@beelee yes.... also navy ... in placed territory ...and at the moment also their allies but might limit that to own players units....
@ebbe Pretty sure its my design... and yes you can use.
If you are going to go this route I probably make a set of units for every nation... something like this...
And they should probably only support the specific nations troops as otherwise the defensive "leadership" would have a real bonus over the offensive one.
@ebbe said in TOTAL GLOBAL WORLD WAR II- fusion & clean-up PROJECT:
@beelee yes.... also navy ... in placed territory ...and at the moment also their allies but might limit that to own players units....
My first impression is that it would be overpowered. A large stack of Infantry that can all attack at 2 seems a game changer.
I haven't tried it though, so maybe it evens out.
@Hepps: thanks again man! nice suggestion...and again smooth graphics!
@beelee: I use a <diceSides value="10"/> so that ,means 10% more power,
but I could limit its number of rounds ( like adding option name="isSuicide" .. so by which it likely becomes first round hit and is removed: problem though: the unit graphics look weird then (cut in half) when resetting their battle-powers ) anyway.. I test it more... but it is fun to play The Bonus Ace somehow... even if it would be only psychological....@Hepps : Both Attacker and defender have the option: but for now: the attacker chooses its Offensive bonus to be used somewhere and it is removed directly after a battle-round, where the defensive bonus will only be movable from the capital in the Noncombat movement and will remain untill the final step (place units ) of the final player of the opponent team.. so stays out all enemies' players round....
also solved an annoying hting with the partisans by placing them AFTER THE PLAYERS PLACE their corresponding territories after trigger roll chance 1:10 , in this way avoiding messages like: this unit willl die here... which it actually often does... but hej, that is partisans jobs risk! I tried to use an escape feature with submerging element of subs.. but that went all too crazy
Escaping after surviving one battle round though would be nice....and realistic...
@Hepps :
@ebbe Post the medal without the flag
first for allies , second for axis teams... and the Offensive ones: red white striped with the pointed star medal.... thanks !
@ebbe said in [TOTAL GLOBAL WORLD WAR II- fusion & clean- ...this unit willl die here... which it actually often does...
Heh heh
sorry just love that line
@ebbe Let me know which of these you prefer...
Option 1
Option 2
Or if there is some other variation you'd prefer.
@ebbe said in TOTAL GLOBAL WORLD WAR II- fusion & clean-up PROJECT:
offensive/defensive LEADERSHIP BONUS ...your opion on function, and naming pleazzz..
Of the many battles you will have there are one or two sticking out in importance: game changers.... ( like in warfare there were also offensive e& defensive setups which were much better prepared in planning, reconnaissance , supplies and so....
To implement this into TripA gameplay I have been testing before with this feature: A Offensive Bonus and a Defensive bonus that you can use in every turn ... to give extra power... +1 bonus seems litttle but makes a good difference .
You can drag the bonus all the way around the globe from your capital.. ( long distance air function) in a battle of choice. It is auto-removed after battle. The defensive bonus can be moved in the noncombat movement and placed inside one of your territories to brace for suspected enemy action...
I give all players a slighly historical ration of Bonuses...
The AXIS germany and japan get 2 offensive and 1 defensive bonus each turn, as there experience and spirits where high. The Soviets where crippled by Stalins purgues in leadership and overwhelmed and they start receiving their bonus after 3 turns, though they receive a double offensive bonus each winter to reflect their Winter offensive "tradition". The USA starts up slow after 2 turns too and some minor players like Vichy have 1 defense bonus only .... anyway...I would recommend making these a purchasable unit rather than preset quantities. The issue with having these auto populate is that you have to decide how the game will progress and what you decide may not reflect the situation in the game. I would recommend that you create a second resource... which is earned via specific strategically important territories... ie. Capitals, large urban centers, etc. Then let the player choose the leadership units that best suit their strategy or situation. You already have the gold star markers on most of the territories this would encompass... adding a few more to the map would likely make this system work perfectly.
looks like AI can handle this bonus well.... sometimes a bit timid in defensive bonus action but not tooo crazy things.....
Personally I like the result: choosing every battle-round some of your more precious cases and support them ... I used a very Nice Medal Image found in Total War Resources as symbol ( @Hepps: is it yours? Permission to use it ? ) .. Green for defensive and red for offensive bonus... Black striped for Axis players and White striped for Allies.looks better and easier to distinguish than my previous HQ or general units.... what you think about the namen giving: Leadership bonus? does it cover the content?
@Hepps ... Although option 2 would be more consistent with regular units flag-display I would prefer option 1! IT looks better and more distinguishable? (Is that a word
) could you move the medals a few pixals over the medal to the left? To make the gap dissappear that occurs at the star medal ...
@ebbe Consider it done. Should have it done by the end of the weekend.
@Hepps great!
@Hepps Yes that was also a plan to receive extra bonus by conquering an enemies' urban/victory city... giving moral boost and experience.... i like the idea then to be purchasable... Maybe sometimes i might be stuck too much to a historical approach indeed... games should have freedom if scenario's.... just wonder if AI understands its importante to purchase ...
@ebbe Given that the AI weighs support units have it should.
@ebbe Here you go ... I'm sure you have the colouration codes you used for each nation. So you can colour to suit all your factions.
As well as adding your roundels as I don't have any of the ones you used
I think its way too much complexity for a turn based game.
More complexity doesn't also mean necessarily always enhancing games. For example no matter how many different kind of features or unit types are present in a WWII scenario, Germany will always prefer throwing everything to East as much as possible before Western Allies could invade mainland Europe as default. Its very repetitive/predictable thing which I do believe should be prevented by the least amount of complexity.
The another major issue is lack of irreversibility which mean its almost impossible to recover from major mistakes due to cumulative nature.
There is a really good videa about that:
@Schulz said in TOTAL GLOBAL WORLD WAR II- fusion & clean-up PROJECT:
I think its way too much complexity for a turn based game.
What exactly are you referring to?
@Frostion and @Michael-Hoover Thanks to your forum item on Sound files connected to Notifications..... I managed to solve some sound issues and have a lot of fun with creating some new ones to triggers! Finally I can have SLAYER on a war declaration ( if I wanted to
) Great!