There were a few reasons to bring in 1.8 compatibility:
we are getting about one error report a week for players launching 1.8 maps. The 1.8 maps keep coming up:
we should never have assumed that we can upgrade all maps in bulk, we do not 'own' all maps. Not all maps are in the repositories
it's been a long running design principle that maps should never be broken. The mechanisms to support this had some big problems and we dropped it in 1.9 as it was not scaling and really just was not cutting it.
As mentioned, 2.3 has a new map parsing architecture that makes supporting 1.8 maps much easier. Adding in that support resolves the above problems and gives us a proving ground for being able to support more XML variations going forward.
As a bonus, now that the map export is fixed, because players can launch 1.8 maps, if they want to upgrade them, they only need to now launch the map and can then re-export the XML.
tripleabuilderbot created this issue in
2.1.20365: GameParser#parseMapProperties - SAXParseException: game: Test1, line: 190, column: 26, error: Element type "attatchmentLis...