Large Middle Earth - possible small bug
The game has a typo or bug for the Dwarf Axethrower. Appears to play with attack 6 but some summaries suggest it should be attack 3 (which I think would be more balanced). Please can you confirm which it should be? I have v1.2: the latest via the Downloader.
PS is there any thread on the Forum about this map generally? Would like to hear about common strategies etc.
@mattbarnes Most of the chit-chat regarding this game occurred on the old forum.... I'm sure someone will dig up a link.
As far a strategies and game-play.... you may want to start a new one here on this forum. (Referencing the old conversations might be a great place to begin).
@mattbarnes Thanks, nice and clear feedback.
I am aware of that thing. When I uploaded a version to github, an earlier version got partly mixed into it. That's also why the name of Helms Deep is displayed incorrectly. But both are just visual bugs, so I don't feel like releasing a new version just to fix these two.
And yes, 6 is the intented attack for axethrowers.