splitted USA - need help
I took the map and the xml of WW2v3-1941 and changed it.
The plan is to split the Americans into Americans_west and Americans_east, ech with own income, own move order, own units and so on. In the end the should be two nations for the Allies like USA and UK.
however I made some mistakes as I get
SAXParseException: game: World War II v4 1941, line: 2464, column: 8, error: Element mit "Americans" ist im Dokument erforderlich.
but there are more error messages.
I need help.
I can send the xml to someone who is much more experienced in map making than I am.Thanks
@Numetalfan I know I could probably translate it myself, but probably you would stand more chances if you give the English version of that exception.
Also, do not call it v4! V4 identifies another game in the WW2 series. Don't call it v3.1, either. In general the "v" thing is a rules reference; if you are making a variant of v3, just call it "WWIIv3 1941 ..." (for example, veqryn's "WWIIv3 1941 China Mod" in the "WW2v3_Variants" (in your case, not a "Mod", as you clearly need to modify the original skin)).
If you go ahead making so many changes that it is really like a new map, instead, probably better giving it an original name.
Hi Cernel,
I changend that v3 thing in the code and the xml name also. All error messages are in German, I don't know why.
I would appreciate if you can send me your email so I can send you the xml file. It's probably easier that way to find the concrete problems.Thanks
Download notepad++ and check the line. You will wind the mistake.
@Numetalfan You should be able to upload the XML file to a post in this thread so we can take a look.
@Numetalfan So, what I guess is that you have removed the "Americans" player and added two players "Americans_west" and "Americans_east". However, somewhere in your xml you still have at least one occurrence of "Americans", that now refers to no actually defined player. So, just make a search for simply "Americans" in you document, and remove all occurrences you find of it.
@Cernel: It still doesn't work.
Could you take a look at the file? -
@Numetalfan I didn't test the game, but just did what I suggested to do.
I see in the xml there are several istances of simply "Americans", namely:
<playerProduction player="Americans" frontier="production"/>
<playerRepair player="Americans" frontier="repair"/>
<attachment name="techAttachment" attachTo="Americans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TechAttachment" type="player">
(the above figures twice)
<option name="capital" value="Americans"/>
Since "Americans" doesn't actually exist, all those instances need to be erased, and the related code being rewritten accordingly.
As I didn't modify or test the game, there may be other issues with it.
here we go again,
the topic is still valid for me, that's what I did:
- re-naming
former Americans are now USA and Americans_east
<!-- Player Turn Order --><player name="USA" optional="false"/> <player name="Americans_west" optional="false"/>
<!-- Allied Alliance -->
<alliance player="USA" alliance="Allies"/>
<alliance player="Americans_west" alliance="Allies"/>
</playerList>is this OK? would Americans_east and Americans_west also work?
- modifying
this are the changes in the .xml file
<!-- Americans_west Game Sequence -->
<step name="american_westTech" delegate="tech" player="Americans_west"/>
<step name="american_westTechActivation" delegate="tech_activation" player="Americans_west "/>
<step name="american_westPurchase" delegate="purchase" player="Americans_west"/>
<step name="american_westCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Americans_west"/>
<step name="american_westBattle" delegate="battle" player="Americans_west"/>
<step name="american_westNonCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Americans_west" display="Non Combat Move"/>
<step name="american_westPlace" delegate="place" player="Americans_west"/>
<step name="american_westEndTurn" delegate="endTurn" player="Americans_west"/>
<!-- Chinese/USA Game Sequence -->
<step name="americanTech" delegate="tech" player="USA"/>
<step name="americanTechActivation" delegate="tech_activation" player="USA"/>
<step name="americanPurchase" delegate="purchase" player="USA"/>
<step name="chinesePurchase" delegate="purchaseNoPU" player="Chinese"/>
<step name="americanCombatMove" delegate="move" player="USA"/>
<step name="americanBattle" delegate="battle" player="USA"/>
<step name="americanNonCombatMove" delegate="move" player="USA" display="Non Combat Move"/>
<step name="chineseCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Chinese"/>
<step name="chineseBattle" delegate="battle" player="Chinese"/>
<step name="chineseNonCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Chinese" display="Non Combat Move"/>
<step name="americanPlace" delegate="place" player="USA"/>
<step name="chinesePlace" delegate="place" player="Chinese"/>
<step name="chineseEndTurn" delegate="endTurnNoPU" player="Chinese">
<stepProperty name="skipPosting" value="true"/>
<step name="USAEndTurn" delegate="endTurn" player="USA">
<stepProperty name="turnSummaryPlayers" value="USA:Chinese"/>
<!-- End Round -->
<step name="endRoundStep" delegate="endRound"/>
<playerProduction player="Americans_west" frontier="production"/>
<playerProduction player="Chinese" frontier="production"/>
<playerProduction player="USA" frontier="production"/>
<playerRepair player="Chinese" frontier="repair"/>
<playerRepair player="USA" frontier="repair"/>
<playerRepair player="Americans_west" frontier="repair"/>
<!-- USA -->
<attachment name="techAttachment" attachTo="USA" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TechAttachment" type="player">
<option name="superSub" value="false"/>
<option name="jetPower" value="false"/>
<option name="shipyards" value="false"/>
<option name="aARadar" value="false"/>
<option name="longRangeAir" value="false"/>
<option name="heavyBomber" value="false"/>
<option name="improvedArtillerySupport" value="false"/>
<option name="rocket" value="false"/>
<option name="paratroopers" value="false"/>
<option name="increasedFactoryProduction" value="false"/>
<option name="warBonds" value="false"/>
<option name="mechanizedInfantry" value="false"/>
!-- Americans_west -->
<attachment name="techAttachment" attachTo="Americans_west" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TechAttachment" type="player">
<option name="superSub" value="false"/>
<option name="jetPower" value="false"/>
<option name="shipyards" value="false"/>
<option name="aARadar" value="false"/>
<option name="longRangeAir" value="false"/>
<option name="heavyBomber" value="false"/>
<option name="improvedArtillerySupport" value="false"/>
<option name="rocket" value="false"/>
<option name="paratroopers" value="false"/>
<option name="increasedFactoryProduction" value="false"/>
<option name="warBonds" value="false"/>
<option name="mechanizedInfantry" value="false"/>
..<territoryOwner territory="Eastern United States" owner="USA"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Brazil" owner="USA"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Panama" owner="USA"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Greenland" owner="USA"/>
<territoryOwner territory="West Indies" owner="USA"/>
<!-- American_west Owned Territories -->
<territoryOwner territory="Alaska" owner="Americans_west"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Central United States" owner="Americans_west"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Hawaiian Islands" owner="Americans_west"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Mexico" owner="Americans_west"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Midway" owner="Americans_west"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Philippine Islands" owner="Americans_west"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Wake Island" owner="Americans_west"/>
<territoryOwner territory="Western United States" owner="Americans_west"/>
<!--US Capitol-->
<attachment name="territoryAttachment" attachTo="Eastern United States" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment" type="territory">
<option name="production" value="12"/>
<option name="unitProduction" value="12"/>
<option name="capital" value="USA"/>
<option name="victoryCity" value="1"/>
<!-- USA Unit Placements -->
<unitPlacement unitType="factory" territory="Eastern United States" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="aaGun" territory="Eastern United States" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Eastern United States" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="artillery" territory="Eastern United States" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="fighter" territory="Eastern United States" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="bomber" territory="Eastern United States" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="transport" territory="10 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="destroyer" territory="10 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="cruiser" territory="10 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="USA"/>
<!-- American_west Unit Placements -->
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Alaska" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Central United States" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Hawaiian Islands" quantity="2" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="fighter" territory="Hawaiian Islands" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Midway" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Philippine Islands" quantity="2" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Wake Island" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="factory" territory="Western United States" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="aaGun" territory="Western United States" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="infantry" territory="Western United States" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="fighter" territory="Western United States" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="bomber" territory="Western United States" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="destroyer" territory="44 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="fighter" territory="44 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="carrier" territory="44 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="transport" territory="50 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="destroyer" territory="50 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="battleship" territory="53 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="transport" territory="56 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="destroyer" territory="56 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<unitPlacement unitType="Cruiser" territory="56 Sea Zone" quantity="1" owner="Americans_west"/>
<resourceGiven player="USA" resource="PUs" quantity="17"/> <resourceGiven player="Americans_west" resource="PUs" quantity="27"/> <resourceGiven player="USA" resource="techTokens" quantity="0"/>
<resourceGiven player="Americans_west" resource="techTokens" quantity="0"/>
</initialize>Any mistakes here?
finally I modified the National Objectives:
<i>USA: The Arsenal of Democracy-</i><br>
+5 PUs if Allies control Sicily.<br>
+5 PUs if Allies control Morocco, Algeria,Lybia, Egypt.<br>
+5 PUs if Allies control 2 of France,Northwestern Europe, Norway.<br>
<i>Americans_west: The Pacific war-</i><br>
+5 PUs if Allies control Philippine Islands.<br>
+3 PUs if Allies control 3 of Caroline Islands,Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Formosa.<br>
+3 PUs if Allies control 3 of Midway, Wake Island, Hawaiian Islands, Solomon Islands.<br>
<br>in detail:
<!-- USA Objectives -->
<attachment name="objectiveAttachment1" attachTo="USA" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="objectiveValue" value="5"/>
<option name="alliedOwnershipTerritories" value="France:Northwestern Europe:Norway" count="2"/>
<attachment name="objectiveAttachment2" attachTo="USA" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="objectiveValue" value="5"/>
<option name="alliedOwnershipTerritories" value="Sicily" count="1"/>
<attachment name="objectiveAttachment3" attachTo="USA" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="objectiveValue" value="5"/>
<option name="alliedOwnershipTerritories" value="Morocco:Algeria:Lybia:Egypt" count="4"/>
<!-- American_west Objectives -->
<attachment name="objectiveAttachment1" attachTo="Americans_west" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="objectiveValue" value="5"/>
<option name="alliedOwnershipTerritories" value="Caroline Islands:Okinawa:Iwo Jima:Formosa" count="3"/>
<attachment name="objectiveAttachment2" attachTo="Americans_west" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="objectiveValue" value="5"/>
<option name="alliedOwnershipTerritories" value="Philippine Islands" count="1"/>
<attachment name="objectiveAttachment3" attachTo="Americans_west" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player">
<option name="objectiveValue" value="3"/>
<option name="alliedOwnershipTerritories" value="Midway:Wake Island:Hawaiian Islands:Solomon Islands" count="3"/>
</attachment>any mistakes here?
note: I splitted Algeria and Morocco into two countries. Sicily is also a new territory.Thanks
topic closed, everything works so far. US WEST capitol was the last missing puzzle tile.
Hi all,
the split US scenario is finished.
I would like to publish it, so that everybody who is interested can download and play it.
Would do I have to do? the zip file is about 13 MB large. how to send it to the download center? -
@Numetalfan Here is Frostion's guide
Hi, I did all steps including upload and changing ownership
can you check this? Hope I've done all correctly