Highlight "waiting for players" on Lobby games
Idk how hard that'd be , but would make for an easier quick scan imo
Looking good triplea : ) Rock On
@beelee sounds like a good idea
I'm taking suggestions for the color.
A good suggestion IMO -
@roiex Would also be really nice if the lobby sorted waiting for players at the top and games in progress at the bottom when it opened. Never understood why Veq did it by time.
Definitely something to consider.
If @Lafayette @redrum or @ssoloff agree, I can do that as well -
@roiex Looks good! The only issue I have with using a fixed color is how it will appear across different L&Fs. It would be nice if there was some kind of standard named colors provided by each L&F for different types of highlighting (other than what's used for selection), but I'm not sure if they exist.
Just throwing out some other alternatives that would be independent of L&F:
- Change the font for the entire row to bold.
- Display an appropriate icon either in the Status cell or in the Host cell (it seems like having such an icon as far to the left as possible would capture the player's attention sooner).
@ssoloff Just seems much easier to sort by status.
If we are going to get creative.... then shouldn't we look at a way of adding icons for something like a ladder game? Like adding a medal icon to underscore that the game is part of a TOC? To generate interest in the competitive side of the lobby? Then we could incorporate different icons for the different tourneys that we (or if we are looking long term) a tourney sponsored by someone or something (ie. a corporation or business) that wants to sponsor our non-profit endeavours with the idea that we could then implant their logo into our website or in the relief layer of the game.
Just throwing it out there.
@prastle if color or bold or ...? is implemented. One for new and/or unfamiliar users would be cool too.
Like a ski resort maybeOr a Beginner Bot ? Idk how the bots work so ...