AI Interesting Moves and Points of Improvement on Revised
@Alexei-Svitkine I also reviewed the AI not moving away from its capital area and there was an issue in capital land superiority checks causing it to abort moving units away from its capital. PR to improve that:
This potentially will make a major improvement in the German AI on Great War.
@LaFayette That definitely looks bad and I imagine the UK should have captured Germany probably 10 turns ago. I'll try to take a look tomorrow.
Ah, belay that @redrum ; I had a buggy version. I was noticing the AI was not sending enough units in to attack. So AI was building up but could never close the deal
It was pretty interesting to see the borders had shifted quite a bit nonetheless.
@LaFayette Ok. That's a relief as if the AI doesn't attack in that situation, I was pretty worried that there was a major issue.
@redrum the AI Improve Defend Territory Check. That sounds like a vague check. Is that a number in 1 stat that you slightly increased or decreased? Is it named Defend Territory Check?
EDIT: Ok, I see another page of this thread after I posted that and you made another bug fix for Capitol Defense Check ... again, is that just 1 number you increased or lowered?
Basically I'm asking if you tweeked both the AI's Defend Territory function and the AI's Capitol Defense function by just changing 1 value for each?
Does those 2 bug fixes effect the AI for WWIIClassic map?
@Captain-Crunch Both updates are a bit more than just tweaking a value:
- Improve Defend Territory Check - Sometimes the AI would add some units to try to defend a territory and when checking the result vs the result of not adding the units, it would decide not to defend it. Now the AI as long as it projects the defense to have a positive average TUV trade will add the units to defend it.
- Improve Capital Defense Check - The AI makes a land superiority check (allied vs enemy units within a certain range of its capital) and was only considering units that had already been moved and ignoring units that could still move causing it to often abort defenses. This now makes it consider the max units it could move to nearby territories and then remove units that have moved away from it for other defenses already.
Both of these improvements impact all maps including Classic though I'd say they probably have a bigger impact on larger maps like Great War. In particular, if you saw cases that the AI didn't move its units forward in noncombat move were it could defend, these 2 changes should hopefully fix those cases.
@redrum you rock! I really thought your tweek was going to be much simpler so thank-you for that excellent reply which helps me understand the game programming a bit better and also thank-you for telling me it effects all map AI's so it looks like I'm due to submit another couple games against the AI on the WWIIClassic map ... I'm kinda busy doing some other stuff but I will get 2 wins vs the AI maybe for next weekend but, anyways, excellent reply and much appreciated
@redrum or anyone ... oh snap I downloaded the latest TripleA 2.0.16791 and I get an error that says "Could not use bundled JRE" and I don't want to uninstall my earlier version of TripleA which is incase after I try to get the new one to work and then the old one doesn't work ...
so I guess I have to update my Java but that might screw up my old computer running Windows XP so is there a way just to download and insert the new AI any other way?
Anyone have any ideas ... if I haveto wait for a new comp I will and it's no big deal waiting to play Axis and Allies again but is updating my Java the only way to play the new AI or is there a simple easy way to update the AI plleeasseeee
@Captain-Crunch Do you get any additional details with the error? I'm not sure that the latest pre-release will run on Windows XP. You shouldn't have to update your Java as we are bundling Java with the pre-release download.
the error says to send the copy of some n_log file to my vendor ... here it is:
"Started executable C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\TripleA_2.0.16791_windows-32bit.exe at Tue Nov 26 18:53:59 2019
[0:0] init file name C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\TripleA_2.0.16791_windows-32bit.exe C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\TripleA_2.0.16791_windows-32bit.exe 90 126
[0:0] number of sections: 5
[0:0] size of optional headers: 224
[0:0] resSectionTableStart: 656
[0:0] rawDataSize: 15872, rawDataOffset: 839168
[0:0] sun.locale.formatasdefault is false
[0:0] language/country is en_US
[0:0] ignoring java options environment variables
[0:0] using long path C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp
[0:0] change working directory to C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads
[0:0] single instance mode
[0:0] semaphore name Local\c:_documents_and_settings_owner_my_documents_downloads_triplea_2.0.16791_windows-32bit.exe, code 0, value 00000110
[0:0] Init done
[0:156] Starting work
[0:219] number of sections: 5
[0:219] size of optional headers: 224
[0:219] resSectionTableStart: 656
[0:219] rawDataSize: 15872, rawDataOffset: 839168
[0:219] starting at 855040
[0:219] verifying integrity length 55587951
[0:687] checksums: 2198927499 2198927499 -2096039797 -2096039797
[0:687] tempPath is C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp
[0:687] tempFile is C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp
[0:687] Temp dir3: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439
[0:703] native lib dir is ${launcher:sys.launcherTempDirectory}\user
[0:703] expanding2 ${launcher:sys.launcherTempDirectory} to C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439 in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user.
[0:703] Setting PATH (native libs) C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user;C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
[0:703] extracting files
[0:703] Included files: 16
[0:703] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4jruntime.jar.pack (size: 861126)
[0:703] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4jparams.conf (size: 166422)
[0:719] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\MessagesDefault (size: 34270)
[0:719] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user.jar.pack (size: 23316)
[0:719] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_0_1sxis30.utf8 (size: 34270)
[0:719] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_1_1sxis30_1r5xq07.png (size: 860)
[0:719] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\ (size: 3723)
[0:719] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_2_1sxis30_1e4h48z.png (size: 1981)
[0:719] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_4_1sxis30_1wwgbbl.png (size: 5319)
[0:734] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_7_1sxis30_18gg8kx@2x.png (size: 15419)
[0:734] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\installer.ico (size: 476334)
[0:734] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre.tar.gz (size: 36112104)
[6:797] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_6_1sxis30_8of556.png (size: 37150)
[6:797] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_3_1sxis30_tdx38l.png (size: 3739)
[6:797] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_7_1sxis30_18gg8kx.png (size: 9202)
[6:797] extracting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_5_1sxis30_1vuodf0.png (size: 14152)
[6:844] extracting files done
[6:844] Current working dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439
[6:844] Full JRE path: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre.tar.gz
[6:844] JRE included
[6:844] extracting JRE
[6:859] extracting bin\jabsysinfo.dll (size 15832)
[6:859] extracting bin\j2pkcs11.dll (size 55768)
[6:859] extracting bin\jimage.dll (size 21976)
[6:859] extracting bin\windowsaccessbridge.dll (size 123864)
[6:859] extracting bin\dt_socket.dll (size 23512)
[6:906] extracting bin\msvcr120.dll (size 960984)
[6:937] extracting bin\mlib_image.dll (size 422360)
[11:406] extracting bin\javaaccessbridge.dll (size 128984)
[11:406] extracting bin\management_agent.dll (size 15320)
[11:422] extracting bin\jjs.exe (size 15832)
[11:422] extracting bin\server\jvm.dll (size 7604696)
[11:625] extracting bin\lcms.dll (size 199128)
[11:625] extracting bin\javaw.exe (size 207832)
[11:640] extracting bin\instrument.dll (size 145368)
[11:640] extracting bin\java.exe (size 207832)
[11:640] extracting bin\client\jvm.dll (size 4612056)
[11:750] extracting bin\unpack200.exe (size 114648)
[11:750] extracting bin\pack200.exe (size 15832)
[11:750] extracting bin\sunmscapi.dll (size 27608)
[11:750] extracting bin\jabswitch.exe (size 31192)
[11:750] extracting bin\jdwp.dll (size 172504)
[11:765] extracting bin\management_ext.dll (size 25560)
[11:765] extracting bin\javaaccessbridge-32.dll (size 129496)
[11:765] extracting bin\msvcp120.dll (size 445400)
[11:781] extracting bin\zip.dll (size 69592)
[11:797] extracting bin\jaccessinspector-32.exe (size 83416)
[11:812] extracting bin\fontmanager.dll (size 570840)
[17:234] extracting bin\javajpeg.dll (size 139224)
[17:250] extracting bin\ktab.exe (size 15832)
[17:281] extracting bin\awt.dll (size 1212888)
[17:312] extracting bin\net.dll (size 73176)
[17:328] extracting bin\rmiregistry.exe (size 15832)
[17:390] extracting bin\verify.dll (size 40920)
[17:390] extracting bin\freetype.dll (size 426968)
[17:406] extracting bin\management.dll (size 20440)
[17:406] extracting bin\unpack.dll (size 66520)
[17:406] extracting bin\java.dll (size 127960)
[17:422] extracting bin\jsound.dll (size 45016)
[17:422] extracting bin\j2gss.dll (size 36824)
[17:422] extracting bin\w2k_lsa_auth.dll (size 21464)
[17:422] extracting bin\jaas.dll (size 19416)
[17:484] extracting bin\splashscreen.dll (size 180696)
[17:500] extracting bin\jawt.dll (size 13784)
[17:547] extracting bin\klist.exe (size 15832)
[17:547] extracting bin\jaccessinspector.exe (size 82392)
[17:562] extracting bin\le.dll (size 14808)
[17:562] extracting bin\rmi.dll (size 13272)
[17:609] extracting bin\rmid.exe (size 15832)
[18:109] extracting bin\jaccesswalker.exe (size 50136)
[18:125] extracting bin\windowsaccessbridge-32.dll (size 125400)
[18:140] extracting bin\kinit.exe (size 15832)
[18:140] extracting bin\jrunscript.exe (size 15832)
[18:156] extracting bin\prefs.dll (size 16344)
[18:156] extracting bin\keytool.exe (size 15832)
[18:172] extracting bin\sunec.dll (size 139224)
[18:187] extracting bin\jli.dll (size 180696)
[18:187] extracting bin\jaccesswalker-32.exe (size 51160)
[18:203] extracting bin\j2pcsc.dll (size 16344)
[18:203] extracting bin\nio.dll (size 51160)
[18:219] extracting conf\management\jmxremote.access (size 3997)
[18:234] extracting conf\management\ (size 14292)
[18:250] extracting conf\management\jmxremote.password.template (size 5690)
[18:265] extracting conf\security\ (size 45859)
[18:281] extracting conf\security\java.policy (size 2180)
[18:312] extracting conf\security\policy\README.txt (size 2390)
[18:312] extracting conf\security\policy\limited\default_US_export.policy (size 146)
[18:344] extracting conf\security\policy\limited\exempt_local.policy (size 566)
[18:359] extracting conf\security\policy\limited\default_local.policy (size 647)
[18:390] extracting conf\security\policy\unlimited\default_US_export.policy (size 146)
[18:406] extracting conf\security\policy\unlimited\default_local.policy (size 193)
[18:422] extracting conf\ (size 2731)
[18:437] extracting conf\ (size 1210)
[18:469] extracting conf\ (size 5352)
[18:484] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:500] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:531] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:547] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:562] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:578] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:594] extracting legal\java.transaction.xa\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:609] extracting legal\java.transaction.xa\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:625] extracting legal\java.transaction.xa\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:640] extracting legal\java.prefs\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:656] extracting legal\java.prefs\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:672] extracting legal\java.prefs\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:687] extracting legal\jdk.accessibility\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:703] extracting legal\jdk.accessibility\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:719] extracting legal\jdk.accessibility\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:719] extracting legal\jdk.jsobject\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:719] extracting legal\jdk.jsobject\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:719] extracting legal\jdk.jsobject\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:719] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:719] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:719] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:734] extracting legal\jdk.sctp\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:734] extracting legal\jdk.sctp\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:734] extracting legal\jdk.sctp\LICENSE (size 33)
[18:734] extracting legal\jdk.xml.dom\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[18:734] extracting legal\jdk.xml.dom\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[18:734] extracting legal\jdk.xml.dom\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:203] extracting legal\jdk.jfr\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:219] extracting legal\jdk.jfr\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:219] extracting legal\jdk.jfr\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:219] extracting legal\java.datatransfer\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:219] extracting legal\java.datatransfer\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:219] extracting legal\java.datatransfer\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:219] extracting legal\jdk.naming.rmi\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:219] extracting legal\jdk.naming.rmi\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:234] extracting legal\jdk.naming.rmi\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:234] extracting legal\java.naming\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:234] extracting legal\java.naming\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:234] extracting legal\java.naming\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:234] extracting legal\jdk.dynalink\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:234] extracting legal\jdk.dynalink\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:250] extracting legal\jdk.dynalink\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:250] extracting legal\jdk.dynalink\ (size 1502)
[19:250] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:250] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:250] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:250] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:265] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:265] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:265] extracting legal\jdk.localedata\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:265] extracting legal\jdk.localedata\ (size 33)
[19:265] extracting legal\jdk.localedata\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:265] extracting legal\jdk.localedata\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:281] extracting legal\jdk.localedata\ (size 1346)
[19:281] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:281] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:281] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:281] extracting legal\jdk.scripting.nashorn\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:297] extracting legal\jdk.scripting.nashorn\ (size 1090)
[19:297] extracting legal\jdk.scripting.nashorn\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:297] extracting legal\jdk.scripting.nashorn\ (size 1641)
[19:297] extracting legal\jdk.scripting.nashorn\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:297] extracting legal\jdk.pack\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:297] extracting legal\jdk.pack\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:297] extracting legal\jdk.pack\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:312] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:312] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:312] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:312] extracting legal\jdk.unsupported\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:312] extracting legal\jdk.unsupported\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:312] extracting legal\jdk.unsupported\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:312] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:328] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:328] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:328] extracting legal\jdk.naming.dns\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:328] extracting legal\jdk.naming.dns\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:328] extracting legal\jdk.naming.dns\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:328] extracting legal\java.logging\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:344] extracting legal\java.logging\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:344] extracting legal\java.logging\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:344] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:344] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:344] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:344] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:344] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:359] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:359] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.mscapi\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:359] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.mscapi\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:359] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.mscapi\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:359] extracting legal\java.sql\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:375] extracting legal\java.sql\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:375] extracting legal\java.sql\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:375] extracting legal\java.scripting\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:375] extracting legal\java.scripting\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:375] extracting legal\java.scripting\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:375] extracting legal\jdk.zipfs\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:375] extracting legal\jdk.zipfs\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:390] extracting legal\jdk.zipfs\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:390] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:390] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:390] extracting legal\\ (size 29220)
[19:390] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:390] extracting legal\java.xml\ (size 11846)
[19:406] extracting legal\java.xml\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:406] extracting legal\java.xml\ (size 1142)
[19:406] extracting legal\java.xml\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:406] extracting legal\java.xml\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:406] extracting legal\java.xml\ (size 3028)
[19:406] extracting legal\java.xml\ (size 11502)
[19:406] extracting legal\java.xml\ (size 12270)
[19:422] extracting legal\jdk.charsets\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:422] extracting legal\jdk.charsets\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:422] extracting legal\jdk.charsets\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:422] extracting legal\java.smartcardio\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:422] extracting legal\java.smartcardio\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:422] extracting legal\java.smartcardio\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:437] extracting legal\jdk.jdwp.agent\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:437] extracting legal\jdk.jdwp.agent\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:437] extracting legal\jdk.jdwp.agent\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:437] extracting legal\java.sql.rowset\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:437] extracting legal\java.sql.rowset\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:437] extracting legal\java.sql.rowset\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:453] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.cryptoki\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:453] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.cryptoki\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:453] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.cryptoki\ (size 2131)
[19:453] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.cryptoki\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:453] extracting legal\jdk.crypto.cryptoki\ (size 833)
[19:469] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:469] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:469] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:469] extracting legal\java.desktop\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:469] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 1170)
[19:469] extracting legal\java.desktop\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:484] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 4043)
[19:484] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 1177)
[19:484] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 1138)
[19:484] extracting legal\java.desktop\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:484] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 167)
[19:484] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 2753)
[19:484] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 25312)
[19:500] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 3997)
[19:500] extracting legal\java.desktop\ (size 1158)
[19:500] extracting legal\jdk.internal.ed\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:500] extracting legal\jdk.internal.ed\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:500] extracting legal\jdk.internal.ed\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:500] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:500] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:515] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:515] extracting legal\java.xml.crypto\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:515] extracting legal\java.xml.crypto\ (size 11436)
[19:515] extracting legal\java.xml.crypto\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:515] extracting legal\java.xml.crypto\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:531] extracting legal\java.instrument\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:531] extracting legal\java.instrument\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:531] extracting legal\java.instrument\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:531] extracting legal\java.base\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 2114)
[19:531] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 2930)
[19:531] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 2926)
[19:531] extracting legal\java.base\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 1522)
[19:547] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 1556)
[19:547] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 1444)
[19:547] extracting legal\java.base\LICENSE (size 19274)
[19:547] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 1582)
[19:547] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 1011)
[19:547] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 17785)
[19:547] extracting legal\java.base\ (size 2957)
[19:562] extracting legal\jdk.internal.le\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:562] extracting legal\jdk.internal.le\ (size 1585)
[19:562] extracting legal\jdk.internal.le\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:562] extracting legal\jdk.internal.le\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:562] extracting legal\jdk.httpserver\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:562] extracting legal\jdk.httpserver\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:578] extracting legal\jdk.httpserver\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:578] extracting legal\java.compiler\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:578] extracting legal\java.compiler\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:578] extracting legal\java.compiler\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:578] extracting legal\java.rmi\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:578] extracting legal\java.rmi\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:578] extracting legal\java.rmi\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:594] extracting legal\\ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO (size 49)
[19:594] extracting legal\\ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION (size 44)
[19:594] extracting legal\\LICENSE (size 33)
[19:594] extracting lib\modules (size 80860744)
[42:828] extracting lib\server\Xusage.txt (size 1322)
[42:828] extracting lib\tzdb.dat (size 105734)
[42:828] extracting lib\client\Xusage.txt (size 1322)
[42:828] extracting lib\jrt-fs.jar (size 106646)
[42:844] extracting lib\security\default.policy (size 9634)
[42:844] extracting lib\security\public_suffix_list.dat (size 235806)
[42:844] extracting lib\security\cacerts (size 98310)
[42:859] extracting lib\security\blacklisted.certs (size 1273)
[42:859] extracting lib\jawt.lib (size 1688)
[42:859] extracting lib\tzmappings (size 9577)
[42:859] extracting lib\ (size 11579)
[42:859] extracting lib\jfr\default.jfc (size 28012)
[42:859] extracting lib\jfr\profile.jfc (size 27963)
[42:875] extracting lib\jvm.cfg (size 28)
[42:875] extracting lib\ (size 3793)
[42:875] extracting lib\ (size 11390)
[42:875] extracting lib\classlist (size 40940)
[42:875] extracting lib\jvm.lib (size 922968)
[42:890] extracting lib\fontconfig.bfc (size 3796)
[42:890] extracting release (size 936)
[42:890] untaring JRE was successful
[42:906] JRE dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre
[42:906] LoadDLL (0, C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre, 0)
[42:906] Got JRE location C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre (java exe: 0)
[42:906] MinVersion: 11, MaxVersion:
[42:906] checkJavaExe (c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 1)
[42:906] file exists
[42:906] tempPath is C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp
[42:906] tempFile is C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4j10.tmp
[42:922] Could not create process c:\DOCUME~1\owner\LOCALS~1\temp\E4JF~1.TMP\jre\bin\java.exe -version > C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4j10.tmp (error 193)
[42:922] couldn't get version
[42:922] checkJavaExe returning 0
[42:922] Trying to load JVM-DLL from c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin\java.exe
[42:922] Setting PATH 259 c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin;C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user;C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
[42:922] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll (exists 1)
[43:0] Failed with error code 127
[43:0] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll (exists 1)
[43:47] Failed with error code 127
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin\jrockit\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Setting PATH C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user;C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
[43:47] Setting PATH 259 c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin..\jre\bin;C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user;C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin..\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin..\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin..\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin..\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Trying c:\documents and settings\owner\local settings\temp\e4jf.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin..\jre\bin\jrockit\jvm.dll (exists 0)
[43:47] Setting PATH C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user;C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
[43:47] ERROR: Could not get DLL-Handle.
[43:47] ERROR: Could not load functions
[43:47] ERROR: Could not load bundled JRE. Trying to find another JRE.
[43:47] LoadDLL (0, (null), 0)
[43:47] Searching for a JVM
[43:47] MinVersion: 11, MaxVersion:
[43:62] Testing location .....\PlugIns\jre.bundle\Contents\Home (type
[43:62] checkJavaExe (c:\documents and settings\owner\plugins\jre.bundle\contents\home\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 0)
[43:62] file doesn't exist
[43:62] checkJavaExe returning 0
[43:62] Testing location (type Y)
[43:62] checkJavaExe (C:\Program Files\Common Files\i4j_jres\1.8.0_66\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 1)
[43:62] file exists
[43:62] got version from registry 1.8.0_66
[43:62] checkJavaExe returning 0
[43:62] Testing location JAVA_HOME (type E)
[43:62] Testing location JDK_HOME (type E)
[43:62] Testing relative location .....\PlugIns\jre.bundle\Contents\Home
[43:62] checkJavaExe (c:\documents and settings\owner\plugins\jre.bundle\contents\home\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 1)
[43:62] file doesn't exist
[43:62] checkJavaExe returning 0
[43:109] checking app id allinstdirs5251-3669-9623-1649 (0, 80000001)
[46:890] found installations: C:\desktop
[46:890] checkJavaExe (C:\desktop\jre\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 0)
[46:890] file doesn't exist
[46:890] checkJavaExe returning 0
[46:906] java version did not match in C:\desktop\jre
[46:906] checking app id allinstdirs5251-3669-9623-1649 (512, 80000001)
[46:906] found installations: C:\desktop
[46:906] checkJavaExe (C:\desktop\jre\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 0)
[46:906] file doesn't exist
[46:906] checkJavaExe returning 0
[46:906] java version did not match in C:\desktop\jre
[46:906] checking app id allinstdirs5251-3669-9623-1649 (0, 80000002)
[46:906] found installations: C:\desktop
[46:906] checkJavaExe (C:\desktop\jre\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 0)
[46:906] file doesn't exist
[46:906] checkJavaExe returning 0
[46:906] java version did not match in C:\desktop\jre
[46:906] checking app id allinstdirs5251-3669-9623-1649 (512, 80000002)
[46:906] found installations: C:\desktop
[46:906] checkJavaExe (C:\desktop\jre\bin\java.exe, [out], 1, 0, 0)
[46:906] file doesn't exist
[46:906] checkJavaExe returning 0
[46:906] java version did not match in C:\desktop\jre
[46:906] Search sequence finished
[46:906] ERROR: No JVM found
[46:906] ERROR: Could not find another JRE.
[58:781] emptying C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439
[58:781] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4jparams.conf
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4jruntime.jar.pack
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_0_1sxis30.utf8
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_1_1sxis30_1r5xq07.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_2_1sxis30_1e4h48z.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_3_1sxis30_tdx38l.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_4_1sxis30_1wwgbbl.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_5_1sxis30_1vuodf0.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_6_1sxis30_8of556.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_7_1sxis30_18gg8kx.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\i4j_extf_7_1sxis30_18gg8kx@2x.png
[58:797] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\installer.ico
[58:797] attempting to remove C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre (1)
[58:797] emptying C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre
[58:797] attempting to remove C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\bin (0)
[58:812] attempting to remove C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\conf (0)
[58:812] attempting to remove C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\legal (0)
[58:812] attempting to remove C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\lib (0)
[58:812] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\jre\release
[58:812] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\MessagesDefault
[58:812] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\
[58:812] attempting to delete C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\e4jF.tmp_dir1574812439\user.jar.pack" -
weird theres a sunglasses emoji in that
so if the latest release doesn't run on XP is there any way to play the latest AI that runs on XP? If not I'll get over it until I get a new comp!
@Captain-Crunch said in AI Interesting Moves and Points of Improvement on Revised:
weird theres a sunglasses emoji in that
yea makes ya wonder what they're testing and what location they're at lol
Looks like it tried it's hardest to get that java for ya Captain : )maybe you'll get a new computer for Christmas : )
when downloading it from git my Chrome called it unknown from someones computer and asked if i wanted to still download it ... but whatever is there anyway to play this with XP operating system
Given the 32 bit version does not work, I'm sorry to say I don't think you have any options. How long before you get a new system?
the old release site it was an AI.jar file I could just replace and still play but I guess this is a different upgrade so ya when I can play again I will tell you and not sure when but following the development on the forum for now is fine. I just do this and a sports forum. I still have the older version of this if I want a battle
Good to hear you won't be without your TripleA fix
I've some concern though for you though when we release 2.0 and everyone must install and play with the latest. With luck we are just weeks away from that. -
With luck we are just weeks away from that.*
I should clarify, hopefully we'll have a beta/soft launch around then. I suspect it'll be plus a month or two after the soft launch when we do a 'hard' cut-over and turn off the 1.9 lobby.
@Captain-Crunch You have a private message
@prastle um ya I see the private messages thing. If TripleA will not work on Win XP anymore then I haveto wait to get a newer comp ... you messaged me about testing the new lobby but not until I upgrade my operating system so I think thats what you asked me
@Captain-Crunch The latest pre-release still has a 32 bit download have you tried that down load?
@prastle Im pretty sure I downloaded the link at and its been a long time since I even redownloaded the AI and so that git page looks different than the old link I used I think I can't remember. Anyways thats the page with the latest pre-release right? Thats the one I downloaded and it says 32bit on it and has the TripleA icon when it installs so I think its the right one ... the error says "Cannot use bundled JRE" and I'm sure uninstalling my old version won't help