Mixed Questions
I've tried but didn't work.
<step name="germany0CombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyBattle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germany2Battle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyPurchase" delegate="purchase" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyNonCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany" display="Non Combat Move"/>
<step name="germanyPlace" delegate="place" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyEndTurn" delegate="endTurn" player="Germany"/>These setups work without error message but units don't fight in the second combat if they already fought in the first combat.
@Schulz My guess is units are being marked as already in combat for the round. You could try adding another EndTurn phase after the first battle phase.
It says "not all units have enough movement" for units that engaged battle. Somethings still prevent them engaging second time.
idk if it matters but did u try the second combat phase being named as the first ? without the 2 ? -
Yes, didn't work either.
yea seems the stepName probably can be w/e and the "delegate" is what matters. -
@Schulz You need to use the reset property at the start of the second combat move phase (https://github.com/triplea-maps/the_pact_of_steel/blob/master/map/games/pact_of_steel_2.xml#L759)
resetUnitStateAtStart = true/false at start of phase will resets movement points and other unit states such as submerged, amphibious, unload/load, wasInCombat, etc. (default is false)
So something like this:
<step name="germany0CombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyBattle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany"> <stepProperty name="resetUnitStateAtStart" value="true"/> </step> <step name="germany2Battle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyPurchase" delegate="purchase" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyNonCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany" display="Non Combat Move"/> <step name="germanyPlace" delegate="place" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyEndTurn" delegate="endTurn" player="Germany"/>
They can attack then move friendly territories right now but still can't attack twice. It says "cannot blitz out of a battle into enemy territory" though their blitz ability is enabled.
@Schulz Is the unit in an enemy territory already? Can you show a screenshot?
These German units took Belgium but can't into Lille.
@Schulz Can you try adding an end turn delegate before the second move phase.
<step name="germany0CombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyBattle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/> <step name="germany0EndTurn" delegate="endTurn" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany"> <stepProperty name="resetUnitStateAtStart" value="true"/> </step> <step name="germany2Battle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyPurchase" delegate="purchase" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyNonCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany" display="Non Combat Move"/> <step name="germanyPlace" delegate="place" player="Germany"/> <step name="germanyEndTurn" delegate="endTurn" player="Germany"/>
It works right now but the only issue is Germany collected double income.
@Schulz Look at the opening turn of TWW. It does the same thing you are looking at.
Sounds like the only way to prevent it setting up negative national objectives.
@Schulz Yeah essentially you'll need to negate the income of the first end turn phase or try using the "endTurnNoPU" delegate instead: https://github.com/triplea-maps/the_pact_of_steel/blob/master/map/games/pact_of_steel_2.xml#L711
I've added it.
<delegate name="endTurnNoPU" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.delegate.NoPUEndTurnDelegate" display="Turn Complete"/>
Then edited the phrases;
<step name="germany0CombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyBattle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germany0EndTurn" delegate="endTurnNoPU" player="Germany">
<step name="germanyCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany">
<stepProperty name="resetUnitStateAtStart" value="true"/>
<step name="germany2Battle" delegate="battle" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyPurchase" delegate="purchase" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyNonCombatMove" delegate="move" player="Germany" display="Non Combat Move"/>
<step name="germanyPlace" delegate="place" player="Germany"/>
<step name="germanyEndTurn" delegate="endTurn" player="Germany"/>Gives error message.
@Schulz Uh, what error message do you get?
aggression_1914-master.zip!/aggression_1914-master/map/games/aggression_1914.xml', game name: '<unknown>', failed to parse XML document
@Schulz Well you are at a minimum missing a "/". This:
<step name="germany0EndTurn" delegate="endTurnNoPU" player="Germany">
Should be:
<step name="germany0EndTurn" delegate="endTurnNoPU" player="Germany"/>