap me now
trade slapped Vlada
(18:31:56) Cernel: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issues
(18:32:04) Vlada: ok i can hear
(18:32:32) Cernel: no, actually, it's not a matter to have patience, if nobody reports the issue, i
t won't be fixed
(18:32:47) Cernel: the program is already meant to be stable
(18:32:59) Cernel: this is not a prerelease nor an unstable version
Granitsockel slapped Longstreet
(18:33:10) Vlada: need more bots please
(18:33:26) Cernel: more bots? more than half are empty
(18:33:48) trade: is it possible to just play with the old version?
(18:33:51) Vlada: ah thats new ...AVAILABLE
(18:33:59) Cernel: yes it is, but as I said:
(18:34:14) Cernel: 1: you need to report issues for them to be fixed, not just going back to old
(18:34:25) Cernel: 2: the 1.9 will be axed in a few weeks
(18:34:30) trade: why not, I did not like the changes
(18:34:34) Cernel: and the 1.9 savegames cannot be loaded in 2.0
(18:34:35) trade:
(18:34:56) Cernel: you like the changes or not, 1.9 will be soon in the past for good
(18:35:28) Cernel: 1.9 is up really just so you can finish your saves
(18:36:31) Vlada: I dont now why you change something good?
red_ibis has left
(18:37:18) Vlada: i enjoied in 1.9 and now i cant even enter there
(18:37:31) Cernel: you cannot enter what?
(18:37:40) Cernel: you cannot enter bots?
(18:37:43) Vlada: in old version
(18:37:46) trade: yeah, it seems you need to rollback
(18:37:54) Cernel: you can still download and have the old version
(18:37:57) Cernel: I gave you the link
(18:38:06) trade: should have been a warning when updating
blinchik slapped Navalland
(18:38:24) blinchik: nava, game of waw 1940?
(18:38:25) Cernel: https://triplea-game.org/old_downloads/
(18:39:01) Cernel: well anyway I guess I will paste this conversation, but this won't do much, plea
se make bug reports in GitHub about any issues -
@90thLight I believe names must start with alphabetic characters. This has been done to simplify listing. You can still have numbers, though (unless the moderators find the number to be unacceptable and ban it, of course).
Please all, this is not the place to report problems. Each problem needs its own conversation thread. We risk confusion and problem reports getting lost in a pile of responses. In specific, the dev team will often need to talk through how to fix and what problems are, each of these reports could lead to a few pages of conversations.
Report problems here: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issues/new
@Cernel thank you for being patient with Vlada there and trying to point them in the right direction.
@LaFayette I saw at least 2 reported in GitHub, but didn't upload the savegames.
Question: I got a report that a user updated 1.9 to 2.0 automatically by the ingame update routine (I never used that myself). Do players get an information about the savegame incompatibility when doing so?
The user was irritated that his savegames did not work any longer but could not remember being informed about that during the procedure...
In the end he got the information from my forum posting after that (and reinstalled 1.9 side by side). -
The 1.9 upgrade message is baked into the 1.9 game code. We are not able to change it unless a user upgrades (chicken and egg problem).
I do not think it mentions save game compatibility. Beyond that, I think it mistakenly even says that 1.9 will not be overwritten (by default it will be, users have to select to install 2.0 in a specific non-default folder to preserve 1.9).
@LaFayette Thanks for the information.
Yes that is what I have told them (install in different directories). Now it depends on what they notice first: Either the game update prompt or the forum topic. -
Ever since i loaded this version the maps won't use technology Once its gained by the role. I've got a few games where this is happening. Noticed it when i got the tech that allowed me to role 2d6 extra PU's every turn and i never got them.
I would have reported this under bugs but i am annoyed that i can't just use the dang forum to report it. I have to sign up to yet another service just to report a bug?
Well i don't want to so i am just letting you know here and you can do whatever you want with that info. In the meantime i will just stop using Tech in my games.
@avshar While I respect the frustration, we are not payed. There's a number of questions that we generally need to know, like, which map? It can take us a good 20 minutes to find that out. Meanwhile, we have jobs, this is a side hobby, between all dev's we've about 10 hours total a week at best for TripleA. If we spend 20 minutes just to find out what someone is talking about, it's already consumed a good chunk of that. Let alone, how many problems have been reported in this thread? What's the status of the 3rd one reported? (There is another 10 minutes just to even know if something is a problem, and the clock ticks down). This is a very bad problem for us, we simply don't have development capacity. I have yet to mention that any actual code fixes will take hours. So while you complain about not wanting to take 5 minutes to report a problem properly, saving us 30-40 minutes, we're going to go on to spend 2 or 3 hours coding, fixing and testing a fix. That 30-40 minutes saved is really worthwhile you taking just a little extra time.
v2.0.20234 is now available with a few fixes.
I would expect another fix release again in the coming days.
I'm locking this thread. Discussion forums are bad at tracking bugs:
- your bug reports are going to be lost if posted here
- we're going to confuse ourselves by discussing all bugs all at once in one thread
Here is where to report problems: