π― The Shogun - Official Thread
It is a collaborative map between Ebbe (Graphics) & TheDog (Code)
- A historical map set about 1561 Japan, intended for many players to play a Free for All with the balance being played by the Hard AI
- 11 playable factions, comprising 10 Samurai Clans and the Ikko Ikki with Wako Pirates collectively called the The Rebels, all in their starting historical Provinces/Territories
- Clan Politics has 3 relationships, War (default), Neutral and Allied
- Large size map 11264x6140px=69MPx, amongst one of the largest TripleA maps, with Unit size equivalent to 68x68px (54x54px x1.25 unit size). It is hoped that this is usable on 4K screens.
- The map has lots of Mountain Passes, lots of uncrossable Mountains and Rocky Shores channelling forces.
Update now available from [Download Maps] button listed in2.6 the New Maps tab
or 2.5 the Experimental tab as
The ShogunPlease critique.
Here is an extract of the detailed map
Some of the evocative 20-ish units types.
Copy of the draft in Game Notes
Map Zoom
Remember to use map zoom ctrl+mouse wheel, to zoom out of the map, that is, to make it smaller..
Our game needs more java RAM allocating to it β¦
If you have 8GB or more of RAM it is suggested that you follow this link to improve The Shogun game speed.Β It changes the TripleA.vmoptions.Β It also shows you how to put it back.
4K Screens
It is hoped that with a map size of 11264x6140px=69MPx and effective unit size of 68x68px that The ShogunΒ can be played on a 4K screen properly in all their 3840x2160px glory.Β Please let us know?.
For Code Raiders
This map has the following code that is worth looking at;- The land territory Mon.png/flag unit uses a feature of the isAA that puts them in the 1st slot of the place.txt list to position the Mon/flag.
- The sea zone territory _convoy.png/flags uses the little used convoy.txt file to position the _convoy.png/flags
- Uses custom purchase panels, see production_tabs.XXXXX.properties
- Extensive use of foreach, with a count of 87, making it so much easier to maintain the xml
- Politics of 4100 lines of xml code reduced to 600 lines with the use of foreach
- Paired foreach for Notifications, saving of 90% lines of code
- Nested foreach for $AllPlayers$^$RandomHighPU$, a complex-ish piece of code putting the correct owned castles in the correct owned random territories, saving over 90% lines of code
We are still working on this, so any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Any players on a 4K screen, your comments would be most welcome.
In the pipeline;
- retouched units
- tidier reliefTiles
- Updated Introduction to Clan start panel
Download latest version 1.1
- Ninja & Guards combat improved
- Amago in Izumo Bay get a Kobaya (should have 2)
- All Clans except Takeda get a starting Jong
- Takeda in Kai get an extra starting Bajutsu/Cavalry unit
- Removed CoastalSea territoryEffect as not used
See post 1 for download link and more details and how to install.
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3146/the-shogun-official-threadYour comments would be most welcome.
Update now available from [Download Maps] button listed in
2.5 the Experimental tab or
2.6 the New Maps tab
as The Shogun includes;Prologue panel
Clan start splash panels
Vanquished panel
Rewritten politics text
Ninja move 3
Improved sounds -
we are finetuning the final bits of The Shogun Advanced... after a year of pleasant cooperation we are satisfied with the result: 2 variations of the game... and The Dog was so brave to dive into the Github to make the games downloadable ingame....
The Advanced version will appear early october...
test players welcome ! : ) banzai!!

This is merely my perception, but I'm really unconfortable with the "pay X for 2 units". I know this is a workaround for have costs like 4.5, but I strongly suggest avoiding such pricing especially for basic/fodder units.
The only situation in which I like such costs is when you have a "pay 1 for X units".
My suggestion is to rework the units as to have them all roundly priced or else doubling all costs and all production values but the unit production values.
However, I'm just not understanding why the Teppo-Ashigaru is "10 for 2 units" instead of just "5 for 1 unit".
@cernel said in
The Shogun - Official Thread:
My suggestion is to rework the units as to have them all roundly priced or else doubling all costs and all production values but the unit production values.
As a principle I agree with you, but as you know the AI does a good job of valuing units against other units, after much testing of whole pu, I decided on 4.5pu, that is 2 units for 9pu.
As to doubling pu, the territory pu display is on the reliefTiles and so is too labour intensive to change.
The answer next time will be to use vector software like Inkscape, think free Adobe Illustrator and put all the changeable/moveable art on layers on top of the reliefTiles layer on top of the baseTiles layer.
However, I'm just not understanding why the Teppo-Ashigaru is "10 for 2 units" instead of just "5 for 1 unit".
For the AIs benefit, it would buy Teppo units over Yari units at 5pu each, but with 2x Teppo for 10pu, the Yari mix was better.
Historically Teppo replaced bows where the Daimyos could, but Yari were alway common on the battlefield.
Not ideal but you can always change the values in the xml.
Ready and downloadable ingame...A historical map set about 1561 Japan, intended for many players to play a Free for All with the balance being played by the Hard AI 14 playable factions, comprising 12 Samurai Clans plus the Ikko Ikki and also the Wako Pirates , all in their starting historical Provinces/Territories;
And to assure challenging dynamics every different game also starting in +/- 3 random extra territories...Clan Politics has 3 relationships, War (default), Neutral and Allied... Als includes (historical correct placed) resources spread across the map on which one can try to get a monopoly to receive extra income.
Large size map 11264x6140px, amongst one of the largest TripleA maps, with Unit size equivalent to 68x68px (54x54px x1.25 unit size). It is hoped that this is usable on 4K screens.
The map has lots of Mountain Passes, lots of uncrossable Mountains and Rocky Shores channelling forces.
Also random spread KAMI changing many territories settings... and events like storm on sea..... and changing Mons/ Territory flags to show ownership....(
Update now available from [Download Maps] button listed in 2.6 the New Maps tab as The Shogun AdvancedPlease critique.... so an good update can follow in the future... and thanks for the pleasant and fruitfull cooperation @TheDog it has been a jollyfull year of my hobby life ; )
@ebbe It looks rad!!!
Beautiful work!!!
Of course Ran is the better movie hehe, but I'm going to go 1990s style Takeda march - for the battle magic and the Heaven and Earth high score!
I'll play it this week when I get a few hours!
heheh Aces!
Hey, I'm playing this now, with 2 humans and a lot of AI, free for all. I'm enjoying it. Just a couple of quick initial queries:
- Iwami has 2 circles after its name. Some other territories have one. What do these mean?
- Higo has a ship after its name, as do some other territories. What do these mean?
My only dislike of the game so far is the separate Politics Phase. It sits logically in the turn sequence but for a Play By Email it makes for a very short and unsatisfying activity before returning to the other player. Any ideas about this?
Also some suggestions to add to Game Notes:
- Your webpage has a tip, to use Cntl+Wheel to zoom. There may be other good tips on the site. Would be good to see every useful tip in the Game Notes.
- The Blockade rules are probably inherited from other Maps but I can't remember them. Could you add to the Game Notes?
- Korea appears to be unreachable. Could add that to Game Notes.
- AI seems to use Ninja poorly. They get attached to armies or left on defence. Often killed by Guards, or they damage a Castle the AI Army is trying to capture. The Ninja are a nice feature but if they cannot be used well then it would be better to remove. I think you also recommended to me in a different Thread that it's best for Humans to agree not to use Ninja themselves, given they can disbalance against AI?
- In another Thread you suggested the best nations for Humans to choose for a balanced game. You could include this in Notes.
@mattbarnes said in
The Shogun - Official Thread:
Are you playing
- The Shogun or
- The Shogun Advanced
As it depends on who should address your suggestions?
@thedog The Shogun
Thats me, so I will take a look.
Iwami has 2 circles after its name. Some other territories have one. What do these mean?
Higo has a ship after its name, as do some other territories. What do these mean?- In this version nothing in game terms, it means extra gold/pu (so I guess confusion)
- Korea is unreachable in this version
The blockade rules are made up, they are;- All land territories bordering Sea Zones can be blockaded. There are no convoy centres or convoy route/zones.
- Each ship causes 1 Blockade loss (-1pu) to an adjacent enemy Territory
- Enemy Sea units can only Blockade up to the value of the PUs of an adjacent enemy Territory
I have a fix for the politics, that is to change the xml so the politics phase is part of the player turn. In your case it would mean re-starting your game from the beginning. Do you want me to do that now? As in for tomorrow?The notes update will take awhile, but you can cope without them, for now.
@thedog Thanks. I'll stick to the game as it is for now. Pls update when you like.
Hi. Seems like my 2 movement cavalry refuses to actually move 2 spaces. For one space it says "1/2" so it knows it has the capacity, but it won't go one space further. Is there maybe a movement penalty for mountain pass that isn't mentioned in the Notes?
Yes, so another one for the Notes. -
Hey, sorry, me again!
- How is that a Yari-Ashigaru can travel in one move from North Omi to Kyoto? (see image)
How can Amago, being my ally, and not at war, take Kyoto from me?
Why does the map retain a green border inside Kyoto, despite the territory being marked as Amago's in the territory info and thumbnail map? (see image2)
- Did you intend that the Ninjas could perform boarding actions, leaping from land onto passing ships? This being possible because they are "Air" units. (see image3)
PS still enjoying the game, despite all the queries!
Castles & Palaces are Well Supplied +1 move to 1 move units, check the tool tips at the bottom
I think Kyoto is still yours the Mon/Flag I think is yours?
Kyoto sometimes has a bleed through from the Yamashiro territory colour
Yes it is intended for Ninja to do their water thing
Glad your still enjoying it