haveResources as a condition option
Hi all!
There have been may request to check resources within the xml with the latest being:
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/2606/trigger-based-on-production-income-valueI have opened a discussion on GitHub and submitted what I think could do this:
<!-- haveResources value=resource to check, count=amout of resources. --> <option name="haveResources" value="techTokens" count="1"/> <!-- If more then 1 resource is listed, then only 1 resource need to be true --> <option name="haveResources" value="iron:oil" count="3"/> <!-- Either 'iron' or 'oil' would need to be 3 or greater to be true --> <!-- Using the 'Sum' or 'Add' as the first value, will add the resources together --> <option name="haveResources" value="Sum:iron:oil" count="3"/> <!-- The use of the 'players' option would include those players resources in the check --> <!-- If attachTo="Russians" --> <option name="haveResources" value="Sum:iron:oil" count="3"/> <option name="players" value="Americans:British" /> <!-- Total the sum of all the iron and oil for all three players --> <!-- haveResources can be listed more then once. Each option needs to be true --> <option name="haveResources" value="techTokens" count="3"/> <option name="haveResources" value="PUs" count="55"/>
Well those are my thoughts...
Thanks for submitting this.
Am I reading this correctly that it would check for a player's on-hand resources as opposed to their income?
If it's for on-hand resources than the player could presumably save up to meet the criteria. I was thinking more of an income based approach such that the check would trigger if player controlled 55 IPCs worth of territories rather than just have 55IPCs on hand.
@Contango You could still achieve what you want with a bit of a work around...
You could create another resource called say Victory Points.... have every territory earn the same VP per territory as PU... then trigger them to be zero'd out immediately following the end of the turn.
Good point. Would add some extra bulk but that could work.
@Contango Yup... not a perfect solution... but might work well with some testing. Just a thought to solve your problem.
'haveResources' reworked for 2.6+
It's me. Wondering if I could resubmit this, along with "checkAIPlayer". I think they would be nice additions to 2.6 since there have been many requests for these types of conditions.
I too would like checkAIPlayer.Also, please can map makers choose between between AI/HardAI & FastAI.
I have one map that must be played with FastAI, it just does not play/work with the default AI/HardAI
In the xml it is defined as just AI, see below.<playerList> <player name="Darkred" optional="true" canBeDisabled="true" defaultType="AI" isHidden="false"/>
It is Arena of Death
Also @Black_Elk and I have come to the conclusion that 1941 Global Command Decision just plays better if played as FastAI, its more aggressive in its play style.
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3326/1941-global-command-decision-official-thread -
Going to try this again.
This time I have added testing for haveResources.
Has this been done? Is there an ETA?
@wc_sumpton So you have given up, have you?