Global Dominance
Those shipping lanes are looking enticing, hehe. Looks great! Btw, New Britain is where I live.
@General_Zod Eager to get your fleets cruising at full speed are we?
Want to know what anyone thinks of making the Island outlines slightly more subtle verses TWW. Take a look at this and tell me what you think...
This will only be an important (relatively) distinction for those who play TWW.
@hepps Looks good to me. Given the water changes, it stands out enough. Not a strong preference for either, though might like this a bit better as it feels a little cleaner/simpler/subtler.
@redrum Right. That's what I was going for.
But I shaved this morning... so no stubble here.
Yes I agree this is easier on the eyes, looks like a nice relaxing island getaway now.
@general_zod So your troop ships will want to make a stop for some island fun.
Hehe, but of course.
Working on the economic overview.... but never to busy to bring a little more of the map to light.
It is apparent that while San Diego is relatively protected.... the U.S. is going to have a lot of work to do to develop a naval presence in order to begin an offensive war in the Pacific!
@hepps Looks good. So you are making all neutrals each have a unique color instead of all the same? I guess that is necessary since you are having more diplomacy in GD vs TWW?
@redrum Correct.
The Neutral Mexicans are gathering... they have a thirst for some salsa flavoured blood.
Just build a wall.
@general_zod LOL
@general_zod A wall? Or a fence? Seems to be some great debate over the terminology.
@hepps ICE WALL 700 feet high!
Opps wrong show
And now the Saudi nation has had enough of standing by idly... they shall take back the lands once promised to them by the Entente powers and rule the Middle East in a pan-Persian cooperative zone.
Despite pouring resources into building up the Atlantic wall the Allies fight their way onto the European coast... in desperation Hitler musters all of his political influence and convinces Franco to join the war... The Spanish sweep in and secure the coastal regions the Allies fought so desperately to liberate. Spain may turn the tide of war for the Axis powers... Churchill thought his darkest days were behind him.... now there is a new gathering storm over his Island nation.
heh heh knew franco would come around sooner or later : )
@hepps How much influence does it take? Remind me of Xeno
@prastle Convincing a neutral is no small task... since you have 4 seperate treaties to enact with a nation before they join your cause....
In this example lets assume Germany has pursued Spain uncontested by the Allies.
Since Germany already starts the game with a Diplomat within Spain and they begin the game with an existing Friendship Treaty, it means Germany would have 3 remaining treaties to sign with Spain. These remaining Treaties would cost a total of 525 PI (Political Influence) and 375 PU (Production Unit). BTW this represents a significant portion of the German economy and would severely impact war production, even spread over 3 turns
For the purposes of this example we shall assume Germany moves one of its available spies into Spain on its first turn and Italy moves a diplomat in on its first turn. This means that each turn the Axis powers would be gathering enough support (tokens) within Spain to table a new treaty. Therefore, Spain could be convinced to join the Axis powers by turn 4.
This example is based on the fact that the Allies take no measures to stop the Axis pursuit of Spain. (Safe to assume this is a highly unlikely scenario)