Units Folder Question
Is there some sort of default unit folder ? I vaguely remember something like that but can't find anything on it.
What I have is units renamed player specific but the old, non named ones which I deleted, keep showing up in the purchase window when I try and add units via edit.
Would appreciate if someone would clue me in on how to get rid of the old units.
Thank you
@beelee Do you mean those in the assets?
<your installation dir>\TripleA\assets\units
@panther That's where they are : ) Thanks panther
@beelee well, unfortunately, that didn't work either. I replaced the units in the map and in the assets and still no joy.
Something all powerful is thwarting me : )
@beelee What exactly do you want to do?
@beelee Post the map folder. I am guessing it is an issue with how the XML has been edited.
You should never have to change the assets within the game if you have the XML set up correctly.
You normally leave the TripleA/assets folder untouched. You place map specific units inside the units folder of the map. Also you need to edit the xml of the map to include all special units.
@panther yea that's what I would think with the assets folder is to leave it alone.
Yea I already renamed the units and adjusted the xml. I deleted all the old units inside the units folder inside the map but they still show up during edit.
The game works fine and has for a long time. It's just when i go to edit the original units show up along with the renamed ones and you can sometimes accidentally add the wrong unit.
@beelee You probably left the original unit types in one of the other sections of the XML. So while you may have changed each nations units... the general units are still in the other section. Thus why they are no longer in the production frontier... but can be added when you edit.
@hepps aha yep you are correct. Thanks Hepps : )
@beelee so looking closer, I'm thinking I'm out of luck on this one. I only have 2 of the players with their player specific units and the rest, the majority, don't.
So unless I give everybody their own units, it can't be changed. Eventually I want to do that, but it's a lot of work and am focusing on other things currently, since the mod does work.
At any rate, thanks for your guy's help : )
Peace Out
@beelee Yup. If you want specific units then all nations need to be set up this way. Just the way it is.
@hepps Right on thanks again