@ebbe At your request... redid the leaders...
@Hepps WoW WoW WoW... these are true leaders!!!! Your sculpting skills are impressive ... as I allready realized... my respect! & thanks
@ebbe The worst news one can get as a Soviet commander !
auto destruction triggers for isolated fleets in Caspian and Black sea....
works fine....feels miserable ..haha!
on;y to fix one AI start player sound issue and then ready to release this BETA on Github, my first one ever... as a newby here...
@ebbe aoogah lol just breathe looking forward to seeing it
fixed a way to clean up unused entrenchments that one considers to be
no more needed and get some good old PU's back for them... when you 're getting short...recycling anno 1941-ww2!
I doubt to do the same with fortifications fearing that AI might prefer cash breaking down essential defense lines in advance... lol -
CONSUME UNIT : question: Is there a way to get a
<option name="consumesUnits" value="1:X"/>
in a OR way? ( like one can do with requiresUnits)
now I can only duplicate the options and then it will require all given units.... couldn't find a clue in Starlords XOB or other games... anyone? -
@ebbe no afaik
Somewhat related:
One thing that i just recently realized was, that if you use consumesUnit then you dont need requiresUnits.
I always used both. ouch -
@ Hepps Terrain Relief ready..... I leave it for a moment like this to see how it works out all colours / player backgrounds and during the game... I tried to keep it as subtle as minimal as possible..... for the mountain terrotories I used the real mountain ranges, the other terrain types are more a symbolical impressions... does it look clear & good this way? feedback as allways welcome...
@ebbe and true desert sphere...
CLICK the image to get the original intended quality -
@ebbe Looks great! Only one that looks kind of ambiguous is the hills. Other than that, looks awesome!!
@Hepps Okej tried another solution for hills, not sure if I keep it..
but better for the time being......ANYONE KNOWS WHERE TO FIND A TUV-LIST/OVERVIEW?
it is mentioned sometimes but I cannotfind it around herethanks
finishing touch for layout; made true city grid/pattern for the victory cities and capitals.... forgive me that they aren't the 1941 city plans but todays....
okej,let;s read how to get all this on Github this sunday...
@beelee @wc_sumpton HAVING A VERY HARD TIME HERE WITH GITHUB AND GIT GUI.... aaaaah 3,5 hours of trying to get my Map ready for evaluation and shared with you all... but this is even with all help files far beyond my skills..... After getting several NO SUCCES and FAILED messages hope it worked now??? what a mess...
cannot find the maps' files back on Github repository tough, only a Read me file... but in GUIT GUI they are all there... posted an evaluation request, not sure if it will work out, felt really lost! HELP!
I like creating maps and like to contribute but this is simply a cold shower for me -
@ebbe yea it takes a bit to get used to. I still struggle with it. You followed Frostion's guide ?
I don't think you need to ask to join the maps team anymore. I think you can just go direct. I haven't done one since that change though -
@ebbe The Git GUI is showing you the files you have on your computer, it is not showing you the files in github. Look for a 'add files' and a 'commit' option. Once you have the files committed, look for a 'push' or an 'upload' option to then sync the files from your computer to github.
Alternatively, there is a web page UI where you can upload file via drag and drop. Head to your repository:, and click the 'upload files button'. You can only upload something around 100 files at a time, so you may have break it up and do only a couple folders at a time.
Actually, looks like you're good. Somewhere the default branch became "main" (was this an option when creating the repository, or did Git GUI recommend this?).
The files are there in the master branch, where they should be:
Next step, create a 'description.html' and 'preview.png' file in this folder:
Please let me know if you have any questions about that.
@beelee @LaFayette thanks for response, keeps me out of a psychiatric institution
okej: so yes the max 100 files broke me... so I break them up in pieces... I have another attempt: so I have to load my relief & baseTiles in 9!!!! different steps? that is madness.... aaaahhhhh
@lafayette: thanks for dragging me through this! I see: so the files are in the right place now it seems.... hope the Preview is visible too.... let's see what happens....
As far as I can see it should be all in correct place now, that was a rough ride for me... hahaha
@ebbe Repo is now forked into triplea-maps:
you can delete the repo hosted under your namespace:
Last step is to add an entry in:, to make your map available for download.