Future for tripleawarclub.org domain
tripleawarclub.org is one of TripleA's original domain's, a lot of nostalgia for that URL. These days it forwards to this forum, the PHP server that powered that old website was deprecated and shut down. One step back, two steps forward, the modern websites/forum replacements cost less both in terms of hosting cost and labor-maintenance costs (yay!)
But, we're still paying DNS costs to own the tripleawarclub.org domain. It seems we can save on this cost. It is not a huge amount, $30/year, but it does seem needless since we are not doing anything with the URL other than sitting on it.
I wanted to check with the community in case there is anyone that wants to take over the URL. I'm a bit reluctant to encourage that as I'd like any volunteer efforts to help the main project (there is room there, plenty to do!). But, at the same time, if anyone is rev'ing to go to create a fan-site; who am I to stop that? : )
Alright, so I don't really expect anyone to jump in on this, websites are a ton of work and we have an open source one that we are dying for help on - but in case: the triplea-warclub.org domain will likely not be renewed at the end of this year and tentatively planning to be put up for sale. If you're interested in owning that domain to keep it within the TripleA community, please contact me/reply here, this is your chance.
@lafayette Off topic but what is the cost for triplea-game.org per year?
@prastle $146.72 for 10 years. Needs renewal Oct 2025
@LaFayette I just wanted to mention we still have the dice servers running PHP 7 on dice.tripleawarclub.org and dice-staging.tripleawarclub.org
So the dice server would need to be migrated client side first. -
@roiex Let's get that done! We've a few months before renewal, that gives us some time.
bump on this one, unless we have a reason to keep the domain, it's a long-term decision, but it seems like we should stop paying for it and release it if not using it.
I cross-posted this in github for more developer visibility as well: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issues/3722
I'm fine with dropping it.
@redrum bump
@prastle @All If anyone is interested in this domain it is going up for sale shortly.
@prastle BUMP!
tripleawarclub.org will be closed Nov 25/2018 unless someone is interested in the domain. -
@ssoloff I'll try to get the HTTPS config working today, but I just realised we need to migrate the mail server in time as well.
I recall you having some knowledge on this topic a while back, that's why im asking you if you have an idea on what needs to be done. -
@RoiEX I remember setting up Postfix inside a Docker container like 1.5 years ago.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure what would be required during a domain migration.
@ssoloff Do you think you could get a basic SMTP server going in time if I setup an mx DNS record?
@RoiEX Unlikely, given it's Thanksgiving week here in the US.
Maybe we should just renew the domain for another year and only let it expire once everything has been migrated?
I'll try getting something working then.
Renewing the domain should be the last resort though. -
We could of course just do the same thing we did with the forum and just use a generic Gmail account.
And perhaps create a dedicated mail in the future, looks like it's going to a little bit more complicated than I thought: Apparently CNAME records take precedence over MX records, which we use for github pages.
Thoughts? -
@RoiEX Sorry, no. When I set up the Docker container, I punted on that aspect by offloading specification of the mail account to the user running the container. That would be no different than your dedicated Gmail account idea.
Too bad, I remember having a conversation with you regarding that topic now.
But AFAIK we're currently not using docker for the live system, so fiddling around with some php or sendmail configs might be a viable option for now.
Can you think of any other potential option that I might be able to pull off in time, that doesn't involve running a dedicated mail server on our own?
If not I'll do what I can on the weekend. -
@RoiEX Sorry, nothing comes to mind other than what's already been discussed.