Bug or error(Iron War)
I am playing against the computer in round 15 when I got this message:
Error : must finish battle in southern Congo first OKThat battle was completed and I have two other battles to complete but it won't let me.
@forthebirds That is the map of @Frostion, I think he'll be able to help you.
While he finds this thread:
- What version of TripleA are you using? You can find it in the top left corner of the screen when you open up TripleA.
- Can you post a savegame? You can find it in the save games folder, which is usually somewhere like
@forthebirds you can also save at the start of the players turn you're on and redo their turn from there. Be a little messing around if you've already run some battles but should keep your game going.
I'm using engine
game version 2.4Thanks for your interest in my problem.
@forthebirds Did you take a history save before this bug happened (right clicking history and saving the game at some previous point)?
I am not sure it is a map bug. At least I have never seen this bug before. (@all Has anyone seen something like this with another map?) But then again, I am no expert in bugs.I hope you were able to save the game and play further. If you got a save, and post it here, then it can be looked at by a developer like @redrum
No, I used the file: save feature to save the game along the way.
Iron War uses some new features... I would recommend you update your engine version to a more recent Prerelease of the Engine and try to play your save.
@forthebirds Yes, Iron War actually needs one of the newest engines to run at all. You can download the newest pre-releases here:
https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/releases -
Here is a copy of the save game that is causing the bug: 0_1530493026187_iron war( axis vs fast).tsvg
Thanks for all the help!
I was using engine I assume that wasn't new enough for Iron war. If I update the engine., older games that are not finished will not run. Is that right? At least, that's been my experience.
I really enjoy the game and I appreciate all the effort that went into it. -
@forthebirds your older games should still run. Also it's good to keep the stable and then make another folder called w/e the pre release number is. Then you'll have both
Thanks for the advice. -
@forthebirds There was a rare bug where a battle that completed might not be cleared from the battle queue in the engine causing it to become stuck when trying to start another battle: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issues/3377. This has been fixed in the pre-release so shouldn't happen in newer engine versions. Unfortunately, upgrading you engine version to a pre-release version won't fix an existing save game.
I'd recommend opening your save game then the history panel. Then right click to take a save game before the Southern Congo battle was ever fought. You should then be able to replay the turns and shouldn't hit the issue (it is very rare and essentially a race condition so shouldn't ideally happen again). If that doesn't resolve it then let me know and I'll take a closer look.
That's good to know. Thanks again for all that you do to make gaming fun. -
I'm sorry to say that the problem doesn't seem to be resolved.
I saved the game at the beginning of South Africa's turn & started from there. South Africa's turn was computer operated.
I then took my turn again & the same error message popped up that I needed to finish a battle first which I didn't even try to do this time. Just thought that you would like to know.