Chinese view on the world map?
We in Europe have a euro centric view of the world, GMT helps.
In China they too have a China centric view of the world.
Below, note how elongated their map is, also poor Canada and US are upside down, and Australia and South America are turned 90°, but China is in the centre.
Note how close New York is to Russia.
Here is one of their maps.
IMHO it could be also a Russian or Indian centric World Map to me.
Yeah you don't see the globe rolled that way too often, with the vertical stretch like that, though it's probably not half bad for printing in a textbook on a single page or for mobile devices with a more vertical screen display. Seeing the Western hemisphere inverted would probably give people pause where I live, but it would probably be cool for a WW3 scenario, with birds flying over the arctic or whatever hehe. Anytime I see maps that show both sides of the Arctic, it sort of clarifies the position of NATO vis a vis Russia/USSR. Or maybe a WW4 map where the Antarctic is somehow the prize lol.
I will say, making any A&A style map is always an exercise in Eurocentrism or Western jingoism, just cause of how the game works and prioritizes that theater with a zoom, though seeing alternative projections makes me feel better about some of the warps I made on that last map hehe. I mean I guess they'd be pleased that the shape of China is somewhat more realistic, though it'd still be banned there, I'm sure. I mean since we freed Tibet like the Beastie Boys, and have all those sweet R.O.C. flags lol. That potatoe is probably hot to handle over there heheh
yea AK such an important piece for USA. Definitely be Nuking those commie bastards from there lol