When Triplea First Starts
I always have to move my window to the right and down so I can see all players, games and chat.
Any way to make some sort of default ?I'm used to it but new people might not be.
Is that what you guys get when you log in to lobby ?
Not a big deal obviously but something I've been doing for years so just curious.
@beelee Yes, I confirm. It is so, and it is so since some months I join the lobby. It was not so in the past, so I'm guessing it is a bug or, anyways, I can't think it may be a behaviour anybody intended.
I'm sure some recall that in the past the right column was reasonably sized, not ridiculously wide like now, joining the lobby.
I think it started when the lobby was made anew, like half a year ago.
But this is my experience, so I don't really know, since you say "I've been doing for years". Are you sure you recall correctly? -
My suggestion is that the part showing the hosted games (upper-left) is set default at 80% of the total.
It feels really unpolished / unprofessional joining the lobby and visualising a display clearly with no setting, or apparently so.
I'm just not sure if this is a feature request or a regression, as I can only speak for myself, joining the lobby.
What was anyone else's experience like 1 year ago or more? -
https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/releases/tag/ does the resizing right ^^