Total World War: December 1941 (BETA)
Icons and Icon Property list done.
Here is how I feel about this kind of work...
Well the results are mixed... while the icons will be very beneficial to games with tech advancements that don't necessarily create a new unit... it is still going through some teething issues.
I am in the process of tweeking the game to make this ideal as well as fix some of the ordering issues I did while designing it. But overall once I get these just right... it should be an awesome addition.
Here is a view of a tech heavy Japan...
Hey @Redrum any idea why this happens
If you notice for some reason the Advanced Hulls icon gets rendered over top of the Improved Gunlaying and Advanced Gunlaying icons even though they are first in the Icon Properties file.
Stranger yet... it only happens on the BB but is correct on the CC.
@hepps Can you post the latest properties file/images so I can test it?
@redrum Sure. I have only formaly fixed Germany so far. So use them in your tests.
I also toned down the icons in size for everything but the capital ships.
And here are the revised icons as well.
@hepps Looks better smaller. I think you can even go smaller, just has to be indentifiable and functional.
I was wondering if a standard location for such information should be given. Maybe right under the nation flags/roundels.
@general_zod I tested smaller and wasn't happy with the results. This was the sweet spot for the map. Bear in mind that the screen shot is at 100 zoom which is not what I generally play at. So when you factor in zooming out... this was where I settled.
The fixed location is actually the top right corner of the unit image. I tailored the icons for both left and right facing units. So that the location is uniform over the entire map relative to which way the unit faces.
@redrum this is going to make you laugh... Same techs.... ordered the same way in the properties file... same nation.... rendered 2 different ways...
Look at the British BB and the British CC.
Now that I am back to working on TWW/GD development I wanted to gauge the temperament of those who play the game.
To that end there is a poll on the first post of this thread. If you play this game and have an opinion... please weigh-in and let me know how you feel as it will determine whether I use TWW as a testing ground for my new concepts on ASW.
The poll is scheduled to end at the end of the month, so I will basing my decision on the results at that point.
Thank you in advance,
I voted yes in the poll, I'm happy to try the new system, but couldn't you just put two XMLs in the folder so players have both?
@crazyg Yup... I just want to know whether people will play with the option.
There is no issue with having both options... I just don't want to go through the process of making an option available only to have it ignored.
that and there are already 2 versions... I don't really want to start getting into having 5 and 6 versions of a game like there are with other maps.
@crazyg keeping two xmls in sync is a lot more work. I don't play ( brain can't comprehend it all
) so I didn't vote.
Don't know what changes heppester is doing but maybe one could add a tech that would activate the changes and keep it at one xml
@beelee Based on the changes a trigger will not work.
@hepps right on. what are the changes ?
@beelee Proprietary secret.
@beelee gigglez he is anal like that