Neutrality relationship but the possibility to conquer abandoned territory?
Is this in any way possible?
Emphasis is on abandoned. -
@torpedoa you mean other than by moving a unit into it?
@ubernaut To be much more precise:
I have a scenario in which there are 4 factions.
1 faction is at war with all other 3.
Those 3 other factions are neutral to each other.
Normally you cannot enter neutral relationship territories at all afaik.
So my question would be if its possible through relationship attachements, that one can conquer territories of neutral realationship faction by unit movement, but only if there is no other unit in there. -
@torpedoa above my paygrade sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@torpedoa so the 3 that are neutral to each other you want them to be able to conquer any abandoned territory of each other ?
Hmm ... idk Maybe you could try making them "Unfriendly_Neutral" to each other. They'd have to actually attack if there were units presence, so you'd have to Player Enforce that, but if it was empty you could just move in
Would it be acceptable to have a trigger that causes a nation to lose control over territory it abandons? ie if you remove all units from a territory, you lose control of the territory, and it ends up belonging to nobody. Then another nation could just walk in and take it.
@zlefin Yes, you could create a trigger like that. You would check against "directPresence" and change control to a neutral player.