New dice server
Hey fam! Tired of the dice not behaving like thrown dice on your table top? I know I am! Marti needs an audit or we need an option to use standard fair dice with normal dice distributions. I would rather have an a option programed into to choose dice servers and have those dice servers behave like thrown dice. Thanks! Who do I need to talk to about adding in a dice server choice to the UI?
Hi @kindwind Probably wanna talk to @RoiEX or @Trevan or @LaFayette
@kindwind this has come up before but never been substantiated can you provide some evidence to support your assertion?
@ubernaut Yes ez pz. Play 100 games check the dice stats standard variation. You will get anywhere from. 03 to 1.7 in the dice stats tab...For a 6 sided die thrown the standard variation is 35/12 and that comes out to 2.966. Which means the dice are off by an order of magnitude and not possible if the dice are working normally. We can all start tracking it too to report our findings!
@kindwind don't give me homework please provide your evidence and understand if you prove there's a problem here you will be the first to do so.
@beelee I am sure they will provide me the source code. I will find some folks to add an option for different dice servers. People can play on which ever they want! If they want Marti sweet! If they want another it can be done too!
@ubernaut I won't give you any homework! Just hand me over the source code. I will provide options and coders and dice servers. Thanks bud! See how easy this is! No fuss no muss!
@kindwind source is open
but i would start with your stats report substantiating your claim.
@ubernaut thanks a bunch!
@kindwind always glad to help where i can
@Kindwind You can find the sourcecode here: -
This is not a rant, but it is the truth.
These dice are terrible. Me and my brother play the board game version of A&A. We NEVER get so many total misses on throws like we do in Triple A's Marti Dice. Last night, i had my go, my units missed 3 rounds of throws. I had 2 fighters and 3 infantry. My brother had a tank and 2 infantry. And he managed to kill all my infantry off coz my dice kept missing every throw til the last throw. This has been happening to me for the last 5 games. I cant even win a freaking game now because they keep going against me. Feels like they have changed in recent weeks. I used to be able to win games, now im winning none. Not fun when you keep losing. These dice are rigged! We need more servers. The chance of a total miss in a single throw out of say 5 units would be for arguments sake, 1 in 1000 throws. But a total miss in same amount of units with 3 rounds of dice being thrown, would be more like 1 in a million. These dice are BS!
Me and my brother, are going to send each other the game file now instead of using these junk dice coz we both are fed up with Marti and its BS!
Why is it too much to ask for more servers and more fairer dice? why the argument over creating more servers? Why not just do it? -
@captainsquareyez said in New dice server:
The chance of a total miss in a single throw out of say 5 units would be for arguments sake, 1 in 1000 throws.
missing with 2 fighters basically happens 25% of the time or so. missing with 3 infantry on the attack is 50/50 more or less. So your math is several magnitudes of order off.
there is a dice stats feature in the game which gives you a report of hits versus expected hits for each round, as well as another that gives totals for each number, rolled over the course of the game.
many have made these claims in the past but none has ever been substantiated with the evidence that would be convincing.
@ubernaut said in New dice server:
missing with 2 fighters basically happens 25% of the time or so. missing with 3 infantry on the attack is 50/50 more or less. So your math is several magnitudes of order off.
there is a dice stats feature in the game which gives you a report of hits versus expected hits for each round, as well as another that gives totals for each number, rolled over the course of the game.
many have made these claims in the past but none has ever been substantiated with the evidence that would be convincing.
Like i said, "for arguments sake", meaning im not saying that to be literal. And even you could be a magnitude off. Dice, are random. These programmed dice, are just that, programmed and can be done so in anyway the coder sees fit.
Getting back on track, my point here was anyway, why is it a debate with people that want different dice servers? I've read this entire thread and seems like we're getting a constant "no, not gonna happen". Why? Is it a bad idea to for us to have a selection? Surely it cant be that hard to say "sure, we can do that, implement different servers."
We're not asking to change the game OR dice, just give us more options. Guess its too hard to do though -
@captainsquareyez said in New dice server:
because it has not been established that there is an actual problem and our developer resources are extremely limited to invent a new dice server without any indication that it would improve anything
Is it a bad idea to for us to have a selection?
you do, you can use the local dice roller, but that involves trusting the other party to be fair and not reroll bad outcomes.
Here is my dice stats, for a local game me v 5 AI.
Found by Game> Show Dice StatsLooking at the Total block.
There are almost 960 rolls, meaning that each number on average should be rolled 160 times.The internal dice roller looks fine to me.
@thedog said in New dice server:
Here is my dice stats, for a local game me v 5 AI.
Found by Game> Show Dice StatsLooking at the Total block.
There are almost 960 rolls, meaning that each number on average should be rolled 160 times.The internal dice roller looks fine to me.
Throw REAL dice and see if it works out like that. Bet it dont.
Also, im talking about the Marti dice, not the builtin dice for local dice. The builtin dice are better than the marti dice! -
@ubernaut said in New dice server:
@captainsquareyez said in New dice server:
because it has not been established that there is an actual problem and our developer resources are extremely limited to invent a new dice server without any indication that it would improve anything
Is it a bad idea to for us to have a selection?
you do, you can use the local dice roller, but that involves trusting the other party to be fair and not reroll bad outcomes.
Yeah i can tell dev resources are lmited coz of the amount of bugs in some of the games. But at least we now know why there wont be any new dice servers. Guess i will just go back to the board game version where dice throws are more realistic and dont miss 3 or 4 times in a row
@captainsquareyez i'm sorry you feel that way but the number the dog put up and my own experience with marti doesn't support your claims. if you can provide evidence to the contrary i'm sure the priority would be made.
@ubernaut Dont get me wrong, im not having a go at you, i just think these dice are horrible. Maybe they're bugged, i dont know, maybe its defender favored.
So you think its normal to get 3 rounds of misses in a row? Infantry i can understand coz they throw at 1. But, it doesnt really matter what number they throw at, there is always a 1 in 6 chance of throwing that number you need. But i think logic would say, the more units you have, the more chance you would also have in throwing more of required numbers, which would also lower the chance of getting total misses or 1 lousy hit. But that does not seem to be the case. It sounds like what you have said to me, these dice go by a percentage. Well, thats not random is it? Or am i misinterpreting what you're saying?
Heres some examples of dice marti has thrown me. Im going by a current game, starting at round 1. Will see if i can find that round where i missed 3 times in a row,(found it, its actually 4 times in a row i missed) :
Germans roll dice for 1 armour, 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 3 infantry in Karelia S.S.R., round 2 : 1/7 hits, 2.67 expected hits
1 lousy hit out of 7 units. When i have 2 fighters a tank and bomber.Germans roll dice for 2 artilleries and 2 infantry in East Poland, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Again, 1 hit even though the infantry are now boosted to attacking at 2 instead of 1 by the artilleries.Germans roll dice for 3 armour and 2 infantry in Ukraine, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
3 tanks and 1 hit? So im starting to think there is a 99% chance of the infantry always missing when attacking.
The above 3 are from round 1, so a new game.Germans roll dice for 2 armour, 1 fighter and 4 infantry in Karelia S.S.R., round 2 : 1/7 hits, 2.17 expected hits
Seeing a pattern here yet? This is from 1 game, the Germans turn. This one is from round 2 of the same game.Here it is, so, same game, round 3 of the game, i miss completely 4 throws in a row, and yet, British only had 1 tank. How is it that he had better luck to get 3 hits over 4 throws then what i did in 5 throws? Can you now see why i think these dice are horrible? Can you see why i think they are defender favored, or even bugged?
Also, im not sure how "expected hits" work, to me it means you got whats expected. So, when you miss it should be reading as "0 expected hits", shouldnt it?
Germans roll dice for 2 fighters and 3 infantry in France, round 2 : 0/5 hits, 1.50 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 armour in France, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in France
Germans roll dice for 2 fighters and 2 infantry in France, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 armour in France, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 2 fighters and 2 infantry in France, round 4 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 armour in France, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in France
Germans roll dice for 2 fighters and 1 infantry in France, round 5 : 0/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 armour in France, round 5 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in France
Germans roll dice for 2 fighters in France, round 6 : 2/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
Then finally i get a couple of hits. Sorry, but i still think there is something not right with these dice.How many units do i need to get more than 1 hit? Or to not miss 4 times in a row?
I would be more understanding if it was 1 infantry on 1 infantry missing all the time. But when multiple units are in play and we get constant misses, then something is not right. And even to get only 1 lousy hit on a regular basis is just wrong as well, no one is that unluckyYou said this to me yesterday, "missing with 2 fighters basically happens 25% of the time or so"
Well, i missed 99% of the time in that last round. 4 times out of 5 throws. And with 5 units. Against 1 unit.