Website Improvements
I have tried to rearrange the widgets. The categories are at top as they should be. I renamed “Recent topics” to “Recent Active Topics”, as the first name was misleading. At least I read Recent Topics as Recent / New Topics, but the widget actually shows topics that has recently had activity. The “Who's Online” widget is moved down below the categories and just above the chat. I think that it the most relevant place for this info to be. I hope this makes sense. PS: I see the website in 1080p and judge the looks from this:
Yea I like where you have stuff.
@Frostion It works for me frost. I am glad i found one that we didn't have to build .
Wish List for New Forum / War Club
(feel free to add Peeps!)
1 A ladder / competition module (check this link here perhaps we can use in the meantime until they incorporate into the engine) -
2 Working PBF - Roi has a fix but the update would mean all need new triplea dl
3 Working Database - So user management can occur again for the lobby. ( Unbanning random bans etc)
4 Working PayPal donations link - So that all can contribute that wish to.
5 A new engine release that posts the EV version in the lobby - This way all know that they have the same engine version (example 1.9. x instead of just 1.9)
6 Notification that a map needs an update - this way you dont have to check periodically if it becomes outdated.
Feel free to add ideas to the list
- not familiar with but sounds good
- We'll all need to update sooner or later
- back at #1
- Good idea
- Thought this already was ? Guess not.
- Thought this already was as well ?
Anyway, good stuff you're doing here prastle. Think this site will Rock pretty good.
- not familiar with but sounds good
@beelee Thxs Also i reopened this under a pinned topic to keep improvements separate from wishes.
Just want to inform about that I just added new icons to some of the categories.
Just a question: Who is the “Admin” category supposed to be viewable and accessible by? Also guests? Is it a place for sensitive info? Just asking as it seems that I can see the category name when logged out, but I cannot see the bunker category name when logged out. Would it not be best if it the category name was like the bunker, meaning hidden for guests?
Anyone with authority please change this to what is most appropriate.
And can someone fix the emojies?
@Frostion nice icons! also i added you to the gitter thread for the server for future
@Frostion I Fixed the permissions so guests cant find the topic either.
So, someone finally centered the donation button
I have been thinking about doing that for a long time. Never got it done. But, it is a nice improvement!
Question: Is the donation category meant to be a visible category on a permanent basis? Or is it meant to be hidden some of the time of the year? -
@frostion The donation button was bugging me for quite a while now
@all Am I the only one not recieving email notifications any more from this forum's threads that are being "watched"??? Even threads that I once got notifications from do not send anymore.
And does this issue have something to do with the introduction of something that looks like thread tags??? (Like NEW MAPS 1 PROJECTS 1 IDEAS 1) I can't see what tags should be good for here at the forum. But tags would be very welcome for the ingame download.
@frostion Funnily enough I got notified about your post via a notification email.
Since we switched email providers, it could be the case that emails are being sent to your spam folder, please check that first.And tags have nothing to do with it.
@frostion I found what could be a potential issue: Mails were being sent as although we authenticate as
This reminded me of since you're using a hotmail email.
I changed it so that all mails are being sent as noreply with out the dash.
Could you login into the ACP Settings > Emails and click send test email to see if this fixed your issue?
If your issue couldn't be resolved perhaps @ssoloff has any knowlegde about this? -
@frostion I also get no emails any longer
@roiex Fixed I think. The test email worked for me with the old gmail account. Can someone else test as well please?
@prastle I now get e-mails again, so I think you fixed it, at least for me. I have not done anything or made any changes, the e-mails just started coming again Thx
@frostion It was their attempt at NoReply. Roi asked me to reset it. I am sure they will get it working soon.
Thank You Triplea
Couldn't find the previous thank you thread so...been a while and just wanted to say I really appreciate what redrum, Roix, Dan Van Atta, ssloff ( haven't seen you in a while hope all is good ). You guys been kicking ass.
Thanks to prastle, panther, cernel, hepps and well... there's a whole bunch of you
Thanks for making triplea cool. It makes a few people happy and they then make more people happy
Peace Out
Rock On TripleA