IsLandTransport Question
Trying to have multiple units transportable but only when paired with a certain unit. Is this possible ?
@beelee You mean like trains in TWW being able to carry multiple units? Or something different? Can you give an example?
@redrum yea so I have armour giving elite transport:
<!-- Armour -->
<attachment name="unitAttachment" attachTo="armour" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment" type="unitType">
<option name="movement" value="2"/>
<option name="transportCost" value="6"/>
<option name="canBlitz" value="true"/>
<option name="attack" value="3"/>
<option name="defense" value="3"/>
<option name="isLandTransport" value="true"/>
<option name="canBeGivenByTerritoryTo" value="British"/>
Elite getting a ride by being isInfantryI want Mech Infantry to be able to give AAGunC4 the same ability but not have armour or mech inf be able to transport the other units.
Sorry the same copy keeps showing up.
@beelee You can make each land transport have different capacities with "transportCapacity" option and then have the different land transportable units have different "transportCost".
Here is a summary of what is available:
@redrum cool am wondering if that'll affect their transport cost in general though, transports and I have air transport as well. I'll check out the link.
Thanks -
@beelee You don't have to change the transport costs for the original units. Since that will change their transport cost in any transport situation.
Instead you just have to ensure the Armour and Mech. have the correct capacity to carry the desired units.
@hepps hmm...Ihave transport cost=4 for elite and =5 for aaGun. Now if the transport capacity is 4 for the tank and 5 for the mech, won't that mean the mech can transport the elite as well ?
Sorry struggling a little : )
@beelee Yes. It is the one limitation for this.
@hepps Yea guess I need to make a new unit. Was hoping to avoid that. Everyone else can move 2 though so ... well the horses are just gonna have to drag their asses up there for now : )
@beelee So both units are supposed to act as land transports but only during non-combat?
@hepps the tank gives the elite +1 move and it can blitz with tank. So both ncm and cm. I wanted mech inf to do the same for AAgun but not for elite. Or have the tank be able to do it for AAGun
elite has to move with tank for bonus
@beelee Yah unfortunately there is no current way to limit the Mech. from also being able to bring the Elite.
@beelee Its possible. @Hepps and I discussed adding a parameter to be able to specify that a unit can only transport certain units. I decided at this point to first get land transports to be equivalent in functionality to naval transports.
The following is on the list of potential future improvements:
- Consider adding "isLandTransportfor" to be able to specific what types of units each can transport
At this point, I don't consider it high priority though and will probably work on some other things for the near future.
@redrum Yup, that is why I said "currently". My faith in you has never once wavered.
I wasn't trying to add any pressure. I knew we had discussed it.... but you have your dirty little fingers in so many dirty little pies.... I figured this was on a "to be considered later" list somewhere.