How many max players
How many max players can I create in a custom game/map? They can be either real players or AI... It would be helpful to know before I begin creating a map and a balanced game. Thx.
@rabbitharrison Hi Rabbit
Not aware of any limitations other than the map itself, as I think everyone needs a capital. Idk if you can have players have the same capital. I kinda doubt it but I've never tried it.
@rabbitharrison Well TWW has theoretically 16 players? I would have to count. Most are minor nations. The point is as many as you create
in your map
@RabbitHarrison There is no hard limit that I'm aware of. I think we have a few maps with around 20-25. It would have to be a massive sized map to make sense to have many more than that.
thx guys.
@rabbitharrison I created a test map with 36 players, and it appears to be functional.
Although I remember getting an error once because there were more than 20 players. I don't know whether it was a bug with the engine or the old map creator. It happened like 6-8 years ago, so anything could have happened since then.