Lobby Upgrade - July 18
We're going to deploy latest version to bots + lobby: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/releases/tag/
Linode has an 'offer' requiring a downtime that will migrate us to a 50G disk from 30G. Seems they want to encourage the longer downtime.
Considering lobby just crashed, we'll take advantage of it and do these upgrades.
tripleawarclub: Lobby updated to
Lobby is up and running again. Verifying things...
@lafayette Only the new 700 series bots restarted through infra. Hopefully this is just a glitch due to the lobby crash. The other bots did restart in the past for the 5 g upgrades using infra.
Your "Black Hole," theory could be correct. I just manually stopped them all and started them again and they joined. Jfy info.
I would like to say to all that the lobby restarted itself with the infra and the new 700 series bots. Great JOB! Devs. Linode didn't even notify us -
Splitting hairs I guess, infra does not change how bots reconnect to the lobby. The key difference is in server processing power and instance per machine. The 7xx bots are on a larger machine.
To the credit of infrastructure, we did the linode downtime upgrade and infra kicked in after the server came up and did its thing quickly and without issue and then all bots and lobby were on an updated version : )
@lafayette is 10663 the new stable now ?
@beelee No. It is a pre-release. Perhaps if the 700 function well for a week we should just change to three larger servers for the bots then? @LaFayette
@prastle ok Thank You. Wasn't sure what lobby being updated meant.
@beelee the latest pre release has had many engine fixes for the server and lobby side since the last stable release. This will not affect or should not affect anyone using stable. But yes I am running it in the lobby myself atm.
Trying to join the pre release lobby. I can't remember how I did it last time. Here's what I get:
At first I got an error that said something about java 11 so I installed that. I still have java 8 installed as well. I can join the old lobby and local mode works for the pre release.
I'll do some more searching. Just throwing it out there in case it's something simple : )
@beelee Had the same problem.
Prerelease lobby is on a somewhat dated version now. It's no longer automatically upgraded to latest on a continually basis. Likely just need to deploy a latest version; testing locally with latest client+lobby, the connection does work.
Maybe this thread should be locked?
@LaFayette It would be nice if we could get it working on the latest pre releases for testing purposes. Perhaps you could chron job to update once a week? Also I was unable to log into it last weekend as well. It is quiet and peacefull there with an empty bot
ok well i didn't really understand the answer. So my understanding is, there is no pre release lobby at the moment but sometimes, in the past, there was and may be in the future.
I saw something on git that made it sound as if the new stable was coming out soon and saw something here where I thought someone said a lot of people are in the pre release lobby. So that's why I tried to join.
Anyway, I just like to check in and check attendance and what games are being played. Attendance seems down lately so I thought maybe some were on the new lobby. Maybe it historically goes down in summer for the northern hemisphere ? Idk. Until recently I wasn't around in summer.
Anyway thanks for the replies : )
@beelee Simple answer is it was working and broke again I guess but I am using a recent pre release. Also yes the lobby slows in summer till kids back in school. My statement about peace and quiet was meaning that the testing lobby is empty and the bot is full speed
Are you guys using the latest pre-release to connect to the lobby, or actually trying to connect to the prerelease lobby? The latter is not automatic, unless you're configuring it, it would be the former that you're attempting.
@LaFayette said in Lobby Upgrade - July 18:
Are you guys using the latest pre-release to connect to the lobby, or actually trying to connect to the prerelease lobby? The latter is not automatic, unless you're configuring it, it would be the former that you're attempting.
Speaking for myself, "actually trying" was what I was attempting. Unfortunately, Idk how todo the configure thing, but I'm not gonna give up on it
I can connect to 13066 lobby. It seems to have no effect as far as trying to join the pre release one that I can tell. I'm guessing it takes more than just dling the pre release to make the configure thing work
I can't seem to get to configure. I made it this far:
Is there supposed to be a configure button somewhere ? Or am I way off base ?
@beelee in the game, open the settings window, under the testing tab, update the field "lobby host override" to be "prerelease.triplea-game.org", save, and re-launch TripleA. It's buggy right now though and the prerelease lobby is too old to work with the latest. Work is needed to fix that..
@LaFayette ok thank you was unfamiliar with the terminology. This is what I currently have:
I'm guessing the pre lobby isn't active yet then ? Anyway, thanks for your reply and the configure answer