Low Luck dice rolling added option
Instead of both players rolling their single dice for Low Luck. Where one can roll a 1 and the other a 6.
Now there is just one dice roll for that battle and that is the roll for both players
A 3 is rolled. That attacker had a tank that will get a hit, But the defender only had an infantry and missed since he needs a 2 or less
But if both player units have the same strength. They will both hit and the defender holds the land.
This even makes the game less based on luck. Call it Super Low Luck and a lot more fun to the drama
@timelord-0 dont understand u r saying low luck but single die roll for any remainders applied equally? if that's what u r suggesting i would think it could be gamed by attacker but not sure it would matter since results still random
@ubernaut Both players use the same dice roll. If a 4 is rolled. The 4 will be used as if both players rolled a 4. Or you can call it matching dice. The defender uses the same roll as the attacker
@timelord-0 gotcha
I like this idea, was thinking of it as a "same luck" option.