💥 1941 Global Command Decision - Official Thread
@black_elk ya I can see the slight change but stuff like that doesnt bother me ... reminds me of a classic vid;
@black_elk said in
1941 Global Command Decision - Official Thread:
something like hex 4c9c9c for the ships
Agree that looks better for the ships, but shouldn't the rest be the same colour as it will look odd when the land units are being transported by sea units?
Right on
Yeah I was going to do all the Anzac units with that same basic tint color, the full Phil, as it were lol. You do get a fair bit of variety though even using the same color to colorize, just cause there's a lot of differences in color-value from unit type to unit type in the detailing. But since every nation uses the same model for the ships, that's where it was jumping out at me. Often the flag control will help, but if it's already occupied by a teammate it was a little tricky for me to tell at a glance who was who. Also cause it's easy to change the TT ownership color, but the tint still has to be done manually, just wanted to make sure it felt good.
This game is currently aimed at solo play as they are the silent majority.
However for the games I have produced this game far outstrips their combined interest based on the number of views.
So this thread is popular, but it's a TripleA ww2 game and definitely not a A&A ww2, maybe its popular because it's the only new map in development.
It would be good if the silent majority would chip in occasionally, a sign of approval would be to upvote the first post, link here
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3326/1941-global-command-decision-official-threadIf players want a multi player version they need to make it clear they do.
Seeing Sub rolls
Black_Elk You mentioned about seeing the Sub rolls, they are listed in the History.Originally it was 6 SZ, each with a 1 in3 chance of a sub spawning, average 2 Subs per turn. Just random rolls not linked to anything.
Currently there are 44 Rolls in 11 SZ with a 1 in 16 of a sub spawning, these are linked to having 4x Industry-Hvy in the North of Germany.
For all the maths probabilities of the above it still gives about 2-3 Subs per turn
Below is an extract from History Turn 2, Germany Resources phaseAFAIK this is as good as it gets for TripleA to display these random rolls.
Prognosticating the combat results
foretell or prophesy a future event
First off a new word to me, did you major in English, as I've never heard/read it.The only way this is going happen is with a redesigned combat panel, as Im guessing it was only designed with the original A&A in mind and has just been added to. So with so many targeted attacks it is almost impossible to work out which casualties were caused by which unit. Despite this limitation I still like the targeted attacks.
Ok cool, that's a pretty key consideration, because if PvP is not really a priority here it may recommend different things in how the starting unit set up or overall challenge scale is conceived. In such a case balance by sides is less relevant, and the more important factor is novelty and the challenge provided by facing down the AI.
I will likely end up creating a PvP scenario using this map eventually anyway lol. Probably with a more norm core g40 style unit roster, since that's something I'm interested in as well, but I won't push it too hard here. I think that would be a project for the future, as I still want to knock out the G40 update before going there. An AI solo-focused experience I think has a lot of potential as well, so I'll keep my eye on the prize, with that in mind for this one.
TripleA has largely been an A&A emulator, with many of those systems at it's foundation, so I still consider most tripleA games as A&A games basically. But there are definitely things that can be bent and tweaked in tripleA to produce a style of gameplay which is familiar, albeit unique, and ultimately rather different than A&A, which I think is the aim here. I'll keep kicking around the ideas, as they come to me, for ways to light it up as a solo SP focused game.
Haha not an English major exactly, but certainly keeping it in the humanities. I did my undergraduate work in Classics and Philosophy. I took a double major.
In Classics I was a Hellenist, or Homericist more specifically, meaning I read a lot of Homer hehe, and focusing on the Ionian Greek for the most part. My Latin blows by comparison, but of course I love the Romans too, especially for the popular histories. Mostly I sat with the Greeks though.
In philosophy my focus was on the Pre-Socratics and the Continental tradition. So even if I enjoy Wittgenstein and such, I lean more towards thinkers who took Heraclitus and Nietzsche seriously, and not so much the Anglo-American Analytical mainstays. My emphasis in Philosophy was "Aesthetics," which has a meaning in Ancient Greek (and up till about Kant) that is basically 'sensory perception' (see anesthesia, same root) but which has come to mean something more like 'the philosophy of Art' or the philosophy of beauty, in the modern parlance. In Phil you have Ontology/Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics/Axiology, Logic... and then the one I liked most - Aesthetics! It's right there at the foundation, and used to be considered a major philosophical pursuit in it's own right, but it's usually ignored or derided these days, as one of the lesser branches. Though I certainly take issue with that, I think it's the trunk! hehe. Poiesis used to be a much bigger deal, and most of the ancients I enjoy thought it was important, perhaps even the most important! lol. So I still vibe heheh
Quick Q, since I'm almost finished doing the canals and such again. Do you want to add a strait for the Singapore-Malacca TT?
It could control the passage between sz 37 and sz 38 A.
I think this could be cool for the Pacific dynamic with Japan vs India/Anzac. It would make it somewhat more challenging for Japan to just dead drop into India directly from Sz 37 without first handling Singapore, and it would make Kra-Buri and Malaya more significant, as adjacent spots which could contest control of Singapore-Malacca tile.
Another similar option would be the Sunda strait as well. Batavia W. Java controlling passage from sz 41 to sz 42 B. The tile could be contested from Suribaya-E. Java, making that tile more significant in the process too. Or it could be E. Sumatra for that, but I think Java would be more interesting mechanically, since Sumatra is likely to be contested for the production anyway, and sz 041 would be necessary as a transit to contest sz 37 (if Singapore controls passage between 37 and 38 A). Also because Batavia was one of the main Dutch strongholds at the time, so to me it'd make sense, just to spread the interest around the region a bit more that way. I think this could be interesting because, because a transport/fleet in sz 041 could still attack Singapore or Batavia, but it would mean transiting through an adjacent Sz with 1 more movement (to me this would represent basically having to sail around the Islands) so it creates a bit more dynamism around all the nearby sea zones and associated TTs. You know like Borneo sz 43, and Christmas Island sz 41 C both become more important to the gameplay when these straits are being contested. The practical effect is to keep either side from darting around too quickly, unless their team first controls the Straits.
I think these might be nice to have, because then there is some parity both sides of the board for this kind of map feature, the strait/canal I mean.
Basically it would look something like this...
That'd give us 1 in the Americas, 4 in Europe/Med, 2 on the Pacific of the board. So basically 7 Canals/Straits altogether, and spread around the map. Well 8 I guess if we want to keep a double for the Turkish straits, though I worry that one may be a little complex currently. Since the Sea of Marmara is the smallest SZ and can't really fit any ships without the spill, I could just eliminate one of the lines in the base if you want, so it's added either to sz 100 A or sz 99 A? I feel like Istanbul/Smyrna, or Istanbul alone, is probably sufficient for controlling the passage and might be a cleaner read at a glance.
I was curious in thinking about this, how Suez is typically controlled by both Egypt and Trans-Jordan (or Sinai in this case) but then I do sort of wonder on that one, like if it's really best method, even though that's how it's done in A&A. Cause Suez could just as easily be entirely within the Egypt TT. Since the Panama canal is controlled by Panama (single tile) but Suez is controlled by 2 tiles, it always felt a bit strange to me in A&A. Like it would probably be simpler to just have 1 tile controlling the passages everywhere, so it's consistent and a bit easier to grasp, and somewhat simpler to represent with visual. Splitting control across 2 tiles makes the canal much easier to disrupt, since all you need to do is contest Trans-Jordan in A&A, or Sinai in this case, to prevent the opponent's movement. Not sure what you'd like best. I'll probably do the Turkish straits last, and wait to hear back whether you like the idea of adding those 2 in the Pacific.
I dont think the current SZ borders above make it obvious where the two canals should be, ideally there should be as in this case of Gibraltar a SZ border between the two land masses at their closest points.
So unless the SZ were redesigned I would say no canals for above.
Regarding Panama (1 TT) and Suez (2 TT) I thought you wanted to use the map (Command Decision) within a map (G40 map)?
As Sinai was part of Egypt, yes merge the 2 TT into 1 and then it works just like Panama.
Yeah it's a bit of a bind with the G40 style sz divisions in that area. OK in that case basically same as the current. The only tweak I made was to have it so the blue dotted squares don't strike into the white borders, but just come up to the edges in case I need to adjust later. I tried to simplify for an L shape as well in most casees, to kinda indicate where the other controlling TT was at. Felt a little more efficient to me. I didn't change the Sinai thing, cause the G40 breaks would make it hard. On that board Sinai is shown as part of the Trans-Jordan TT, which has been the deal going back to Classic, like it always kinda shows the same, so I thought it might be a little awkward if I shifted the border there. Although I agree it would make sense, on further consideration I worried it might throw people a little if I hooked it round the other side lol. Probably everyone is so used to how Suez works in A&A by now that it's probably more straightforward to just keep it like we had, since my initial concern was probably misplaced hehe. People should recognize it as similar to what they're already use to I'd wager. I did extend the dotted line a bit though, so it would strike more of the Sinai. Hopefully it's good enough for people to get the gist of what's going on.
Also, here are your Pacific-Allies units retinted to be a little more vibrant
And here is that Artillery-Med piece for China, tinted to match the rest of their set. I had meant to shoot it over earlier.
Still trying to do a Base-Camp. For some reason it's a struggle. Like I keep returning to the many tents motif, but then trying to make it also generic and small enough is tricky and I haven't liked anything so far lol. I did this a placeholder, but I'll keep thinking.
Or I still like really Frostion's ABs that I supped up, as just a generic base looking sort of graphic hehe. Perhaps it could spawn a single fighter in addition to the Inf unit or something so the hanger makes sense lol. I don't know, but I shrank them to 54px tall for the factions you have just in case. It would make a lot of sense for many of the island territories, where the goal was to capture landings strips and such. I think a sort of all purpose forward base would be cool, like where it can only produce the weakest unit of a given type, Ground/Air/Naval. To me the abstraction would be, not that this is where that stuff is being produced, but where it's being mobilized or based. So like you could still have all the bombers rolling off the lines in Detroit, or the giant warships at the dry docks, but the Base-Camp, would be like just the basic hitpoint. Sorta the all in one base, instead of needing ABs and NBs and the Army Infantry base, just fold them all into one, and then maybe make the player choose which slot they want to fill, 1 ground=inf, or 1 air= entry level fighter, or 1 ship=destroyer. That creates a pretty interesting strategic choice and some versatility for the production unit, while still controlling the ceiling at 1 hitpoint. You could probably restrict their placement to spots worth 2 or more, if you wanted to prevent too many from cropping up around the board, but it'd be a fun way to handle it I think, making more tiles active in the production contest and giving players a way to shore up some hitpoints as they advance. The fact that they can be destroyed makes them more likely to jumpstart a back and forth, so I definitely like that idea. I don't know if this all bleeds too much into the 3 factory tier concept at the low end, but maybe we only need one or two factory types? And then the base camp can do triple duty, but only for the light stuff. Not sure what you think. I like the graphics though, they're kinda cool I thought. Reminds me of the larger sized plastic army men in the big old buckets with those little green tents hahah. But then Frostion's already got em in there so it'd work for me. Unless you're not feeling those.
ps. yeah I still think it's a cool idea, the map within a map concept. Although for G40 I would probably do the UHD intermediate step first, until the unit scaling beyond 125% thing is figured out. I have that base almost finished up. For a big map like this at 16000 4k with the many subdivisions, I might actually have fun trying to create a super stripped down game. Like doing a quicky type scenario, maybe only a handful of v5 units and G40 units. Inf, AAgun, Art, Mech, Tank, Fighter, Tactical Bomber, Strategic Bomber, AB, NB, G40 ships, Major and Minor Factory, the usual suspects. But definitely add in that rail dynamic like you have here for the Major Factory to liven it up. Cause I really love that idea! It's highly entertaining! I think I'd also make the minor factory a destroyable unit, like in Iron War, cause I thought that was also a fun dynamic there, but probably not for the Major Factory, just more the smaller support hubs. I think I'd do reg Inf spawning just pegged to the VC TTs directly as well, to save on unit space, like just let the little Star graphic do the heavy lifting for me lol. But that's cause I like the idea of a somewhat simplified game for a really big map, like one that could serve as a starter template. Maybe one that looks and feels a lot like Classic 1942 or v5, but huge, just as a prof of concept. I feel like if they could somehow go extra micro with the sculpts such a thing might be physically reproducible as well, which is something that intrigues me. Or if I ever find myself with a room large enough to print the thing out and lay it down on a couple 8 ft tables hahah
@Black_Elk Wow Grandpa was a Lucky Man. I know I shouldn't say this, but i will anyway
Grandma had a set of legs !
I'm sorry
I'll go away now
As the Industry-XXX is so many icons/functions merged into one, its a; factory/docks, AA, rail-line, (could be an airbase, if I turn scramble on). Im happy to have one more unit the Base-Camp, it was in my initial spec and now the 1234 production is completeBase-Camp icon
Frostions AB has some of the components, block house, tents, watch tower, fence.
It could have Oil drums, crates and Nissen/Quonset huts.The hanger could be replaced/shrunk to make a Nissen/Quonset hut or two.
Remove the roundel and aircraft symbol.
Rearrange components to suit.Thoughts?
Sounds good! I'll tool around with it tomorrow
Here's a quickie for another placeholder...
Basically I just nixed the national roundel and the little fighter icon. I flipped the tower and the tents. Then shrank and repositioned the hanger. I figured that way we could still imagine some runway leading off in the mind's eye. Or maybe I'll add more of a ground plane with just a suggestion of a tiny runway/road. The barrels and crates didn't really show up, but I added a couple more structures with the quonset shape to get something that felt compact, but like still with enough stuff to suggest a garrison or forward outpost. I'll probably give it another pass, but maybe something along those lines?
I may have made it just a bit too tiny there, but I also wanted it to fit on some of those smaller island TTs hehe. Anyhow, you know, something with that sort of vibe.
Is he gonna use anything you say smh rofl
I won't give you more Thumb Downs but you are back to more usual questionable quality posting no surprise *sigh
@black_elk said in
1941 Global Command Decision - Official Thread:
"> Ok cool, that's a pretty key consideration, because if PvP is not really a priority here it may recommend different things in how the starting unit set up or overall challenge scale is conceived."
wow no kidding captain obvious
"> In such a case balance by sides is less relevant,"
roffl muhahahhaah classic
"> I will likely end up creating a PvP scenario using this map eventually anyway lol. Probably with a more norm core g40 style unit roster, since that's something I'm interested in as well, but I won't push it too hard here. I think that would be a project for the future"
holding my breath for that one *sarcasm
"> I'll keep kicking around the ideas, as they come to me, for ways to light it up as a solo SP focused game."
ya in your 5000 suggestions in literally probably 100 pages of spam per topic I'm sure they used 1 or 2 of your suggestions ...
"> I did my undergraduate work in Classics and Philosophy. I took a double major."
rofl philosophy it all makes sense. Do you love the weed or booze. I almost always would guess booze with my experience belieeeveee me
"> In Classics I was a Hellenist, or Homericist more specifically, meaning I read a lot of Homer hehe, and focusing on the Ionian Greek for the most part."
Ya we all know how good you are at geography but come on ... you sound so pretentious and I have been wary for so long if you are really that nerd on one of your names that freaked out and spent hours with a troll post literally because I used the word "ergonomic" roofffll.
The Greeks are the top suspicious history exaggerators/ deceivers duh the say Alexander white-washed everything duh
">My Latin blows by comparison"
Wow so overrated although I do like etymology but let me guess this nerd prolly even loved Shakespeare amiright (was upper class snob agenda so overrated)
"> In philosophy my focus was on the Pre-Socratics and the Continental tradition."
Looked up Continental Tradition and Aesthetics and not surprised you are into some neo-liberal garbage since you admit being into mythology/astrology/metaphysics smh but I prefer more academic pursuits like mathematics and science. I do like the Socratic method but I find the Pathagoreans fascinating and my ideology would be a "Scientific Realist" that believes everything must be proven except god. That would more fall under "Deist" that believes in a suprarational god but not a real physical god.
"> So even if I enjoy Wittgenstein and such, I lean more towards thinkers who took Heraclitus and Nietzsche"
Nietzsche an elitist just like Ayn Rand and sooooooo overated
"> My emphasis in Philosophy was "Aesthetics," which has a meaning in Ancient Greek (and up till about Kant) that is basically 'sensory perception' "
ya man must be great weed
"> In Phil you have Ontology/Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics/Axiology, Logic... "
if only I could find actual logic amiright
">and then the one I liked most - Aesthetics! It's right there at the foundation, and used to be considered a major philosophical pursuit in it's own right, but it's usually ignored or derided these days, as one of the lesser branches."
sooo surprised *HUGE sarcasm
"> Poiesis used to be a much bigger deal, and most of the ancients I enjoy thought it was important"
You like metaphysics although I do believe in a soul (it's size is 1 Place Value in Pi or any other irrational number - thats one of the many things other authors and news media know me for like I'm the guy known for saying that "TIme is the number of Place Values in pi or any other irrational number - I got lots ;p) but a soul is the only metaphysics I believe in unless god/karma counts!
Ya wow youre into the ancients with their sacrifices to the gods on solstices and funky ceramic idols and costumes rofl dude Harry Potter isn't real - do you know what year it is rofl I'm serious ...
Wow, damn. Tell me what you really think why don't ya? lol
I don't know what you're after here. I guess you got pretense out of it, but I was just sharing a bit of what I'm into and what I studied way back in school, since the dude asked. I'm not here to debate philosophy or change your mind. I think you've formed some negative judgements about me, that I find kinda nonsensical. Admitted to astrology? What the fuck does that even mean? lol I don't believe in Astrology. I'm not like some new agey neo-liberal mysticist or whatever you've got conjured up in your head. I just like the visuals. It sounds like you dislike me for whatever reason, and think I'm a windbag. That's fine, but come off it man. You're obviously just trying to get a rise out of me here. Like you don't seem to value my contributions, or my way of communicating, but you don't have to be a prick about it. Just ignore me if you want. It's totally within your power. You keep saying that I post spam, and nothing I say is topical, but this a thread to create a tripleA game and I'm basically on subject here. I may digress and make asides, but least I'm trying to lend a hand and post some material. You're just in here griefin'
@black_elk wow put up some kind of retort wow that was ez. You made another post on changing the color of another unit that we all know no one cares about on top of suggesting adding a canal spam commentary and then threw in your biography yet again rofl
I'm glad you grasped the "long windedness" and he just asked about the word "Prognosticating" so wow thanks for that tldr biography of yourself where it was a revelation to learn where your education and logic foundation is at SMH
When someone says you spam when everyone in the world knows you do it doesn't mean spam even more lmao I know its pointless
Yeah, again, really no need to call me names and deride my educational attainment like a proper bully lol. I went to a State school, and I got the most I could out of it while I had the chance. I've spent the rest of my adult life working, so perhaps I didn't get to take it far as you might have liked. Sorry if whatever I said wasn't knocking your socks off, or if you find my ideas inane, or pedantic, or whatever the hell the problem is that you seem to have with me. I feel like I've been pretty civil here considering the shit you keep flinging at me. Maybe go shake your head somewhere else for a few man
@black_elk cool no wall of text or added biography!
Please dont post like you have been doing, you are not being kind or constructive. -
The Base_Camp
As you say "a bit too tiny"I would ditch the hanger, too big and the chances of air units being "built" at the Base-Camp are very low, although tempting.
Then rearrange to make it a little bigger, but still 54px high and close to 54px wide.
I suggest Everyone Block crunch.