WW2 Oil and Snow (1st ed.) NEW MAP RELEASE
@wc_sumpton thanks for the suggestion: I fixed it with a <option name='changeOwnership' value='X:X:false'/>
Final issue that tortures my brains
-I like to have some territories in which Airplanes cannot land ...after battle and by this , not at start of a players turn.
like some remote territories that have to challenging terrain... (like Greenland) or small islands require first to build an airfield to be able to host bombers....for example... anyway...
So i could use a part of the Railroad approach, but then air units cannot fly over that specific "ruled out" territory...
would the only option be a -reset- for the territory after combat...? That would be too much coding and
then still it would be impossible to retreat over it.....has anyone out here maybe a Genius idea / suggestion?
I like to implement it too in future maps with more micro level maps in which airfield-functions can be limited to few specific areas.
@ebbe You could trigger the territories you want, to turn into water="true" after the combat moves then change back after the end of the players turn.
I haven't tested it. But might work
I thinks Hepps's idea should work for you. But I have a couple alternate possibilities you can try as well.
- Try changeOwner with captured=true. This may treat the territory as a newly captured territory. Thus not allowing the air unit to land in it but can fly over .
<option name="changeOwnership"
value="France:Germans:Germans:true"/>- Try to get creative with these. You should be able to alter these on the fly. Although this will be more code.
canMoveLandUnitsOverOwnedLand values: "true", "false", or "default". default setting is "default", and "default" means that archeType of war and allied can move into, while neutral can not
canMoveAirUnitsOverOwnedLand values: "true", "false", or "default". default setting is "default", and "default" means that archeType of war and allied can move into, while neutral can not
canLandAirUnitsOnOwnedLand values: "true", "false", or "default". default setting is "default", and "default" means that archeType of allied only lets you land units in the player's territories
<property name="Neutral Flyover Allowed" value="true" editable="false">
</property> -
@general_zod @Hepps Thanks for your ideas! Hepps: again you are really a Oracle of "Out of the box" solutions... great!
I wonder what the " =sea temp -reset-" will cause for regular land units in the territory....... and I need to make a territory restriction for navy then , otherwise I might end up with a battleship stuck on greenlands Glacier with A.I. players...the captured =true approach is interestesting too...
but indeed lot of coding to get working for all players......
or I might indeed temp. change ownership to a Dummy player with
"no landing" options in post combat phase, but could look weird when it changes colour then twice....
I give it a try too,....thanks !!!! -
@hepps @General_Zod ... okej....
Good thing: resetting works with the sea or a new terrain feature NoAirlanding...
but: if I make a trigger/switch just before the "Place No Air remaning" delegate It will NOT effect any air units that are allready inside the territory arriving in combat or noncombat movement....
so by this it doesn't work unfortunately....even if I set the trigger between these two steps... hmmm....
seems like the check is done earlier: I guess I have to try another way.... -
so progress is slow here: little spare/hobby time left in this family at the moment
Concerning SPAIN.... and other
hypothetically Pro Active Major Minors
I choose this way now:
-starts as true neutral....( as they didnt' allow Axis troops moving through)-Spain will not join the Axis at start as it was very depended on
USA- oil and trade import..... BUT:
if the Axis will conquer 4 Allied capitals..
( so like: Paris..allready in the pocket..and let's say: Moscow leningrad & stalingrad...) **
they might dare to join the Axis at a annual 1:4 ratio.**
turning Light yellow ....
unlike Turkey Spain has 0% chance to join the Allies,If they do.. and Gibraltar is Axis controlled by that time..
they will receive this territory automatically.......sorry Joseph prince: no space in my version for many
territory divisions... Schulz's mega version I saw a glimpse from might have .... -
@ebbe I made a Panzer 1 tank a while ago which you could use as the spanish light_armour
@ebbe While it is true Spain,Sweden or Turkey probably would never join the war when the outcome was uncertain but on the other hand if they will only join when the winning side becoming clear then it means they will have no affect of the outcome.
For example Germany would need these nations more in the middle of war instead of after defeating Russia and still holding Paris.
I think neutrals should actually join the loser side if you would prefer playability over realism. It would be more interesting to see if (for example) they could turn the tide of the war when Axis seems losing rather than seeing them joining Allies after Allies victory seems imminent.
Also I would suggest adding more orangeish tones to Spain and its units. Reducing the brightness also might help.
-Major minors joining loosing side: true , interesting from a gameplay point... I will integrate that too....as alternative behaviour
-player colour Spain: Well, I am running out of colours, haha..
I have Japan with reddish/warm yellow.. so... and yellow seems so natural for the SpanishI 'll finetune that....
-yes the panzer I would be good! I'll fix that.....
@ebbe If the Minor nations don't earn anything or have any additional units by the time they join the war... they are a pretty inconsequential factor either way.
A spattering of units and 1 Inf. per turn shouldn't really be decisive in the outcome of the game.
@hepps ....fact! that is why they are minors, haha... anyway...
They'll receive an annual reinforcement of 1 infantry once joining, which is to keep them ingame/alive and acceptable realistic...The impact will more be on territorial strategy then on total units balance,......
Spain or Turkey, (especially the later due to the Dardanelles opening for navies) ...joining changes tactical options in the European theater in a interesting way... I think
but yes, this is lot of work and discussion for a tiny Minor with minimal impact..that's why I consider working on this project a hobby....
still puzzling to find a workable way with some creating No Landing territories for Air...no working solution yet , despite all good suggestions and tips... I put it in the freezer for a moment..
next thing to tackle: OUT OF SUPPLY / ATTRITION..
I want to have Victory Cities in my Map, suffer the consequences when compeltely surrounded by enemies and while under siege. For now I see often A.I. as well as human players stack a lot of units, mostly infantry in their Victory cities... without consequences.
I lie to implement Out of supply/Attrition:
so when a players Victory city is surrounded, and the player will not or cannot break the siege in his following turn, the will be a negative impact , affecting his manpower in that city.
I still doubt which would be the bet way to have this done:- could be by a Battle-penalty symbolising that the surrounded unit gets weaker by time...
-or maybe more realistic: by giving them some random extra hits each turn as long as being surrounded....
I was trying something with a Attrition unit,
that will be placed when VC besieged... attacking the units with a AA-style attack....
too much work and issues to work that out properly I noticed..Anyone other ideas?
Yes, I keep it limited to VC's as they are small and often used for stacking..
and it would implement some code to involve all VC's ..
and I have allready massive number of trigger attachments in my map....
(I do not see a way to fix it for all isolated/surrounded territories either ) anyway all ideas / tips welcome.... -
I also made a 38(t) tank that could be used as the Sweidsh light_armour or for some German allies
So, after Turkey, Argentina and Spain it is time for Portugal to join the family of pro-Active Major Minors....
Mainland Portugal, Azores, Portugese Guinea , Mozambique, Angola and a part of Timor. Still some territory altogether.Minor certainly concerning its army size , bad economic situation , still essential due to the strategically position of the Azores...and a bottleneck down in Africa.
So Portugal was under the a-typical dictator Salazar, (anti communist anti -fascist) and tried to keep Portugal neutral. On one side there was a 550 Alliance- treaty with the UK and on the other side a recent support to Spanish Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War confirmed with the Iberian treaty ..
Interesting..... both Allies as Axis made several invading plans which put some pressure on the Portugese.Okej: what I made of it:
-Portugal remains true neutral until turn 14 ( autumn 1943)
Then Azores becomes available to the Allies...with an airbase...From that moment all other Portugese terr's are still true neutral to the Allies, but possible to invade by the Axis..
If they do invade one of these Terr's later in the game,
(as a response on the Azores switch),
then the whole of Portugal will join the Allies....
seems logical to me. is it?
Armed forces proposed:
2 in f. in Portugal, 1 in Azores...( 35.000 men positioned there
as meant to be escape for government in invasion situation)
1 garrison in Angola, Mozambique and Portugese Guinea...each
and a Flotilla representing its Fleet.
I couldn't find clues to add more units ... do you?hmmm anyway: in theory there is a slight chance that
Spain and Argentina may join the Axis... Portugal might join the Allies and Turkey might join either.... keeps a bit of dynamics in the play.. -
@ebbe You could add the portugese territory of Macau in China, which was a important refugee centre during the war and narrowly avoided Japanese invasion a few times. It would have a garrison in it but would not be worth any PUs
BTW Japan occupied East Timor during WWII despite the Portuguese Neutrality.
Macau... yes that could be... but my map scale allows few adds...
without getting problems of placement.... so I give them the luck of never be invadedTimor: I solved it by a shared Dutch-Portugese territory;
with dutch as Terr. owner (a garrison of both nations)
so by this possible to invade -
@ebbe Hi. I've downloaded this map and can't wait to play it. Where can I find a printable version of the game notes so I can read them while away from the computer?.