Mega New Elk WIP
@wc_sumpton Badass! I was able to get that one to fire up and see what's going on there. Sweet!
Thanks man
I think I was having an issue there getting out of sync with xml, on account of labelling adjustments for the centers and such in that last folder I grabbed.
Initially I had provided a big block of text with all my naming suggestions that was pre-alphabetized. Since I typically had the City or Metro name coming before the more generic regional/state designation, it's fine if the first part of the name is the part chosen, but if it's the second part then that stuff will be re-ordered if doing a quickie replace.
For example Ploiesti-E. Romania was under "P" for Ploiesti, whereas Warsaw- Cen. Poland, was under "W" for the first portion of the label. That'd be relatively straight forward if always using the first label, but then there are other spots where I used a rather different convention - of combining 2 metros, or 2 regions into a single tile. Example would be a spot like say Arizona-New Mexico where I combined 2 US states with no Metro there. You could call it just Arizona to preserve the alphabeta on it, but then that would be a little weird sometimes if doing an earlier scenario. Initially I had in mind a late 19th century or WW1, so you had a slightly more sensible 'New Mexico' Territory label for that time period, still an anachronism since AZ and NM didn't happen till 1912, but sorta worked there. Similarly if bouncing between eras, there will be the more familiar issues, like whether to call it Leningrad or St. Petersburg, or Oslo vs Christiania, depending on whether the timeline is pre-1925 or not.
I'm not super particular about the names chosen, some are rather arbitrary or catch all, it's just that for the skeleton of the thing, clearly the labels need to get changed/knocked out first for the map display there, cause otherwise I get lost in the weeds hehe.
Also, I anticipate at least a couple typos here and there if doing a big switcheroo. Example right now Mecklenburg is missing the n reads Meckleburg, or any of those goofs I might have made early on that where later cleaned up in the GCD. Pinsk we already got, but you know, just needs that double checker first before we can bang out the rest of the stuff that relies on the center labels to be all consistent to fire up proper. I think next round on the GIT should be cleaner, Bill was trying to get it sorted so we wouldn't have so many extra game files from that first round of experimentation
yea I got the VC's sorted a few days ago but imagine wc's will be a cleaner look.
I haven't updated as I'm still trying to clean the games folder.
I guess I will so we don't get too much duplicate action going.
Gonna battle git some more today. Ending up bingeing on Reacher yesterday since Amazon free this month lol
@beelee oh we'll get there for sure. I can see it now - see the daylight I mean.
Haha right on, I hear ya. Black coffee! 'Details matter!" hehe
I haven't caught up there for the latest special investigations, but I do miss Roscoe
I think I fell off when the T-1000 showed up last time. Somehow that dude is making a pretty nice comeback, doing the Yellowstone moves and that one and such.
I'm just watching DARK again with my dogs. It's their favorite I think. Everything is connected lol
yea Roscoe was pretty sweet
This one better than season 2. It was kind of a dissapointment.
He's his usual ruthless self in this one. If you like that sorta thing
Stalin needs to attack the reich and then I'll get us up to date
Here's latest
I haven't looked at wc's latest yet. I most likely will incorporate it in the next one, unless I miraculously made my stuff as clean as his always is
I got a pretty good idea what's happening with games. Just need that last bit of brain power to make it happen. Some days it works better than others lol
@beelee I did quick check of the names
Pelelui-Palau Is. should be Peleliu-Palau Is.
Prypriat should be Prypyat (or Prypiat)
Rio Grande Du Sol should be Rio Grande do Sol
Rzesow should be Rzeszow
Santo Domingo-Domenica should be Santo Domingo-Dominican -
@rogercooper Excellent catches! This was also my hope that if it did the map display thing, then if I goofed would be easier to catch my goofs. I'm very prone to typographical mistakes and in constant need of an editor.
Yeah all those corrections for sure! Good eye!
Hopefully we can get it dialed and then should be a little easier once it's set up in the bones. Thanks again for the help
@black_elk Would you like me to check geographical errors as well?
That would be rad!
We may have to make some compromises based on the needs of the gameplay, or how difficult it is to say change a label compared to redrawn stuff in the polys, but definitely if something jumps out as particularly conspicuous or just plain off hehe. When transcribing stuff initially, sometimes I would reverse particularly characters, but then it just wouldn't even register for me, like by brain would just blast past I guess. As if everything on land might have been just an abstraction the way sea zones are just some number. Ideally the contours in place on land should give an impression though, something that feels familiar enough to riff on for these target dates. Maybe set a few different time periods to cover without having to make too many poly adjustments for that. Sorta the ideal of one map with multiple potential games, but then the period target changed so many times over the years, there are like these little vestigial remains of prior attempts or things I'd have just missed in the port at whatever step. If anything though, kinda fun for maybe a where waldo or crossword puzzle for the history buffs and the double check. If we can spot the goofs early, gets the gold star cause then it's nice and tidy. Easier for the relief stuff. Even if stuff doesn't ultimately have to all display, nice to have the option off/on reading cleanly
I've got the xml's updated with @RogerCooper name changes, including centers, place, polygons and pu_place.
Next, I would like to work on units. I would like to replace "infantry" with "Infantry", "mech_infantry" with "Halftrack" etc.
Or maybe named units like "Panzer III", "Tiger II". This is up to you.Let me know.
@wc_sumpton Sounds awesome!
Hopefully, for some of the territory labels at least, the problem may go away when we shorten the names a bit for the map display on. Like if the error was in the second name and we can just crop it down to the first name and such. That sort of thing.
For unit labels/naming conventions, I think it would be helpful to default to whatever G40 uses for the standard roster. Just so as not to confuse players who come over from the basic G40 game with those sorts of unit naming expectations. This would be to retain the option to use whatever tech code or HR type options might be available from the standard games.
That said, if doing the rename on anything unit-wise, I think it would be optimal to choose names that don't have variant spellings in American vs British standards. For example Tank is always a Tank, compared to Armour vs Armor, or Harbour vs Harbor etc that sort of thing. Just so we don't have to start a spelling war where one could be avoided altogether if we'd just picked something different for that initially. We have "font map and color" in the game settings, I'm sure some users would prefer colour. Maybe hue would have worked, but it's just one of those things. Hard to go back once everyone gets used it being called 'such and such' all I was thinking.
I'm not the one to fight the spelling war though, like I'm just the most terrible typist in our whole squad probably. I'm happy to defer or delegate on that, for sure hehe
Having done a quick analysis of the views for GCD, over 10+ to 1 of the views come from the US so I would keep US spelling and Im an English man.
Of note in '40 the UK_Pacific was removed, there were no units and only India was listed as a Capital under British control. Unless the Pacific 40 territories are to be given, I don't see a need to add them back. All unit are changed over to British, so they basically have no movement or combat.