2018 Donation Drive
Many thanks to all the contributors!
@all updated first post
Did we make the $600? Seems we are close?
And is what I read true? are we able to pay for feature requests?
Nothing crazy, I have some rudimentary ideas I'd be willing to pay for that should take you no more than 10 minutes of coding...
@gargantua Submitting feature requests and suggestions is encouraged and can be done by creating a thread here: https://forums.triplea-game.org/category/42/feature-requests-ideas. You can't pay directly for feature requests as that opens up a can of worms but as always donations to help keep TripleA running are always appreciated.
You can also see a list of the existing feature requests and ones that have been implemented here: https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/182/guidelines-and-feature-request-list
@gargantua LOL
No actually we reached the $1200.00 goal!
about $500.00 has been set aside to try for the certificates again. Yes triplea is paid for till 2019 with all the new bot servers costs covered!
HEHE no you cant pay for ideasIt is all volunteer coding
BUT we do have a long list of things we still want to accomplish. Feel free to post your ideas in the feature and requests category. Also donations for 2019 would be great!
The donation button works at anytime. GLHF!
We will start the 2019 donation drive once we know what we need in costs for certification and if it is possible.
@gargantua said in 2018 Donation Drive:
Did we make the $600? Seems we are close?
And is what I read true? are we able to pay for feature requests?
Nothing crazy, I have some rudimentary ideas I'd be willing to pay for that should take you no more than 10 minutes of coding...
I guess nobody stops you from privately hiring a developer that will, then, push the code change, just like you would do it, but then it would be still up to the leading developers to review and accept it (or not) and any future leaders can trash it anytime, of course.
I think if you find a developer somewhere that does a good job, that will work, and nobody needs to know that you hired him, either.
The image I think makes it look like there is one remaining space for a last round up there.
I totally understand. I'm reading your mail.
I guess I should post that I'm also "privately" taking Resume's if there are any developers would would like to code my requests... and then voluntarily upload them as their own work...
Just putting it out there lol. And I will make a donation to tripleA for month end here, because it's been an awesome program that has served me very well for many years!
Thanks for the donation! Added! -
@Justinian thanks for the donation! Your email isn't on file. Please private message me here in the forum your user name if you want to be aded to the donators list. Thanks!
@prastle to update all of the current triplea paypal account we have presently $597 usa towards next year as in 2020! Great Job Everyone! Hopefully we can get the certificates if not we move well on our way to next year!
I dontated before I joined the Forums. Please used my Username in your donation list rather than email address. Thanks, BostonCougar
@bostoncougar please pm (private chat/message in the forum) me the email you donated from so I can check
@BostonCougar Got it thanks for the donation! Updated
@Cradge Thanks for the Donation! updated
@Blackskull Thanks for the Donation! updated
@ thypeace your email isn't on file please pm me your email and user name if you wish to be listed as a donator. Thanks for the donation!
@prastle @ Johnathon Thanks for your donation! Your email is not on file. Please Private Message me or Email me your user name if you wish to be listed as a donator.